Mass Rez Never Returned

Can we just forget about mass rez now please, everyone (almost everyone) has moved on and like the current state of Mercy atm. She’s strong, but not too strong for once. It doesn’t matter how good or bad you think mass rez was, the concept of it alone was unhealthy for the game.


that doesnt change the fact that it was a pretty dumb strategy.

like, what do you get out of hiding and letting your whole team die just to rez them all again?

you literally just reset the fight back to the start.

unless like, your team manages to get 2-3 picks during it, but if the enemy team loses so many players despite beeing at a big advantage then that speaks more about them than about the enemy team or the character


I agree with this BUT- I still stand by the idea that the devs could have made it work but didn’t want to try. The went straight to Valk and we ALL know how that initially went.

I also agree with this. I personally LOVE mass rez but the devs silence in that matter is proof that it will undoubtedly never return to mercy’s PvP kit. People need to accept that.

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Brigitte, Sigma, Moira, and Baptiste didn’t exist back then. It was much harder to completely prevent anyone on the team from dying, especially without committing ultimates that would effectively be wasted in the dress rehearsal before the main fight. If the defending team got even one kill in the initial 5v6, they were at a major advantage in the follow-up 6vX. Otherwise they were only at a slight advantage, due to all being at full HP with everything off cooldown and having saved any ultimates they had.

A simple reset while stalling the objective was the worst-case outcome, but not a bad one.

i mean sure, but couldnt the other team theoretically also solve their ultimates?

if preventing death was much harder back then, that means it was easier to kill.

similarly to how the other team would be at a disvantage in the upcoming battle after rezing, the team without the mercy would be at that advantage from the very start.

plus, even if that was all true, wouldnt adding simple Line Of Sight checks, Cast times, Range modifications, along other possible balancing tools be much better than rework the entire hero, to create one of the most overpowered heroes in the history of overwatch?

at that time we had to do best of 5 koth to so you had to deal with so many BS mass rezs

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Well, the hiding Mercy issue was mainly applied on defense, where the defending team already gets an advantage from breaking even in fights, and Resurrect basically ensured that the defenders would have all the opportunities they need to trade out players. Many of the map designs provide plenty of places for Mercy to hide that are nearly impossible for the offense to reach (or she could even do it from the spawn room for a while, but that was patched eventually) while also being close to the objective, which is part of what made that playstyle so consistent, especially on 2CP defense.

Certainly there are other approaches they could have taken to try to resolve the issue, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t an issue.

it’s returning in PvE, are you late?

you don’t ALWAYS have to do that. even high ranked mercy players like GM mercy players never really hid and just rezzed 2-3 people calling it a tempo rez. plus a team could just save 3-4 ults when mercy resurrects just to kill her team again, lower rank players just hated it because they wasted tons of their ultimates.

not saying it SHOULD return to PvP tho

PvE laughs


I agree with this so much. I feel like Mass Resurrection was not “unhealthy” or "Bad " as people make it out to be.

The thing I never understood was Mass Res, just like a lot of these ultimates to this day have many way/ Strat to use that particular ultimate. People complain about Mercy hiding, but DO NOT complain about McCree, Sombra or even Reaper doing the same thing. Of course people are entitle to his or her opinion, but WE cannot sit here and act like there isn’t more than one way to utilize or use any ultimate. Some are more effective than others, but some people use his or her ultimate more defensively, aggressively or even passively depending on the situation.


Right, im obviously not obessive enough like some people may be with the ability to act like it was flawless and perfect, obviously the ability had some pretty major issues that required solving

my issue has always been, and it extend beyond mercy, as i have commented on many character reworks

is that i feel like the developers restort to reworks too fast, when they havent tried nearly enough to decide a concept is so flawed that it cant be fixed

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wasnt counting pve as no one cares about balance for that lol

I still find the ultimate much more better than becoming a spectator camera.

That and rez on a cooldown has made the game insanely more unhealthy in terms of flankers getting picks, only to have them reversed with a press of a button, while mass rez removal meant less “support” options against complete snowballs.


Who brings up mass rez more, Mercy’s who want it back, or the people who for some reason remain salty about it years later.


No lmao. The rework was the right move in the end.

It definitely happened. It was probably more extreme then he is even making it out to be as people got forum banned for disagreeing. Absolute bonkers.

Like taking video game balance as a personal attack on their basic human rights.

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I disagree personally,

Obviously it did, what im trying to say is, its not particularly worse on that case than it normally is

hell, id say now its worse because you can actually get mass flaged and banned for it lol

the whole “cult” excuse was pretty dumb overall,


It was absolutely anti-fun, anti-competitive and a complete waste of time- just like these mass rez threads.

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If you wanna bring up the weird Mercy’s who mass flagged disagreements you also have to acknowledge the amount of people who mass flagged anything to do with Mercy. Even if it had nothing to do with mass rez. People were harassing anyone who made a Mercy topic no matter what the contents are.

Heck people even flagged a post for using the word “Mercy” without actually reading it. And the context was something like “Have Mercy on Junkrat” and Junkrat balance was the topic.

Its only fair to bring up that its not just those vocal Mercy’s who were an issue.

And its not even a Mercy only thing. We have seen multiple buff Genji/ nerf Genji posts flagged as the pro/anti Genji groups go at it for example.


It’s never coming back. It was a problematic mechanic that needed to go. Good job Blizzard.