Masters & GMs incapable of getting out of gold

It’s not a delusion, it’s a simple fact. Do I need to explain the obvious to you? Which is the faster route to diamond? Grinding from an account with hundreds of games in gold or getting on a fresh account and playing at a GM level during placements?

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Quite the contrary, your argument DOES boil down to that. You made the ridiculous claim that ALL of those people are lying and YOU know the truth and without seeing a single match, knowing any of their stats, or anything about ANY of their matches, but somehow you know they’re ALL lying. This is of course ridiculous. I don’t have to strawman your argument for it to be silly. You’ve done that on your own.


It doesn’t mater how many games a player has in gold or any other SR range. It’s just X amount of wins (or losses) to go from A to B. If a GM player does placements and ends up at say 2.8k to start for some reason. Like playing an off hero they normally never play.

The gold player at say 2.4k for the last 8 seasons is still only about 20 wins behind. Now maybe they will need to play 50 games to get +20 wins ahead and the GM player does it in like 28 or whatever.

but nothing stop a player from ranking up. People take over older accounts of friends all the time and just march the account back to a given SR.

Because it’s a team game.

Because struggling in one game does not mean he struggles in all games.

Again, you’re saying he “struggled in gold”, he really did not. Go by the win rate, not one game.

You’re still going with this? ONE GAME, does not tell the whole story. He had positive winrate, probably higher than 80% up to Diamond/Master, you need to stop with this delusional “GM struggles in gold” scenario, because it didn’t happen. People lose games, it’s normal. Some people climb to GM in 3 months, some get stuck in gold in 3 years. People are different, SR is valued only as much as people who put the effort into it. If you don’t feel like trying hard then it’s fine you can enjoy the game and do other stuff.

People climb as long as they put the effort. I myself climbed from Bronze to Diamond in 2 years because I suck, but I still climbed. I can take any account right now and climb it to Diamond, even if it takes time. People playing for 2 months and complaining that MM is holding them back are just either lazy or delusional.

Jeez, this Mikosan person is really beating a few games super hard, instead of focusing on the 80% of games that are won during these bronze-gm challenges.

I am plat/low dia and i climbed out of gold every time when i really wanted. So how higher ranked would not be able to do it?

Not every game is winnable but leaving low ranks (diamond and below) isn’t a challenge at all if you are gm. My qp games are 10x harder than plat comp games and I know what I’m saying. I have an account in diamond/plat.

Btw if you check this topic, you can see how its done. OP showed some stats and you can see high sr gains so i think its practicaly impossible to stay there. Bronze i mean, since he so far showed stats only for bronze.

That’s a simplistic way of saying the following: Even if you’re as good as Kabaji, you can still face significant challenges and almost lose in gold matches.

There was no claim made that he would struggle in all games. Even gold players don’t struggle in every gold game. My point is that if matchmaking is done by an algorithm that strives for consistency, there’s no reason to believe that this is an outlier. And that over the course of, say, 100 gold matches, there would be a large number of matches in which he would similarly struggle – and lose (either because his team was worse than this one, or the enemy team was better than the one he played here).

I’m saying “struggle in gold” because that’s exactly what happened. Struggle is defined as “great effort in the face of difficulty.” He was playing his best, and his team barely won. This was not an easy match to win. It was not a stomp. So yes, I’m saying he struggled to win that match. He played one match in gold so there is no applicable win rate .

Yes, of course I’m still going with this, because I have no reason to believe that this match is an outlier. If you have a logical argument to explain why this match is incredibly atypical I’m all ears. I’ll state it again: if the matchmaker seeks to create consistent and reliable matchmaking factoring for as many variables as possible, logic dictates this match is NOT an outlier. It’s not a random pickup game in a lobby. The matchmaker used an algorithm to put these players together. And over the course of 100 matches it would seek to create similar matches – not matches of wild variance. Will there be some variability between one match and another? Yes of course. But all matchmaking is going to fall within a low standard deviation. Repeating that this was “ONE match” isn’t an argument. State why this match is not typical of a gold match.

If you’re argument is that skill alone enables one to climb, why would anyone with skill enough to get into masters or GM not be able to climb out of a lower rank?


Anyone who deserves to be Masters wouldn’t be stuck in gold/plat lmao.

If you think it isn’t skill, what is it that enables people to climb?

Dark magic of course.

Dude, Shhhh. That’s what got me to GM, they’ll crucify me if they found out

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Because people who say putting effort into getting better instead of believing a baseless theory are basing it off their own experiences, not hear says of “my GM friend” , or “my sister’s GM boyfriend’s pal”.

People who say the opposite aren’t even talking about themselves. Bring one GM here who can vouch he no matter how hard he tries can’t get back to GM from another account.

Climbing takes time. You only need above 55% to climb and you WILL eventually climb. Your Kabaji struggled in gold argument is just ridiculous because everyone can lose 1 game and win the other 9 and still climb. He is ONE person, with a team of 5 other people who he has no control over except if he directly micro manages their plays, which is just not practical. A GM struggled in one gold game where his team is just plain worse than the enemy team (it happens), so what? He still won. And he breezed through the games afterwards.

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Basically the loophole of these ridiculous claims: they’re getting held back at a certain rank by dark magic and super advanced evil algorithm, yet they’re also losing because of GM smurfs who decide to face roll their team when they’re at the opposing side of the team, and AT THE SAME TIME supposedly also deserving GM because their Gold rank is just a lie.



Wait, they’re getting destroyed by GM smurfs? But I thought rank wasn’t an accurate representation of skill. Hold on a second… This dark magic might be stronger than i initially thought.


Hi Mikosan, this may be a lost cause. It seems many prefer to avoid logic and critical thinking. Any data that doesn’t fit the mold they are squished into, are discarded.

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>Kabaji hard carries 5 terrible players to victory with nothing but pure skill

>This means GMs are trapped in gold

what even is Mikosan lmfao


I think him and the other guy with the red profile pic are trolling.

Please stop talking as if you know what youre talking about

He does have a point, the 5 placements would be quicker than the 12 games it would take to get from gold to diamond lmao.