Mass Res Will Return | 10 Reasons Why

Well ok but they focused on nerfing Mercy 12 entire months. She is basically nothing by now. If you start with something you need to work it till the end and I think that Mercy currently feels like an abondoned mid-way project.

Looking at your account history, it is you who is holding a grudge for the past 3 hours and you don’t seem to let it go, what are you trying to say here exactly?


You looked at my post history and still failed to not get it? Wow.

What I am saying is this sort of behavior, on the parts of these people, is detrimental to the conversation and the perception of Mercy mains as a whole. All of them have in one way or another basically advocated for less hostility toward Mercy mains, then go out of their way to be hostile to me.

This is a problem. I want the Mercy discussion to advance beyond what it was a year ago. I also want hostility toward Mercy mains etc to decrease. These people, doing this nonsense, is making that more difficult.

Does that make sense?

Have you thought of maybe, I don’t know, that you have already built up a reputation as a really… easily “flammable” person when it comes to mercy topics. So I kinda understand why they go hostile.

Honestly I’m on the side that thinks that Mercy should be reverted. This rework was a total flop and nothing good came out of it. Mercy feels like an abortion of a baby but somehow it still got born


Her rework feels like that baby in PT (Silent Hill).

Disgusting and horrific.


So… Regardless of what I say they just have a right to go hostile? Kind of like someone seeing I play Mercy and just going hostile? Understandable? Oh damn… You just became one of them, didn’t you? One of the hypocritical?

You see the contradiction and hypocrisy that is inherent to this line of thought, right?

And honestly I’d describe myself as someone that doesn’t care but doesn’t tolerate fools. It’s a vicious catch 22.

That’s cool. Totally irrelevant. Kind of politically “flammable” as well tbh. Maybe cool the jets on the terminology? I don’t think we have to take it that far to get our points across… Come on, now…

Thats another way to… put it.

Forums work like society. Once you go hostile towards a certain group, and I have seen you being hostile, they will always see you as hostile and will treat you with the same behaviour.

This part is really what you use “the most” if I could say it like that. Why don’t you try seeing the other people’s view before you paint yourself as the clever one and the others as the “hypocrysists”


Uh yeah. That’s cool. Totally doesn’t address the questions or overall point I brought up. Are you just going to endless dodge?

Are you saying I have a right to go hating on all the Mercies I come across because you know stuff in the past and stuff?

You’re being so excusive and you’re actually doing a really bad job at it as well.

You realize this all stemmed from me calling out people on not trying to see other people’s points of view, right? Pointing at them contradicting themselves, being hypocrites, and trying to get them to acknowledge it?

See… This is why you shouldn’t just drop into the middle of a conversation with some moral platitude. Your application was oh so poor…

Your history says otherwise.

You did not bring any point up.

Conversation? You were literally shaming someone on the forums XD


Yeah you gotta explain that one for me. Are you just trying to ignore what took place in this thread and go all over the cosmos for things that support your conclusion? What are you trying to say?

I’m sorry it flew over your head. Better luck next time.

Yeah you clearly haven’t kept up with everything…


Bye now.

Hmm ye, it seems like another angry kid raging on the forums. Conversations with you lead to nowhere. When you can’t reply with something suiting your view, you quit. I take this as a win. Farewell :3


Bye bye. Sleep well. Good try. :3 :blush:

omegalul you are replying even tho I got the last saying LULLLL

Ty :slight_smile:

I like projecting too. Makes me feel safe.

Sweet dreams :slight_smile:


Still sad PT is no longer a thing, but Konami hurt themselves more with that move

Wrong. It’s because of how bad it was. Her kit was bad, she could just heal just one target. If you heal enough - you get resurrect, really bad ultimate for a fight. It was way more efficient to rez 1-2 targets, then full rez, because for full rez:

  1. Team shouldn’t waste their resources
  2. Team should group up together
  3. You should be safe and shouldn’t be focused (what was pretty hard to do in dive meta)

too much for an ultimate that’s useless in a fight. Mass Rez never win fights, it immediately starts a new one. Reaper and Pharah ult is “hide and cast” too, but well positioned and well timed ult can win you the game.

“but rez would punish times when enemy use too much ults in the fight” - they already punished by not having ults for the next fight. If it’s last fight, then they SHOULD use all of their ults.

Also, remember when you had to capture whole objective to get the point? IT was SO fun on 2CP when enemy can just stall point for 5 minutes and you will lose because you haven’t captured whole point.

Mercy mains brought in on yourselves. I was so tired with daily mercy thread spam. Especially when we got new patch with new rework, multiple strong balance changes, and what we get as a response - “WHY YOU DON’T TALK ABOUT MERCY REEEEEEEEE”, “Ok we got rework, a lot of balance and bug fixes, BUT WHAT ABOUT MERCY”.

You don’t have much gaming experience, don’t you? Even overwatch had Hanzo 1.0 and Genji to be hated way more than Mercy.

And getting picked by Widow because it’s too hard for you to use your great mobility for better mobility, not to “hold spacebar”.

Because it was greatest voice line in the game and a lot of people love it.

It was because she can heal multiple allies now and have actual utility in basic kit.

What world you lived on? It was strongest ability before the current state. You could pop back your dead allies by BASIC ability, not ultimate. And it was better because you wouldn’t cancel push by press of one button, but you could turn 5vX into 6vX.

Again, Mass Rez wasn’t GOOD ult, it was pretty BAD ult and now it’s worse.

I understand the frustration but reverting her is not a good solution. We have no idea how a reverted Mercy will fair in the current state of the game, so could be underpowered or overpowered, it’s unlikely she will be balanced without a bunch more changes, then essentially we’re back at square one.

You can loose all your faith now tbh. Let me explain. Valk existed during alpha days, stationary rez was removed during beta days and trash 50 hp/s healing was buffed to 60 after seasons 2 and 3. This so called rework is nothing but a huge revert back to all those flawed designs, and it is causing the same problems to come back, unsurprisingly. The only thing of this revert that has been a real success is the accidental (not intended) bunny hop, which started as a bug. So we could say that Blizz, instead of fixing Mercy has wasted two years of work and another one trying to fix a huge cluster of mistakes.

Instead of repeating the past, Blizz could have done a lot of things with characters who needed more attention, but nope, they decided to wreck Mercy and the game. Now she is an off healer focused on dps and rez, letting people to die in order to rez them because she can’t heal them. Also, she is an off support with a pointless ultimate that only works for chasing Pharah/Widow, when the most of the off supports have protective ults like sound barrier or trascendence, so all Mercy’s power is once more concentrated in her already nerfed but still too powerful for being an E ability rez.

Mass rez wasn’t that bad, indeed it was used for winning fights. In addition, Mercy’s main weakness was being single target, that’s true but it was well known that she could solo heal her team already, she only took skill for that. Reverting her to valk made that irrelevant, so even an ape could use her. You only needed to hide out of range/LoS and hold M1.

That’s somewhat true only if you let your teammates to die, so you start a 6 vs 6 fight when at first you had a 5 vs 6 fight in where your team was simply playing suicide.

That point is a bit twisted. Mass rez punished bad resources economy, specially ult economy. If you used too many resources on killing a team but never focused the Mercy, you were about to loose the fight.

Now you are using the “unfun” argument, which is the #1 reason of why Blizz said the reverted Mercy back to alpha and valk.

The point here is that this revert was wanted by no one. A lot of Mercy mains felt alienated because suddenly Blizz pointed them all as exploiters and boosted cheaters, when the reality is that Mercy’s hide and rez strategy was only an exploit made by “only a bunch of Mercys hiding” (Seagull, the pro player), so it never needed a huge change, and even less a revert back to all the old and flawed Mercy’s designs from the earliest past.

I played since before Ana’s release, and I never saw a character whose playerbase suffered death threats and harassment so frequently as Mercy’s did with her revert. Even some streamers encouraged it on their videos.

You can always hide out of LoS and keep doing the same, or if there is not a Widow there you can fly out of range. Also, if there is a Widow, you are lucky, because now you can make use of valk for something: chasing Widow. After that, you can go back to irrelevance. Valk is just the worst ultimate in the game by far, it has no real use apart of remove all skill and weakness from Mercy. It’s cancer to play as, with and against, a dark strain in her past. It should be entirely removed for good, exactly as Blizz did during the alpha days, replacing it by original mass rez because even tough it needed a rework (because of stationary mode) it was better and healthier by all means.

Yeah, but that’s a revert too, something that keeps contradicting that famous statement of “no plans to revert her”.

Yeah, but she can do the same without using that trash ult, counterable even by a single ape, and she has no ult utility, all her power is concentrated now in her E ability. That’s why she is now a cheap but weak intermittently mobile consistent off support focused on dps and rez, instead of a strong single target mobile consistent main support focused on healing and mobility.

Yeah, when the revert started, rez was heavily buffed, and a lot of people used that argument to defend the revert. “Hey, you will rez more!” they said. Well, we did, and it wasn’t good, because an ultimate should be an ultimate, and an E ability should be an E ability. That’s the problem still. Rez has the power of an ultimate, even after 13 nerfs to Mercy, while valk is so weak that it would be a great E ability with just a couple of tweaks.

Mass rez was a great ultimate. Indeed, the only problem it had was that Mercy had no E ability, so all her power was concentrated there, and that’s why she wasn’t picked at all at pro ranks, because once you learnt to deal with it, she had no mid game utility. That implies that she needed changes for being balanced through ranks, despite she was overall balanced, but she never needed her ultimate to become her E ability (becoming unbalanceable and contradicting her whole main concept as a mobile support) and her ultimate being reverted back to a piece of garbage that was removed for everyone’s good in the earliest days. Anyway, I can somehow agree that now it would be “worse”, if we translate that word into “more counterable”. Hammond is there among others, but that’s how Ow works, it’s a game of counters. Having to think about how to play a character instead of going afk behind a cloud or a wall while holding a button would be infinitely better for the game’s health. Oh, and let’s not forget the uncounterable combos like grav + dragon that could have real counter now.

I don’t think people are calling for a straigh revert (arkward word considering how reverted Mercy is nowadays, she can’t be even more reverted than she is now). Usually when people start talking about a revert they talk about going back to mass rez with some changes. Yeah, new form implies that she could be underpowered or overpowered (must remind however that mass rez was her most balanced overall state after some changes). The point is that as many people and youtubers and streamers are pointing out, this design is too hard to balance, and after 13 nerfs, Blizz has already tried everything they could do. Mercy has received more changes in less time than any other character so far. There is no use on trying to keep balancing what it’s clearly a huge failure of a design. E rez has failed. Valk already failed long ago before game’s release, I don’t know who suggested that fudge to come back.

Tbh, the problem is that we are already at square one: alpha Mercy. We have valk, stationary rez and trash 50 hp/s healing. We need to go forward and forget this past that Blizz has sent us. We could repeat the past and go to some of the previous designs of mass rez, but in that case, it would be surely a temporary solution before changing something else in order to fix the problems she had. We can go even more forward and try new things. However, rez is too important for Mercy, so it must be placed somewhere, and as her E ability is impossible.


You still can do it now with your basic ability. It’s just like with torbs reworks: gm torbs were just throwing their turrets in fight without actually upgrading them - now he do it on a daily basis.

  1. Argument isn’t focused on mercy, more about actual gameplay
  2. I just shortened explanation. Ok, i’ll write more: Old point system was TERRIBLE. At least 50% of all 2CP games were Draws (remember Temple of Drawnubis and Drawskaya memes?). You join ranked, you get Anubis - useless 15 minutes of your life, because even if you SOMEHOW manage to push second point, mercy rez everyone from spawn and fight again. And because of how long was overtime and how fast were respawns, it was almost impossible to take second point on 2CP

That’s a cosmetic voice line. Not entire kit or ability. Voice. Line.

Yeah, remember back on the day when mercy power was focused on her ult instead of her basic abilities (because she got heal and mobility, that’s all and nothing more)

They literally are

These forums have turned into Sym mains complaining and Mercy mains endlessly disagreeing with a change from over a year ago.

We get it, your ctrl-z was changed to be less effective. But you’re not the only ones who had a hero change they didn’t like. Nobody likes nerfs to their mains. It’s just that everyone else accepted it and moved on.

Every single one of my top 5 heroes has been nerfed in some way. It tends to happen when you’ve played since beta. I don’t make a daily post about Junkrat’s smaller nades/mine dropoff, Reinhardt being countered by most of the heroes added, Roadhog’s many hook changes, McCree’s ult/damage dropoff, or Tracer’s pulse bomb nerf.

I just started playing more aggressively. Junkrat now benefits from being up close. Reinhardt has to defend himself rather than shield up and retreat. Roadhog has to land more shots. McCree does more damage up close, and Tracer has to follow up or lead her pulse bomb with some bullets.

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