Mass Rez Mercy | Interview, Dichotomy & The False Narrative

Y’all… I’d pay 100 USD for Jeff Kaplan to come up and say “You’re entitled to disagree with us” just so we can use it for every “I dont like what ur doing to MY Mercy!!!1” thread.

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And I’ll pay 200 USD for him to say that “Unfun to play against is subjective, and we should never say never on anything in this game, as there is always a possibility of it returning”. Seeing as he already admitted that they go back on their words sometimes, I’m confident that such a statement would be a way easier sell. My opinion! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

You’re using the same old argument (Deathmatch) on and on again, while not realizing that massrezz and Deathmatch are two entirely different things. One is a game mode and the other is a reworked game mechanic. If you would have played wow, you would know that blizzard NEVER goes back on reworked abilities. They only move forward in that regard and it will never change, no matter how much you go “lalala I can’t hear you”.

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Oh I’m sorry… But, are you assuming the games I play and don’t play? :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Yep, because otherwise you would have known that crying for abilities to come back has no effect on blizzard. Trust me, I’ve been playing wow since 2005 and it hasn’t happened once that blizzard have rewerted an ability to a former state. Again, I’m talking about entire reworks and not number tweaking.


This is very sad. Someone with a big influence doing this.

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Oh, I’m afraid you are making a false assumption there then. You don’t know the games I play, but you are making assumptions without proof that I don’t play WOW, and what you think I “ought to know.” I would suggest that we don’t try to speak on each others behalf in terms of the games we both play, and stay on topic, if you don’t mind. Thanks!

And in terms of reworks… They haven’t made them? I suppose Torb, Symmetra, and Mercy’s rework don’t count then?

Also, I’m afraid we can’t ignore “number tweaking”. Whether you like it or not, those still very much count as dev updates and are still very much important to consider, as well as reverts that aren’t just numbers, like the revert of Mercy’s old ult voiceline. Other reverts like the revert of her healing back to 50hp, the revert of her Ultimate healing back to 60hp, the revert on the Ana nerfs, and more, are other such examples. These all happened after the prior statement of “We would like to put the notion of a revert to rest”. A quite glorious example of them going back on their word, if you ask me. And when even a dev acknowledges this fact, it gives me nothing but hope for even more reverts, and one day, mass res. But that’s just my take on it, here’s hoping! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

It a bit of a pipe dream for one of the arguments of why something they said isn’t coming back is “well they said that about this thing but brought it back”.
That argument at least is grasping at straws.


honeslty the “this could’ve happened but it didn’t” it just seems unnecessary to bring up the hypothetical possiblity of them doing this and really the fact that you typed this all over streamers arument and not a dev you know repeting the same arugment for a person who probably is never going to read this

While resurrecting downed allies is a core part of Mercy’s gameplay, the way her Ultimate functioned was causing a number of problems. It was frustrating to play against, and it incentivized Mercy players to hide away from important battles, instead of taking part in them.
also i’d like to add that I have no idea how

would fix any other those problems of hid’nrez mercys
this would get fixed

but this would still be thing

and really seeing those with a cast time would be increibly underpowered as a ult as you do believe that mercy was agureably most balanced at 1.0 correct? and I think that as long as mercy

has a proactive ult she will not be in the fight it’d be up for another rework thought but if you wanna try to get a proactive ult to be something that it isn’t please rethink your own stance

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Oofff, thats hanging on by a thread there pal. No offense but that argument from ignorance (im not calling you anything, thats what it is called) can be used for pretty much anything.

“Hey you cant prove god doesnt exist so …”

Yeah well, you cant prove his existance so …
Repeat till eternity with Mercy revert.

If you are really waiting for a developer to say “its not going to happen”, you better take a seat and dont hold your breath. If they dont say anything, they get bashed … can you IMAGINE what would happen if they actually say what we all think its true?


IMO they are just as likely to add Mass Rez back as they are to just decide to up and delete Mercy from the game.

Both hang on the same flimsy thread of “never say never” and “they’ve done what they said they won’t in the past”.


Mass Rez was different than every supportive ult in the game still to this day. Every other support ult would prevent death with heal boosts, or armor. They were preventative.

Lúcio: boost in hp
Moira: increased heals
Bridget: armor
Zen: heals
Ana: damage reduction
Symmetra: her teleportation ult was considered bad because it can only be used after death. Shield gem came later and helped with shield but she’s an odd ball.

All these ults could be used to STOP someone from dying but Mercy’s happened after the fact. She didn’t prevent death but just undid it. People feel much less cheated when they’re stopped from getting something than putting something in their hands then snatching it out. the argument of it not feeling good to play against actually makes sense if you look at it from this view and not just “everything is unfun”
It was designed to be a fake out.

Valkyrie although it needs buffs and I think it will get them soon, falls into the preventative category just like medicine is. Preventative.
Edit: the recent buff helps show they intend to stick with Valk.

I think this is a reasonable reason why a lot of people didn’t like it and why there’s no chance it’s returning.

Random thoughts: Mass Rez was also situational. It could only be used in response to something being dead. All the other ults could be used to engage, disengage and just in any situation. Mass Rez was not versatile and restricted by what it does.

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That’s the thing though. They’re not even waiting for that.

If a dev were to literally say to their face “Mass Res will never come back” they’ll just say “eh, we’ll see” and continue doing what they do.

They’re too far gone at this point. This is why the devs don’t even bother anymore, there’s no point.


Can I get a: Mark of the Wild, please?

The correct term for what you’re trying to say is:



Is funny, because he already explained his and the devs issues with Mass Rez but all you heard was “It was unfun to play against” because the streamer, Emongg said so, not even Jeff.

Not really, all it’ll do is give you another excuse to make a “Top 1 reason Mass Rez is coming back” thread because he said “there is a possibility for things to come back” therefore Mass Rez is coming back! Then get another thread about how upset Mercy mains are because Jeff said things can be reverted but he isn’t reverting Mercy specifically.

I’d rather pay Jeff to come and straight up say “We are not reverting her nor reworking Mercy” because that leaves no room for questions about semantics unless one goes out of their way to play dumb and ask if he meant skins or voiceline reverts even though the context is her kit.

Oh wait! I don’t have to pay. He already said that.


That’s fine if you think it’s unnecessary. I think it’s very necessary, as it was essentially a gamer speaking for a dev. I believe that behavior is part of the problem, and honestly just rubbed me the wrong way. I also wouldn’t have mind if the streamer in question hadn’t had such a controversially biased history against Mercy - That… Kind of weakens their reasoning on Mercy’s current state in my opinion. I think it could have certainly been handled a lot better if they just let the dev talk and respond to the comments, and he simply was there to mediate. We want to hear the devs opinion on Mercy’s current state, not the biased and subjective claim of a pro player expressing how they think “B-b-but, It’s sooooo unfun to play against!” Here’s a fact. Every ultimate is unfun to play against, so that shouldn’t be used as a reason for changing a hero. But if you disagree with that, that’s fine! We’ll just have to agree to disagree. That’s just my 2 cents on it. :blush:

Nope! No need to rethink it. :slight_smile: Because we both don’t know how underpowered she would be right? Since of course… it never happened in Mercy’s kit. We never had Mass res with the tweaks, and can only assume how it would function based on res on E. We were given invincibility and then the rework afterward, with no QoL tweaks in between, so I think it’s fair to say that until we actually are able to play with the hero with such a patch, our speculation on how strong or weak it is is just that… speculation. I believe it will most definitely be more engaging and rewarding to play than just a fixed res on a cooldown for 30 seconds, and from the looks of my suggestions on what I think Mercy would need in previous threads, I’m inclined to believe that there are at least some people who agree.

It’s time for us to get rid of the thought that the “unfun to play against” argument is gospel. It’s time to see that it’s subjective opinion, and not based on fact. Because the alternative, would be to also treat the “unfun to play with” argument with just as much importance. What’s “unfun” for one person may differ for someone else. Otherwise, this would mean that any hero can and should be nerfed based on being “unfun to play against,” which has proven to be unhealthy for the game, in my opinion. :blush:

That’s a strange way of spelling “Hope.” :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Yeah, ok.

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"Mass Rez is coming back and :clap: dats :clap: a​:clap: fact :clap: "

“Uh you have no proof of that”

“Do you have proof is never, ever coming back? Hmm?”

“Not really but he sa–”

“Then Mass Rez is coming back”

“You have no proof to prove that”

“Do you have proof to prove otherwise?”

“No but neither do y–”

“Then Mass Rez is coming back”


The argument has been “Mass res will not come back.” Sorry if I prefer the words of someone who makes the game over a OWL player who has a bias against a specific hero within it. How humorous indeed, how wanting facts over opinions work. :blush:

Oh, thanks for projecting your opinion on what you think I would make, but I’m going to have to disagree with you there. I’m intrigued with the possibility of the alternative. It’s easy to say “X is not coming back” based on someone else’s opinion that lines up with your own. It’s a lot harder to accept someone’s view that differs from yours and being open-minded to their opinion, even when it is against your own. But hey! You seem to love to contribute to my threads, and I do appreciate your feedback! If I ever do make a “Top 1 reason mass rez is coming back” post, I’ll be sure to keep you posted, had you not visited it by then of course. :blush:

Oh Jeff made that statement? Do you have the quote where he says those exact words? I’d love to see the source if you can provide the documented link that proves this claim. [citation needed] :blush:

And leaving no room for questions? Hmm, I’m not sure if I can agree with you on that one. I believe that there is most definitely more questions to ask based on the claim, especially so considering their past “Mercy is getting a revert to a rest” claim, which was then followed by even more reverts. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

  • Geoff Goodman, lead balance director of the game: “We are happy with Mercy’s state. We didn’t like mass rez and there’s no rework being planned”
  • Forum User: “Mass Rez is coming back! If you think otherwise that’s just your opinion and not a fact!”