But the real question is, can i?
I think if relies on Heroe you play. For example someone who plays Junk and reaper, Can be bronze, but be hard stuck at high gold low plat. THose heroes carry too much in low ranks where you just press Q.
Me for example I peaked tracer, mercy and zary at low M , I stopped playing them I did not reach my peak, I just wanted to learn new heroes. I spent 2 seasons as Gengu and not results, then i picked a 4 hours mcree and i felt so strong and carry, then i saw the problem is gengu at low elo is harder than middle elo, I can destroy a low plat team and have not limits upward yet. I played widow for one or two seaons and got not limits. Now mastering Gengu and Ana.
I am sure if i play my master heroes for some days i will climb, I pick tracer at gold and i will lose many games, but after I get use to her i would have 80% win rate . as of now i have many characters who can destroy low plat and below. As zarya I have not limits and i am sure i migght reach back Master.
Anotheer Example: I left ana at middle diamond, I got 0 value in silver/gold. I can pass plat as her, however, but i get drepressed as her in gold or silver. I tried to dps and it worked, but nah i rather go Moira and hold 4 or 5 golds. with 51 kills or 65 and I have never put some effort on Moira, but she is broken low elo. I see smurf using her and i know now because they do.
I wish someone would give up the magical secret to getting out and staying out of gold. I’ve gotten out twice but never stay.
Learn to play the game, abuse the fact that people in lower ranks have no awareness and poor aim. Punish people out of position. Target the correct people. Ult track. Pretty basic stuff.
If multiple masters can’t get out of gold then it might just be because of:
multiple masters actually fighting eachother in gold, shocking I know.
lmao this is definitely me (i’m working on it!)
I literally JUST breezed through the lower ranks last week. 2 losses from 1500->3100 and now I’m starting to lose some games but getting out of gold was a joke how easy it was and I’m not even GM. I’m masters if I play meta, otherwise mid to high diamond (what I find most fun is not meta right now).
I lost like 4 in a row once I got to 3100. I’m assuming I just wasn’t playing well because I just won 9/10 of the next games to get over 3300. And this is all while one tricking an off meta tank I recently started playing and not in chat for most of the games (i.e. I’m not some crazy shot caller leading my team to victory that way–I’m not even hearing the callouts that others are making!)
Currently 4182sr brig mercy player I play on Xb1
on a fresh account I played about 50 games and got to 3100
This was mostly because of pocketing pharahs (who due to lack of hitscan skill rolled) and playing brig in the back line killing the supports and I still struggled to hold an 60/70% win rate at SRs thousands below my own
Now that I am in diamond there are players who can play hitscan and people punishing me for attacking their supports so I can no longer impact nearly as much as a support
In answer every role can with ease get out of plat and below if the player is good enough but after that it becomes much more difficult to hard carry games due to enemies having more game sense, skill, and washed players/ losing streak masters on the enemy team
I solo queue this is what my response is based off
It probably looked like I was talking absolutes, I just meant generally. Yeah some will, and others will have a bit of a tougher time, a lot of factors.
Apart from the others I’ve mentioned, I’d also factor in location. As the mm tries to get a decent ping for all players, higher populated clusters might see more problematic players.
Out of curiosity, as a masters player how’d you end up with a 1500 account? You understand masters+ players stomping up the ladder, creating unfair matchups is one of the big issues people have with this game?
No. Because of the anchor stats and the signal/noise ratio. Game would arrest sudden changes in skill as boosting or throwing and attenuate any rapid gains/progress. The signal/noise ratio is part of what Code11b was talking about. A plat trying to level a gold account is barely above the backpressure threshold so would be unable to reliably and consistently bubble up above the mess. It’s like an escape velocity. This is even more stiff on anchored accounts. A plat trying to boost a hardstuck gold would have an even harder time. This is a byproduct of over-convergence, over-fitting, a lack of resets, and not watching enough Siraj ML 101 vids.
Just played a hero I never had before in placements, got wrecked, picked up another new hero and climbed. The matchmaker puts the smurf on the team of people who deserve to climb against those who deserve to lose (based on their stats). Smurfs are literally used to balance people’s SR so I don’t feel too bad about it.
Those with SR below their MMR (MMR is what your stats say your SR should be) get the smurf on their team.
I’ve climbed to mid plat from bronze as DPS Ana, to high diamond one tricking off meta tanks, as off meta DPS, and more. There is no ELO hell. Make plays that win fights and you win games.
Oh. Got it. Thank you science man
So, you’re saying, against what the devs have stated, which is that every game tries to find an even 50/50 matchup, the mm has already decided if you should win or lose before people have even picked their characters?
Where the devs have said the matchmaker tries to find even games?
50/50 means it is maximally undecided. It could go either way with equal likelihood. They could base this expectation around many factors such as longrun stats and recent trends aka ‘session intent’ and the like.
Not saying that’s how it typically works. I believe there is some strong rigging/forcing, like 40/60 odds and what not. They try and arrest streaks and punish clowns.
So… which is it?..
Ehhh, Not sure about that, but I was Plat for quite a bit before roll queue and and yes even then I mostly played dps. Switched to heals rarely but that is what the game was about pre-role queue. People adjusting to any hero that was needed.
Now, I can’t even get close back to gold and even dropped to Bronze post-role queue in dps. And that is with me carrying as best as I could. Can’t do much when dps queue as heals or tank because they don’t want to wait 10+ mins only to have someone leave before match and then wait yet another 10+ mins which it may happen again or you get in a match and rolled due to dps heals and yolo tanks.
HAHA this exactly!! lllll
You are correct. New accounts have a SR boost vs old accounts that do not. All you have to do is watch the unranked to GM streams and see the new account and the fact that a win gets 100+ sr per win and around -10 sr for a loss. Old accounts cannot get anywhere near that plus the losses are more punishing. I think it was ML7 who was started out as plat on his new account and got around 150 sr per game on a win doing a Babtiste climb.
It’s called performance based SR it’s not about “sr boost” and yes old accounts can get 100+ sr if you play well enough in one of the lower ranks.
I definitely agree with this.