Mass Rez is never coming back

Mass res forced ult economy so you don’t spam 6 Ults at once, you save an ult or two in case they had res. Now the game play level has deteriorated to blow all your ults at once and don’t think twice about it. And why is pressing Q to res (a counter play) any less noble than pressing Q to wipe a team with dragon strike, dead eye, self destruct etc?

The reason was the paradoxical behaviour it was producing in some cases, where a healer would deliberately stop healing.

Also, look how are many people complaining how “unfun” she is right now and how “fun” she was before. It is still a case of the “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”? Should i just brush off this argument just because i could say it’s purely subjective?

People tried. it can be said that there was no counter to Rez. There was no tactic where Mercy could have used her Ult, the ultimate going to 0%, but the effects nullified, that is no Rez is happening.

First of all, that is something that was perpetuated by Blizzard, and something I wish they could actually prove with statistics to show whether or not that was truly the case. I certainly hardly saw it.

Second of all, I’ve used the “unfun” argument to make her fun again because it was used to change her. Although, plenty of us have given examples of why she isn’t fun to play which, while subjective, have some depth to them.

But let’s get back to my original response to you — mass rez was considered “unfun” by some people, saying it was an annoying ult. I personally find Dragonblade to be 100 times worse. But that doesn’t mean it should be made into a regular ability.

Annoying isn’t a criteria to remove something from the game or 90% of the ults in this game would be removed or reworked. It’s annoying to be stunned out of the air during Valk by an earth shatter, it’s annoying to be pulled across an objective by a gravity well, it’s annoying to have the entire objective wiped by dragon strike and there are many more annoying ults that people complain about but aren’t hysterically demanding to be banished from Overwatch but somehow mass res was the root of all evil…except that the Mercy haters continued their campaign long after mass res was gone.


There should have been. We all acknowledge that. Instead of invulnerability, Damage Reduction, like Roadhog has on his Take a Breather, would’ve been a better solution, especially because that would also add the opportunity for a workable cast time to her ultimate.

Have you taken a look at the Megathread? Do you know how many ideas have come up that bring up potential rework ideas for Mercy’s Resurrect ultimate?

There’s mine.

No, it is as subjective as anything else or not. If any argument i said it’s easily brushed off just because it can be said it is subjective, so can yours. It doesn’t have any more depth that anything i said.

I don’t think they owe us proofs of any kind. They have concluded this is not how they want Mercy to be played and this behaviour should stop.

That’s why there wasn’t just one guy complaining about this, but many more.

I also have mine.

The disscusion was more about her old ultimate, not the current one.

Also deathmatch will never be available. Oh wait…

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Or we will bring back bully tank O.o

I disagree. All the reasons they put forth have been debunked, and none of the slated improvements to Mercy are still applicable.

I don’t like res in general, In a game like this, every kill counts and should be huge, any character that can erase that will be the most used no matter what.

Current mercy is kind of everywhere, but I also hate mass res.

Really, there are some great suggestions by mercy mains, some giving her new ults and abilities to balance res.

Some are really cool.

But a full revert is something I’m totally against. That’s just my opinion on it.

I think it’s rather weird for mass killing to be okay, but the reverse is not.

Because everyone has access to “mass killing” for the most part.
ONE hero has access to reverse.

That can never be balanced/okay.

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Why not? Why should mass killing and mass reviving be on equal footing? IRL that’d be nice, but in a game, that would kill any and all progression.

Dont get what you mean by equal footing?
You don’t see the issue with multiple heroes being able to “mass kill” and only one being able to Revert it?
It causes problems of “needed/must pick heroes” based on one ability that no one else has.

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Really? Then why was Mercy never a must pick before she got reworked?

She was picked allot in the lower/mid ranks.
About how it should be for low skill heroes (blizzards own rating system)
Also the community didn’t realise how needed res was.

=/= must pick

Stat-wise, Mercy was fine

Stat wise yes for the ranks where she should be popular.
Gameplay wise, no.

This is where people disagree