Mass Res Will Return | 10 Reasons Why

They already said is not coming back because it was unhealthy for the game, you are just wasting your time. If you think Mercy is not ok for whatever reason, focus on ideas on fixing her now or new potential ideas to make her better.


Resurrection needs to go away completely.

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Read Number 7 and the previous posts, I’ve explained this many times in this thread, so I won’t repeat it here. Many thanks for sharing your opinions though!

I disagree completely, but hey! You are entitled to your opinion and I respect it. We’ll have to agree to disagree there. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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Don’t think I’ve asked you in a different thread so I’ll ask you here.

What would you do if Blizzard said
“Mass Res in any form is not coming back, please stop asking” add in “we will look at Mercy in the future after other heroes are looked at” if you want.
Just curious :stuck_out_tongue:

When I speak about purpose I tend to speak about the typical usage case. Of course there are other ways to use ultimates but I usually cite what is closest to the developer intention.

The “High of PoTG” is the sensation caused by getting an exceptional amount of on-fire or a long sequence of kills/actions. You ever see a Genji try and 1v4 a team with his blade? It’s because they’re chasing that. The reason why people try and do things like that is because if they somehow manage to pull it off, they can say they carried or otherwise. Unfortunately, this tends to have a low success percentage in most cases.

That could be another proposed change, but if that was the case, it would have to be potentially higher than Lucio’s due to how tide-turning that can be.

As for what is defined as “success” there is two elements to this. Did you finish the casting animation, and did you actually use this to your advantage? You can finish the animation for Visor for example, but it doesn’t matter if you get denied by the shield. With Mercy, the only goal is to get in range and press the button, then there’s nothing the enemy can do (barring a change to the design). If you resurrect even two people, the ultimate is a success. The problem with the old ultimate was due to how much potential it had, people wanted to be “more successful.” Not to say that this isn’t an issue with other ultimates, but with Mercy the issue was prevalent due to the conditions needed to get maximum value out of it.

I would argue that the design is not bad. Uninspired, sure. But the actual utility of being able to damage boost your entire team for 20 seconds is scary. It’s not even like Supercharger where it can be broken in mere seconds, or is made pointless if your team goes out of sight, since Mercy can move to meet them in relatively safety in the sky.

As for failing to get value, it gets value in every situation it would go off. It can get “less”, but not “no value.” Think about shatter, if shatter misses, literally nothing happens. Same with Tracer stick, Grav, Blade, etc. Even Area of Denials like Mei, Hammond, and soon Torbjorn can fail due to either deflect, defense matrix, dying during the animation, or simply not being in the area. The only criteria for success for an ultimate is “doing what the ability is meant to do.” If Mercy resurrects even one person, she has succeeded in doing her job. It might not have been good, but she did it. And due to the nature of the invulnerability it had, that’s why it was frustrating to play against.

The problem with you saying that it “just resets the fight” is that this is simply not true. You don’t get refunded the ults you expended, while the enemy has all of theirs, as well as their ammo refilled. Simply put, it severely punishes using more than one ultimate to get kills due to how easy reversion is.

As for you, I don’t go on the forums a large amount. So I was not aware of you, or your proposed changes. I do think that the ultimate could potentially be worked out, but it would require changes that you listed, mainly being the LoS and lack of invincibility. The reason why Mercy res as an ability is not as offensive in its current state is due to the reasonable counterplay that can happen. There is a significant risk to Mercy upon casting. The ability would need to make Mercy incredibly vulnerable and have a significant charge and cast time, due to the game state changing nature. From a personal standpoint though, I don’t think it would be very enjoyable.

From my own personal standpoint, for about my first 40 hours playing Overwatch I played nothing but Mercy at all. I was not particularly good at FPS games, having not played a PC shooter at all prior to this one. So I valued that Mercy was designed as an easily accessible character that could provide value. The issue with this is that typically, when a character is designed to be easy pick up, they should plateau in value. Events like Moth meta should never happen because it discourages usage of more difficult to use characters with mechanics that provide varied gameplay. The reason I prefer Valkyrie is that from a balance perspective, it makes more sense and provides significantly more counterplay and gameplay style variety. In Valk, you can DPS, you can boost, you can heal, you can mix those things together. Even if it’s only an extension of her kit, it still adds a “superman” factor that resurrect simply does not. Resurrect felt very sloppy and counter to the premise of teamplay, as well as narrow in gameplay style. It was hard to tell the difference between one Mercy player to another at a higher level due to lack of that variety.

Do I think Mercy is perfect in her current state? Not at all. But I think that reimplementation of an ability that not only narrows playstyle but also struggles to keep the balance for the ult economy is bad for the game as a whole. I would rather they give Mercy another option and promote more individuality from Mercy player to Mercy player.


You keep asking in hypotheticals. I could easily say in return
“What would do/say if they DID implement Mass Res back into the game?”

They won’t say this part. But to answer your question, I’d probably ask for a reason and if the reason is good enough, yeah, I’ll stop asking and just play a different game. Besides, Overwatch has gotten pretty stale since the Mercy rework.

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I’ll ask them if they remember when they said that Team Deathmatch “would never be a game mode due to the objective based gameplay that Overwatch revolves around” and with it being introduced against their word later on, ask them how in this instance, we should believe that what they say is in fact set in stone? :blush:

As far as Blizzard is concerned, there is never a “never”, and actions speak louder than words.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


So the threads would continue? unless Blizzard added it back?
Lets just assume their word was final on the matter? :stuck_out_tongue: (despite previous claims by them) just for arguement’s sake ^^
@Dva - thanks for the answer :slight_smile:

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I did read it, but it’s not remotely the same thing. The heal reduction is an adjustment, but the impact that mass rez had was much more impactful and was creating an unhealthy gameplay that was hated by almost everyone. Even single rez has proven difficult to balance, thinking that mass rez is coming back in any form is delusional with all due respect, it’s like asking for old FtH back for McCree which was broken as f*ck and i’m a McCree main saying it, but asking for it to come back would be just nonesense tbh.


Did someone say D.Va

Everyone leave her alone she’s been through enough


See, there’s where you lost me. Even with the edit, stating “Just for argument’s sake”, we ALL know that this argument is inherently FALSE. We cannot continue with arguments about Blizzard’s fickle nature and also hold the notion “Imagine they never did anything before”.

It’s poor argumentation.

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You are completely missing the point Star…
There no arguement, using for arguements sake was probably poor wording…its just a question to see if Mass Res is the only thing people will accept (SPECIFICALLY the user RevertMercy, as the question was directed at him/her) don’t know why the original question didn’t bother to quote…

The threads will continue, until Mercy is Truly fun, fair and balanced by everyone, not just people who play against her. To achieve that, I believe she needs a Revert of Mass Rez + Modern tweaks, but that’s my opinion. For others, that solution may be a different one. And as long as everyone respects their views on the matter, that’s fine. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Supercharger is better than Valkyrie. Let’s not kid ourselves. Mercy is a main healer. If she just sticks to damage boosting, her team is in a fight without a main healer.

Value is not relevant if you ultimately lose your fight. That’s why I usually ask for the situation where mass Res is put in since I can’t determine the value just from numerical value.

What? It literally just resets the fight. The only difference is that the team against the ressed teammates have an advantage unless they played poorly in the first place. In which case, that isn’t Mercy’s fault.

Nah, it’d be fine. One second Cast time is not that long anyway and you won’t have the dreadful movement debuff.

This and a bunch of text above, I respect your opinion.


A question that lead to the same answer you’ve been receiving.

People will move on and look for other methods.

It’s pointless.

Because it’s OP on a hero with Mercy’s mobility. Mass Rez could totally come back into OW. Just not on mercy.

IMO, it would be perfect for a tank hero.

It wasn’t a question directed at you, it was at RevertMercy.
Which seems to be he/she will not accept anything but some version of Mass Res (tweaks) for his/her own reasons, which is fine.

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That’s… I… What? In What world is that a good idea?

And if it was truly OP it wouldn’t have been a troll pick for almost a year. :blush:


That’s like giving Orisa Rein’s charge. If anyone is gonna have res… IT’S MERCY