Mass Rez Never Returned

Rez definitely will need some nerfs once 5vs5 is in the game. Having one less player makes Rez even more valuable.


Probably a cooldown increase, if a nerf is needed. But I think Mercy will be fine tho.

Having a group intentionally coordinate to get people banned compared to people deciding on their own is a bit different even if both outcomes are annoying.

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mass rez was dumb

but i would take a hard nerfed mass rez over valk mercy cooldown rez anyday

Yeah…thats not exclusive to mercy players…

that happens all the time, even now

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Again thats not a Mercy only thing.
Heck thats something you see everywhere, including in game with 5 stacks plotting against their teammates.

agreed it was actually insane you could just type “i enjoy the rework” and you’d have 9 mercy mains quoting you and writing essays all echoing each others messages.

Was probably the only time I thought Overwatch’s community was worse than the smash bros one

again, its not different than what happens now with other topics lol

atleast they were making “essays” and not just insulting you :woman_shrugging:


I’m here nearly every day and I’ve never seen anything as ridiculous as back then.

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they didnt hold back on insults and they literally got people banned lol

should have tried speaking against the symmetra rework

Point is, its not different than what happend with any other rework, and even if it was, it was a very small group of people, the grand mayority of mercy players i knew while still hated the rework were much more respectful about it


Well you are free to believe in whatever head-canon version of history you want, but from my personal experience the Mercy cult will be the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen on this forums and that likely won’t change for the rest of this communities existence. :+1:

I say it because i know people from the so called “Mercy Cult”

so obviously, i know what im talking about

in fact im in the literal discord group considered to be the “Mercy Cult” and i can 100% confirm there was literally no coordinated brigading ever happening there

in fact, remember “RevertMercy” the user? the one that did the :blush:

yeah, they were mass false flagged till ban


Yikes. :grimacing:

Abandoning the fight and feeding your own teammates (and a ton of ult charge) to the enemy - instead of doing your job as Mercy and keeping your team alive as long as possible with heals - isn’t bad ult design.

That’s just you being bad at Mercy and soft-throwing.

“Hide n rez” as a playsytle was vastly inferior and less effective than the faster-paced “tempo rez” playstyle (where Mercy min/maxed with speedy beam-weaving and the occasional tempo rez to keep her team’s momentum up).

By the time a hide n rez Mercy performed a mass rez for a chance at winning, a tempo rezzing Mercy’s team had already won the fight with minimum casualites.

A “mass rez” turned your team into cannon fodder for AoE ultimates.


Mercy was F tier pick for 100% of her mass resurrect days, people just find it annoying so they yelled about her being OP. She never actually saw any realistic level of high competitive until she lost mass resurrect, even now she is in a healthy spot because she lost it. It was never a good ultimate, I would know I’ve mained her since beta. What I can’t fathom is why so many people think it made her OP when it single handly made her steaming trash. But than again the majority population never made it high enough to realize how bad it actually is.


So why is their experience head canon? Lol.

Most of us saw bad things from BOTH sides. Many Mercy mains also were banned/flagged simply talking about her balance, and the fact is Mercy mains STILL get called a “cult” and accused of things they didnt do YEARS after that because people refuse to let it go.
Heck people love to bring up mass rez against people talking about her balance when the op never even brought up mass rez.

There were so many topics of “hey Mercy’s healing feels kinda awful at 50” and there would always be at least one person who didnt read the post going “mass rez isnt coming back, get over it”

In today’s post theres always guarenteed at least one person who says “inb4 angry Mercy’s” at the first comment when the rest of the thread is just normal conversations.


right??? its been like 4 years lmao


I have 1800hrs on Mercy.

While I never want Mass Rez to return, I desperately miss that feeling of being the hero or the star when you’d Rez the entire team.

Mass Rez wasn’t balanced nor was it engaging most of the time, but I wish they could replicate this feeling with Valkyrie.

It’s kinda the entire reason so many people feel like Valkyrie is a spectator Ult - not because it is, but because in comparison to the satisfaction of Mass rez, it feels like nothing.

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the reason why people feel like valk is a spectator ult is because its value is spread over a long duration

Compare it to transcendance

Transcendance is 300healing per second for 6 seconds

Valkyrie is 60 for like, 15 seconds

its about the same amount of healing, the thing is that valkyrie is just spread over 15 seconds, inestead of a short burst, which is why it Feels boring

there is no shiny particles or big visual indicators, it doesnt feel strong

it also kind of makes mercy virtually unkillable for 15s so you might as well go afk

The thing is with Valkryie they literally decided that they DIDN’T want Mercy to have a hero moment, they wanted it to be weak and ineffectual like Tracers ultimate was their words. They wanted to make ultimate’s less prevalent and not matter as much. Except Mercy is still the only hero that follows this design considering even Tracer can get a multi kill with pulse… Heck even a Mcree ultimate can shine once in a while, never has Valkryie EVER made someone feel like they did something.

Valkryie is 60.