Mass Rez Never Returned

Oh, i thought it was more, my bad lol

havnet played on aloooong time

No problem, just really wanted to hammer home how unimpressive it is as an ultimate, I find Resurrect actually feels more like an ultimate than valkryie, which is part of the problem with current Mercy, she technically has an ultimate for a normal ability.

Baptiste is also suffering from this with his lamp, and its funny how utter trash they are making that lamp in order to force it as an ability.


Now, you can hide as Mercy and press a button and as an added benefit, you don’t really do much for your team. So fun.

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Honestly about the only time I die as Valkryie is when I never notice the enemy team has a soldier/mcree because they are doing so poor you don’t realize they have one.

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There’s a lot of gaslighting and hyperbole around Mass Rez and how “awful” it was. Until the SR Exploit, it really wasn’t ever a big deal. Barely anyone even talked about it, and Mercy was considered pretty meh in the grand scheme of things. The SR Exploit made it a big deal, then Blizzard took the most asinine possible approach of reworking Mercy altogether rather than just addressing the actual problem and maybe making a handful of additional adjustments to preclude any future incentive to use Hide n Rez.

It took them over a year to fix Mercy, when really the whole Hide n Rez thing should’ve been a very easy and quick patch. They absolutely botched the rework, and their communication was pretty abysmal, too, which ticked off a lot of people and helped drive people away from the game. It remains one of the single worst changes in the game to date.


Believe your lying eyes dag. Valk is nothing. That is why it feels like nothing.

If you use it at the correct time, its an engagement winner.

But that’s kinda the whole thing - even when you’ve carried by Valk’ing at the correct time, you are still just watching your team from above while Boosting.

Not even mentioning that it’s probably one of the most difficult Ults to get the hang of timing-wise. It’s incredibly easy to misuse and get 0 value.


Honestly the majority of OW is gold/platinum and under, so its no surprise that the majority on the forums thought it was a problem. For the average OW player it was a problem. But people don’t like admitting that they are bad, they would rather claim it was OP, when it was utter F tier anything above absolutely average level play.


Even then, it was overblown relative to how often it actually showed up in Gold/Plat (which is where I was at the time). Like… yeah, it was used a fair bit, but it wasn’t every single game, not every Mercy hid before trying to Mass Rez (a fair few, the majority in my estimation, would still play & heal but hold onto Rez until the last second), and… well, yeah, people have a bad tendency in Gold/Plat to not target Supports. Ultimately, I think streamer hype really drove a lot of it, people griping on stream about Mercy doing it and a bunch of people who maybe had experienced it a handful of times to coming to parrot that view even though it really didn’t affect them that bunch.


yeah i saw your 5,719 posts about this back in the day

doesnt change the fact that hide and rez was used in tournaments.

To terrible results, Mercy was attempted in tournaments sure, every time she fell flat and was swapped to a different healer. Even pharah couldn’t make Mercy usable back during mass rez.

One thing I will never forget as long as I live is firstly, How TERRIBLE Mercy was when she had mass resurrect. And secondly, how people have been gas lit into believing she was changed as it was OP. It was changed because it was annoying and the devs didn’t like it, but Mercy was a Troll pick for the entirety of mass rez 1.0 Mercy. The reason 1.0 Mercy got so many buffs was because no matter how many buffs she got, she was still awful.


no, she should get it in PVE for sure. and then if ever they WANT mass rez back then it would be the time to rework her again to make it happen while being balanced. if immortality field can be balanced, so can mass rez. she just needed things like line of sight and all that as nerfs. but one idea i heard recently was making it a “mini ult” like dva remech, during valk. hit those headshots to charge up the next rez! now THAT would be cool. one kill = one rez.

one thing I would NEVER want is for it to come back on someone else. that would feel very very wrong. it would confirm that it was balanceable all along, but then make people upset as it would have been torn away from the hero. not a mercy player, but even i’d be a bit sad to see that.

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I actually liked mass res. Hide and res essentially put your team down a support (good luck healing everyone with the inevitable zen as your other support) and really wasn’t that effective unless the enemy wasted all their ults on one team fight and missed the mercy.

The biggest issue was the sr exploit, then the ridiculous invulnerability which was added because mercy was doing poorly in general and people kept going for stupid team res and wondered why they would die in a 1v6 :man_facepalming:t2:


It’s halfway through 2021 and y’all still won’t let Mass Rez go


And it’s by a person who claims they never want MR back…why bring it up if you’re happy it’s gone?


Most likely just wanted attention.


Welp they certainly got it.


you can still find her both on these forums and on the net under the name pixelpoyo

valkyrie is often compared to a spectator camera by those who haven’t invested the time/effort to truly figure out all the things a player can do with Valkyrie

given that the change in question eliminated mass rez from the game, I consider it to be successful, despite all the incremental nerfs thereafter


In these trying times its important to remember what we’ve been through, so we can remember and tell ourselves that we are warriors.

We survived the days of constant threads saying “mass rez wasnt even useful it was just sr exploit” and dragging down the integrity and IQ of the community.

If we could survive that, we can last until the OW2 beta.

Stay strong, brother.

is this the discord you added me to?