Mass Rez Never Returned

In all our struggles lately, let us take light in one thing. Mass Rez never returned.

As someone who played Mass Rez Mercy, I can remember how brutally awful it was. Hiding from fights just to leap out and press a button. Having to watch the enemy Mercy do the same.

Listening to everyone’s wailing disappointment in game design every time she erased the results of the attacking team’s investment. I still remember their voices.

The mass rez threads that plagued these forums for months, with a cult upvoting each other and downvoting anyone who was against them.

Youtube videos from a toxic player who went down in flames for just that, being toxic.

Throughout it all, we as a community survived.

Mass Rez is gone and shows no sign of returning in Overwatch 2. Thank you Blizzard for listening to us and keeping Mercy the way she is now. She is set to thrive in 5v5, and doesn’t need to disappoint everyone in the game (including herself) to do it.


Personally i never thought mass rez was that bad, i find that a lot of the problems people had with it were either exagerated, or fixeable

hide and rez was basically only effective due to the SR exploit, because otherwise it was just throwing a fight just to come and revive it later… like…there really was no reason to do it, it just…reset the fight back to the start

But on the other side on the coin

Mercy right now is in a pretty good spot even for someone like me who would not mind seeing mass rez come back at all, i dont think it should come now at the very least, it would be a stupid move to rework a character for no reason for the 2nd time.

though i would certainly not mind seeing it in a new character

Also about this:

This…never happend, atleast not to the extent you say.

it happend to a lesser extent, but then again, that happens even now for many other topics, except its reports inestead of downvotes


Man, can you imagine how bad mass rez would have been during the GOATs era…


i mean i feel like mercy would underperform pretty badly on goats in general

even if mass rez was still arround, im not sure she would be worth the swap for any of the supports


I cannot believe people are still talking about this


eh he probably did it to generate a bit of salt on the mercy players :stuck_out_tongue:


Hi hello. I am a mercy player.

Mass rez was not a good mechanic. It reinforced a passive, unengaging playstyle where the most efficient way to play your hero was to hide until your team died. It wasn’t fun. It felt tiresome after the first couple dozen times.

I don’t understand these people who want their favored hero to be the strongest in the game. I want every hero to be strong and worth playing. Overwatch is many pieces working in concert. That diversity is the core strength of the game.


The thing is that hiding was never really a good strategy, and if you did, it was kind of stupid

because you were priving your team of a healer, and they died because you left them to die.

i personally think thats the biggest misconception of all that follows mass rez even today.

back then (when i still played her) i would never hide, i would use it to tempo rez teammates that died During the fight

i think its kind of a similar situation to the whole “Pocketing the turret” playstyle of torbjorn 1.0, everyone complained about it, yet it was one of the least effective strategies you could use with torbjorn, since you were misusing like, half his entire kit and letting the turret do anything.

same thing for people who play bastion wrong today, people complain about bastion “sitting in one spot and not moving” and call him a terrible character due to that (not gonna act like he is a good character in the slightest, but he isnt as bad as people like to act)

but thats also the wrong way to play him, you SHOULD move arround when playing bastion, and attempt to stay as little as possible in sentry mode as to not be predicteable

there are other examples of this right now, such as DPS moira.

its funny really that the playstyles that people complain about the most are the least effective.


I completely understand why mass rez was removed… too bad it left Mercy as an always secondary healer who can’t really have any playmaking/gamechanging potential :disappointed:


ngl, I found mass rez healthy for this game


I don’t think this is necessary true, Valk can win teamfights, it turns mercy into a “smart” Orissa drum.


At least in my experience, the exaggerated hide and rez never really happened. The “hide and rezes” I saw were either the Mercy coming back from spawn because she was killed first and it took the enemy 20 seconds to wipe the rest of her team, or she wasn’t even trying to hide. I remember one time back when she had Mass Rez, my duo stepped in a doorway when a big ult came through, but he didn’t even try to hide. The enemy just had to look slightly to the left to find him because he was right in the doorway.

Even if hide and rez was a thing, I’d put that on the same level of a Reaper hiding and waiting to pounce with Death Blossom, or a McCree hiding from the enemy before peaking out and using his ult. Aside from the SR exploit, everything else about Mass Rez could’ve been fixed like adding LoS checks so she can’t rez through walls. I think I remember seeing one suggestion of reworking it into an ult similar to Dragonblade and she had to GA around and rez each individual hero.

And either way, I didn’t see a problem with Mass Rez as an ultimate. If we have so many tank and DPS ults that can wipe out teams by pressing Q, it’s only fair that a support be able to bring their team back by pressing Q too, right? With all those full rezzes, she pressed Q to counter someone else’s Q press.

Regardless, it’s kinda pointless to talk about how bad Mass Rez was and how glad you are that it’s gone. From what I’ve seen, the Mercy players that liked Mass Rez have moved on to different heroes. I don’t see threads wishing that Mass Rez was back. I see more echo chambers about people talking about how glad they are that it’s not coming back.


I miss ariaroses rants

But single Rez still exists …

Mass Res was so unbelievably trash. You’d have to be playing in bronze or silver to remotely see it as the “strongest”


She wouldn’t work in normal fights. Not enough heal spam like Moira or Ana, not enough damage like Zen or Bap, Lucio required to move team around. Ult alone wouldn’t be enough to justify.

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It’s coming back in PvE, we saw it at Blizzcon a few months ago. If they do end up making that “PvE talents in PvP” arcade mode, then those mercy players that miss her old ult in pbp can play with it there.

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Me neither I saw people bickering about it on page 1 and couldnt believe my eyes so made this thread for fun

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The exaggeration of how OP Mass Rez was is laughable. The fact that Mercy was barely considered a pick when she had it proves it.

I honestly think so many people confuse the 4 person rezzes of Valk 1.0 with Mass Rez. I’ve seen it so often in these types of threads. People often perpetuating the idea that you HAD to have a Mercy on your team if the other did when she had Mass Rez. Which wasn’t true. Lucio and Zen were picked so much more than her (especially after Ana’s nerfs).

However, with how the devs wanted to take the game, Mercy DID need a change/rework. Mass Rez was shown to be a pretty trivial ult (needing to be buffed several times before it was even considered a useable ult)-easily countered with basic staggering. And that in higher ranks it was pretty much moot and just saved to rez the pocket Mercy had.

While I still think the rework was handled INCREDIBLY poorly, I will say that Mercy is actually a lot healthier for it. She’s able to fall in and out of meta for once without the need massive changes.

There are still some kinks with current rez-IE the animation and sound cues not matching. But other than that…yeah MR would have held her back.

As for the “it’s not coming back in PvE”-proof? Pretty sure it might since they devs did mention an AoE rez in one of the videos for OW2. Also MR shown to be pretty balanceable in PVE-let’s not forget Uprising was designed with the idea of MR in mind.

Also from when they released early gameplay of the PVE missions there is no respawn points. So once again have an AoE rez or multi rez would make sense to have on Meryc’s talent tree.


Hiding for Resurrect was how she was played in tournaments, where SR is irrelevant, whenever she wasn’t being used for Pharah.