Mass Rez is never coming back

Yeah but you keep stating that it happened all the time. When it clearly didn’t. So no you can’t use hide and seek was prominent when I just showed you proof that it wasn’t all that prominent. I could show you a 5 man Rez where I was standing behind a rock in Hanumura in the bridge with my team swooped in got a 5 man Rez but soldier killed me and Tracer got Zenyatta and my team lost.

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quote when i said this exactly.

They said they didn’t like it…and they gave you the direction they were going…Jeff also came back later to say they were sticking to it ( something which they have never had to do before)…but people are hard headed

It’s not coming back… sooner or later people have to accept that…it’s a lost cause

There you go.

7 Characters Required.

All the time = / = Happening frequently


If one can be objective about it very little about the game play of the hero has changed since launch.

The core game play of Mercy, the stuff you do for 95% of one’s time in game is more or less exactly the same. Ok the number sliders have moved around a bit but the game play is the same.
Everyone ELSE is doing different stuff, Mercy still just fallows them around.

All the reworking has done is add to stuff to do during the normal game play of Mercy. It’s all +1 faster GA, +1 res as ability as in more stuff to do with in the flow of game. Her ULT is no longer a simple Q press and done, as it too requires more involvement and game play options.

The ONLY thing that Mercy lost is that wow feeling of pulling off a really cool Huge Rez. Yeah ok that sucks but that’s about it.
It’s why people have grown so tired of the Mercy debate, the argument is only about feeling after the Huge Res happened.

as temp rez requires more team work to pull off, has more over all impact over the course an entire round and also punishes poor team work of single picks with out team fallow up.
Game theory wise the temp rez we have now is way, way better but the people can’t get over the loss of that feeling from a Huge Rez.

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Removing mass rez and not changing Mercy’s kit to change her power rank among the healers are, once again, two different things. “Blizz, rez on E is always going to be a problem.” And it STILL IS A PROBLEM. Mass rez has NOTHING to do with this balance issue.

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Frequently is pretty much all the time “Frequently” means enough that it is noticeable. So my question is. Were they always successful? Since you know all the answers.

Perhaps you are in the wrong thread then…read the topic again

You’re the one who compared the two things, which are not the same situation. I’m pointing out the flaws in your statement, which you refuse to acknowledge.

To refresh your memory:

Mass rez =/= rez as a regular ability

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Frequently means regulary or often, it is not “pretty much all the time”. I know why i use certain words, because i avoid speaking in absolutes and stating big lies.

i don’t know, but more important, does it matter? It felt bad regardless of the outcome.


Well the core gameplay of Mercy did change with Valkyrie though her healing and damage boost now function differently for stretches of time and might influence team fights. How she heals has remained the same and your are correct sliders have been changed. She lost a way to impact the game and gained a new one its debatable which is better cause many sides think one or the other is better (with room for fringe changes)

The debate I have seen has been about

  • What Rez should do
  • How often should it be available
  • How does it feel
  • Should it exist
  • How to implement it

Not just how it feels and ignoring those other subjects is not very…good or rather not displaying the entire subject. Drilling down can matter but the whole discussion also does.

Game theory wise Single Target Rez is a different way to interact thats it.
It not better or worse but these are opinions people can’t seems to get over opinions.

I for one don’t believe old Rez was bad because I never felt like my effort/fun/game time was wasted by it and I felt when I got rez’d it was great. But I do understand the other side of the issue I just disagree.

Being ulted by Reaper feels bad
Being ulted by Pharah feels bad
Being ulted by Reinhardt feels bad
Being ulted by Zarya feels bad
Being ulted by Soldier feels bad
Being ulted by Zenyatta feels bad
Being ulted by Tracer feels bad
Being ulted by feels bad
Being ulted by McCree feels bad
Being ulted by Junkrat feels bad

Should I continue? Because if “feeling” bad can be taken as a mean to remove something then we can remove all other ultimates as well since they “feel” bad to play against.

Fine. Noticeably enough to be a problem.


It’s no more unhealthy for the game than the mass killing ults like dragon strike, dead eye, tactical visor, self destruct, Mei’s freezing, meteor strike and so on. In fact mass res was one of the very few counter balances to those mostly unchecked mass killing ults. Throwing out mass res and giving a consistent 30 second tempo res is more unhealthy than mass res ever was because it enables and nullifies bad decision making and poor positioning by DPS since they expect a res now. With mass res if you died on your own you respawned because nobody was wasting a res on a single over extended Gengi.


If they didnt get it right the first two times they never will.

Yes, it’s a fair thing to say about anything. Depends how bad it is.

I will add a hero that frezzes you in place if it looks at you, but make him as balanced as possible. Wouldn’t that feel extremely bad? Does it feel bad enough that a change should be made?

If it’s that bad the game stops to be fun, the most fundamental thing about a game.

Dying feels bad? Yes. The way you died can be improved so you can feel less bad? YES.

This was bad enough that required a change and i am happy it was made.


Sure, some tweaks were needed, and would be if reverted, but it’ll be better than what we have now. Hiding, which I hardly ever saw, could have been addressed so many other ways.


How bad it feels is subjective. I personally despise dying to Dragonblade more than any other ult, followed by Riptire. But that doesn’t mean Dragonblade should just disappear. Or worse, end up as a regular ability.


And beauty is in the eye of the beholder

So are there no badly designed games? Games with no fun or outright boring? Are they just not my type are you saying?

You’re the one who brought feels into it. Not me.