Mass Rez Mercy | Interview, Dichotomy & The False Narrative

here you go


It needs a “take a drink every time someone says” box.

You’ll be drunk by the end of most threads.


“Mercy Thread Bingo” with a very small writing “(also a drinking game but please don’t do that we value your health)”.


Sounds like it should have come with a health warning! :smiley:

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You’re missing the “Titanium copypaste” box

(also how did you make this, i want my own version :stuck_out_tongue: )


Sometimes i wonder if this is all an extremely elaborate troll.
Like, Geoff Goodman came up, apologized for how slow they were on nerfing valk, then explained how the current mercy on ptr will be balanced and how they have no rework planned (and if they have to rework someone, they are pointing at bastion).

Seriously, they said they were sorry, explained why they didn’t like mass rez and what they think about current mercy’s state.
But no, we gotta project their opinion and twist every word in the most malicious way possible, while acting as if they will totally reintroduce mass rez.
It’s a level of straw grasping denial i didn’t think was possible.

It’s like unless the dev say SPECIFICALLY what they want to hear they will never be happy. Dealing with these forums has become a morton’s fork for the devs, it’s a miracle they even addressed the complaints


As a non-Mercy Main, they saying this its an evidence they ignore all the Mercy feedback.


because believe it or not, the forums are a loud, LOUD minority.
Also, most mercy feedback is “bring mass rez back”, which is something they ain’t gonna do in the foreseeable future. So they’re not gonna listen to it.


not exactly
they want to be Mercy Impactful and fun, being a solo healer like she was originally builded

the mass rez is an idea but in my opinion simply reverting to Mercy would not solve anything, since that day it only needed a couple of tweaks and small changes, nothing else

Hmm… Very cute, but I’m unfortunately not impressed. If you’re going to get the most out of your RevertMercy troll bingo pic, I would suggest taking some critiques and doing it properly. You are really missing some key details here.

I don’t see a signature space, an “Unfun to play against is subjective” space, a “We’re going to have to agree to disagree on that” space, an “I’m sorry, do you have proof of those claims?” space, a “Just my 2 cents” space, a “My opinion!” space, a “It’s time for a Revert” space, a “Let’s Keep it Classy!” space, a “Just because you have an opinion, doesn’t make it fact” space, a “Just add 1.25s cast time” space, a “Just at damage reduction” space, a “You were saying?” space, a “Do you have documented proof of those claims?” space, or a “That’s a false dilemma I believe” space. Also that blue is absolutely hideous. I expect it to be in a light Mercy yellow. Nothing less. and some mercy wings on both sides of the title, in white, with a halo over the “R”. Do you call this a proper Revert Mercy bingo card? :slight_smile:

Pish posh, This will never do. I am utterly disappointed in this. I’m sure you could have certainly done better than that. So please go back, add these corresponding spaces, and do it over. Then come back to us. I only want the best from your efforts. Cheers! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

it seems to me that you are all getting so obsessed over this “impactful” and “fun” that you got unable to have fun no matter what.
Seriously try to remove yourself from the forum hivemind. I started not paying attention to the cries of “this nerf will kill hero x” or “this hero is op” or anything else and found myself enoying the game.
The game is pretty fun when you stop thinking about the opinion of forum crybabies.

So you are self aware about yourself, i wonder if that means something :thinking:


Two things I don’t understand.

Firstly… why did the streamer answer for the Dev?
Secondly… I actually found the exact comment the streamer reacted to. There was no mention of Mass Resurrect. At all. So launching into the classic anti mass resurrect response… didn’t answer the chat message.

One can think that Blizzard messed up the rework (and still hasn’t fixed it) without wanting to go back to mass resurrect.


But we already know how Mercy performs with the Valk buff. It is as matter of fact just a partial rework. With her now normal 50HPS still cutting ult gain just sliiightly more then what the 15% cost reduction covers, and Valk just going BACK to 60HPS… we know. There is no denying it. She is going to be weak normally and have an ult that still performs on the same underwhelming level.


It means I am not concerned what others think about me. I’ve said this since the beginning, and long before on the old forums. It’s not that deep. :slight_smile:

Also as a word of advice, saying one is “self aware about themselves” is incorrect phrasing there. Just saying “So you are self-aware?” would suffice. There’s no need for the “about yourself” part, since you have already established the sense of “self” with the phrase “self aware.” The more you know. :blush:

But let’s get back on topic, thanks guys!

Exactly my point. For those paying attention to the exchange, the commenter was referencing on how they screwed up The Rework. But of course, the twitch streamer misinterpreted this as referring to Mercy with mass res, and ran with it to push their agenda (I can say this because there is literal history of this particular streamer being avidly against Mercy’s mass res, and hasn’t been shy at all in pushing their opinion and bias against it). people have spun that to think “Oh! They said something about mass rez because the twitch streamer brought it up! It’s not coming back!” when such a statement has never been said. These false narratives that have been made is exactly why I had to make this thread. To address that, and how spreading misinformation like that is a problem. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

“Wasting time on semantics instead of actual meaning”
Thanks, it’s one of the boxes i was missing.


This is really amazing xD

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Then I can not have my Opinion? forgives

I do not want the game to go in a bad way, I do not want any opinion of a certain group not to have anything in mind, as a player I have the right to say what I feel about the game, and although you do not like my opinion it matters the same as yours because this is the point of feedback, I also think that you should have an intermediate point in the sense of conformity, make up with anything is bad, complain about anything too

but it’s just ridiculous as blizzard completely ignores certain opinions and the feedback from Main-Mercys is not taken into account with an extraordinary number of hours, I love Overwatch, that’s why I’m worried about the path they’re taking, you have a community with incredible ideas, at least they could respect it, pay attention and do better overwatch

I am somewhat tired of how there are people here according to him, your Opinion does not count simply because is Popular, all the voices matter.

that’s why we should share ideas and inform each other.


except mass rez not coming back isn’t my opinion, the dev made it pretty clear that they didn’t like hide’n’rez and didn’t like mass rez in general.
Their opinion certainly do weights more than ours.
If they say “this is how we want mercy” we can’t do anything else but accept it. Life ain’t fair.

the problem is that this “sharing ideas” has turned into opening hundreds of threads and invading every other thread, while always finding malice and vitriol in every criticism and every single thing said or not said by the devs.


We are talking about the interview, it’s not my “thoughts” it’s now facts that’s what you’re not able to comprehend sadly, the devs have made it clear they don’t want such an ability back.

I agree everyone has their own opinions but sadly your opinion right now is diminishing in the face of facts.

It’s not coming back :slight_smile: lets keep it classy! Have a good one yourself!


Indeed, the world isn’t all black or white nor is it made entirely of extremes. There’s always the possibility of the alternative option becoming a reality, or a middle ground solution, and that includes game mechanics like Mass res.

Some like it, and others do not. That’s fine. I believe both opinions are valid though, and one shouldn’t overshadow the other. Just as people continue to voice their opinions on “Mass res not coming back,” I and many others will continue to voice ours on how it will. And with past reverts in this game making it’s way to live, needless to say, I’m certainly hopeful, and excited for more to come. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.