Mass Rez should have been reworked, not deleted

The complaints I see that are used to justify “delete mass rez”…

“It was instacast! You couldn’t do anything to stop it!”

Then add a cast time.

"She could hide behind walls or under the point to rez!"

Then add a LoS restriction.

It made her invincible!

Then remove invincibility. Flying in 1v6 without it becomes suicide, because for the next 3 seconds Mercy is waiting for her allies to finish reviving while she’s stuck, alone, in the middle of her enemies.

Kill her. Then have fun winning the next fight due to the enemy team being down their main healer from the start.

“It incentivized letting teammates die!”

Then give Mercy something else that can save teammates after her base healing isn’t enough to keep them alive.

Ana has her nade. Moira has her orb. But rez has always been Mercy’s only back-up plan when her primary healing becomes overwhelmed. Give Mercy an emergency healing ability, and she won’t have to lean so hard on rez to pick up the slack.

“Hide n Rez!”

Every change I just listed would make that tactic not only substandard, but impossible. Fly in 1v6? Get wrecked by cc or lethal damage while you’re still casting. Get the rez off anyways? Get killed before your allies are done reviving, dooming them to lose the next fight 80% of the time.

Mass Rez’s problems were fixable. The only time you should delete things is when their problems are inherent to their very existence, and therefore can’t be fixed… like rez as a cooldown ability.

But wait! There’s more!

“Mass rez felt bad to play against!”

So? Where’s the complaints about Graviton feeling bad to play against? Or any other ult?

“It undoes all my team’s hard work!”

I have two answers, depending on how you killed the enemy team:

Killed them with Q presses: Either you’re trading a Q press for another Q press (which leaves your teams even), or you used too many ults at once. It’s called ult economy, and you should be practicing that anyways. Some heroes punish you for being out of position. Others punish you for being too hasty to press Q.

Killed them without Q presses: Good job! No, seriously. If you didn’t have your ult before, doing all that damage probably means you have it now. Now you have enemies who can’t shoot or use their ablities to defend themselves or run away for several seconds during the revive animation, which means you can leisurely line up a sick PotG worthy ult without worrying about them stopping you.

Quick tips: High Noon locks onto targets even when they’re invulnerable, and Dva’s bomb timer is only a little longer than the rez’s invulnerablity period. Hammond’s minefield has the same range as AoE rez, and Mei’s blizzard is bigger. Enjoy your free multikill!

Third option: Remember how eveyone is complaining about the amount of stuns in the game these days? Imagine how satisfying it would be to stop a Mercy ult that way. InB4 highlight reels of Doomfist with Terry Crews audio, shouting “OH, HELL NO!” as he punches a Mercy casting Rez in the face.

EDIT, after seeing some of the coments:

“All these changes would make Mercy trash!”

Then give Mercy a midfight E ability and/or a utility-based secondary fire to her sidearm, so she isn’t so appallingly ult dependent.

If the devs don’t want Mercy to be so focused on rez, then they need to give her more to do in a fight than just staying alive, juggling beams and planning for the next rez.


How come they didn’t butcher zarya’s kit because graviton surge was unfun to play against :frowning: its so unfair :frowning: wheres the equal justice :frowning: /s


I cannot agree more.

If a Mercy is able to get off a rez Ever She probably deserves it.

It’s a Q Ability.
It’s not like she spawns with it before the match starts…


This excuse is what makes me laugh the most. Like, yeah, if your team wasted ults without accounting for Mercy, then you deserved those kills being undone. That’s what Resurrect did, it punished poor ult economy and poor strategy,

It’s not hard to take a step back, see the enemy comp, see the enemy Mercy, and realize she most likely has Rez ready. It was stupidly easy to throw Rez back into Mercy’s face if you had even half a brain for strategy and staying two steps ahead of her.


I, for the life of me, can’t understand why they nerfed Zarya, of all heroes.
Hanzo’s the problem, not her.

I mean, we had GravDragon as a combo for ages. It’s just with his insane ult gain that it’s basically spammable.


I remember games where our Mercy would be Contesting the point. Alone. After we got mostly killed… And would rez, because the enemy were Looking for kills, Not checking for healers.


If we can’t get it back as an ultimate in some form, can we just get rid of it altogether already?

If they adamantly refuse to make it an ult again, it’ll only continue to cost more & more of Mercy’s kit as an ability.

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Yea lots of questionable balance changes but at least they didn’t butcher her kit.

Yet. >.> I can only hope that the zarya mains don’t have to ever suffer through what mercy mains have.




Daily Silawatsi Mercy Mass Rez thread?

Nah, bro. It’s been a while since I posted threads daily.


Every Other Day Silawatsi Mercy Mass Rez thread?


:stuck_out_tongue: Getting colder! Try again!

An improvement then.

Eventually you’ll get that Mass Rez is never coming back no matter what you/anyone else says or does. Doesn’t matter why it wont (Blizz wont budge <_<), just that it won’t.

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Eh, if it comes to that point I’ll just leave Overwatch. The only reason I haven’t quit the game is because I’m still not convinced that they won’t rework Mercy with some form of AoE rez back on Q.

I know that they’ve already said they’re not going to revert Mercy.


I don’t want a revert. Mercy 1.0 had problems of her own, needing her base kit to be rounded out with a midfight E ability/GA bunnyhop and Mass Rez to be reworked.


Or replace rez with something else.

You’ve got faith, optimism, and tenacity for sure. Tho to be fair you could just take a break/semi-quit until they do change it. Idk, for me I uninsatlled the moment I stopped having any modicum of fun and the game felt more like a chore than a way to keep myself from being bored during the morning.

I mean, that whole Mercy thread debacle is pretty telling.

Addendum, I’m in agreement with you on rather having an AoELoS Cast time rez.


I have faith… And i’ll be around till they set things right.

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This was simultaneously the most stressful and also the most incredible thing ever in a match to be so close to ult and your whole team is dead and it’s in Overtime and you’re the only one on the point - so you whip out that pistol and shoot like your life depends on it to get that charge just to rez and save the day. That felt incredible, but it was always surprising how you could be one Mercy versus 4-6 enemies and still live long enough on the point to rez.

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