Mass Res Will Return | 10 Reasons Why

Whatever the case, something definitely needs to be done. Whether that is a revert, a rework, or tweaks, I think we can agree that whatever it is, Mercy’s current state is starting to be a problem.

When you see youtube videos of people of all different ranks, who were avidly against Mercy at first, now saying “Something needs to be done to make her viable”, you know there’s a problem.

Also I love this analogy:

#Truth :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Basically important post that Overwatch team should read carefully. RevertMercy is right in every single point. Thank you!


Why grammar not good?

Gonna have to disagree. Let me argue these points.

  1. There’s a difference between the hiding that occurs with old mass resurrect and the current single one. One rewarded not being in the fight at all and simply letting the team die, which was not fun for either side. Since if Mercy did get shot when going in for res, the ally team would be mad she didn’t help, and the enemy team would be upset that potentially 3-4 ults could be undone with one button push. Current res relies on positioning and using your tanks to undo a mistake, which is significantly more interactive than the old iteration.

  2. Valkyrie is now to the point where it’s considered an “okay” ultimate. There is not nearly the same level of gameplay breaking that old resurrect has, as it does not give Mercy huge levels of speed or reset resurrect charges anymore. It’s now more on part with other support ults, allowing you to either have a pseudo Orisa ult effect or a stronger Lucio amp for your team, both of which are valuable.

  3. The time period was significantly longer than 5 months, she maintained that state for nearly a year. Mercy at the current moment is not “unimpactful,” she is only slightly subpar. She still has significant advantages that make her worth picking, and at most needs some tweaking to her HPS.

  4. Hatred is not exclusive to Mercy and never has been. People have been complaining about Hanzo, Brigitte, Genji since nearly day one, etc. There are people who still think Bastion is OP in 2018. The reason it seems so conflated is because of the amount of time where Mercy was prevalent. It was nearly an entire year until Mercy finally received what many considered to be the “nail in the coffin” to Mercy, the HPS nerf. Up until that time, Mercy was widely considered the best pick for the main healer position due to how much she provided and the ease of play. I’ve not heard anyone complain about Mercy being too good since then.

  5. I can’t think of a case where Blizzard has reverted a hero in Overwatch to such a drastic extent. Realistically, based on the complaints that were launched at the period of time where mass resurrect was prevalent, if it were to ever return it would need to be massively tweaked and that would ultimately defeat the point of it for the people who would be using it (Mercy mains).

  6. Mass Resurrect in its old form does not have a counter. It granted Mercy invincibility, meaning that the only way to cancel it was to kill Mercy before she even had a chance to start. Unfortunately, there’s an issue with this. Mercy is incapable of receiving knockback during Guardian Angel, so you cannot knock her away. The only way to stop it is to use a stun based CC, but that’s hit or miss due how generous old mass resurrect was due to its range. Most of the time Mercy did not need to go into the center of the team fight, so the resurrect would be free. Not much counterplay.

  7. Cosmetic voicelines is not a revert. The HPS returning to the old number is not a revert in the sense you are thinking of, it is a nerf. Returning to an old value does not change the fact that the rest of her kit is different to how Mass Resurrect Mercy’s kit was.

  8. Not even quite sure what point you’re trying to make here.

  9. I fail to see how resurrecting a tank or your fellow healer in a fight is not impactful. One resurrect is the difference between deterring a push a lot of the time. Since when you resurrect, you can potentially put an ult back into your economy, which is not a small gain. The difference is now you are reliant on your team more to actually let you get the resurrect off, which is good. This raises Mercy’s overall skill level by forcing team play, not unlike how Gravition or Orisa ult relies on team positioning and focus to take advantage of the ability.

  10. While the point of Mercy being “boring” is hard to argue due to its subjectivity, how would reverting her to her old state fix anything at all? A lot of players who used to play Mercy in that state left the game for good after Mercy was “nerfed” by introducing Valkyrie. And if you give mass resurrect a cast time, that arguably gives her an even worse kit due to how much you argue that CC would counter it. You’re essentially fighting to worsen your own character.

Mercy does not need to be reverted to a state where she’s unfun to play with or against. She needs to have her base kit changed to further increase her skill floor, or have her values tweaked to fix up her current weaknesses in the current meta.


Thank you for this post. I really don’t care what they do to her at this point, she needs to be buffed, tweaked or reverted. Though I love Ana and Moira being my go to pick, Mass Ress with some tweaks should be fine in the current state of the game (lots of cc) and should place our dear Mercy in a better spot.
And NO, nobody wants (never wanted) her to be a must pick.

Isn’t every ult situational?

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I’m sorry but the only reason Mercy was getting rewarded before for hiding was because of the broken SR system. Now that it’s gone, hiding is not an issue.

Stagger deaths or split up and kill the enemy?

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It’s nice you can keep on believing, may it bring you hope.

I only need one reason to think mass resurrect won’t come back and that’s Jeff having said so.

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Funnily enough, he hasn’t said this. :blush:


This still does not stop the “I got a Quad Res” mentality that’s also prevalent with DPS ults. People feel the urge to receive play of the game and tend to hold off using their ult to the detriment of their team. It’s a lot better to get 1-2 picks or 1-2 resurrections than to save for a 4+ kill that will never come.

As for your second point, that only works partially. You say “stagger deaths” but that only works so well. Most second points on 2CP end up with team wipes during the final push, which Mercy feeds on. Additionally, you can only spread out a team so far on 2CP or KotH maps, since everyone is trying to capture the same central point.

If such a rule existed, all 1:1-6 ultimates would get reworked into 1:1 ultimates. Also, if it isn’t encouraged by the ultimate, it isn’t an issue. Otherwise, a lot of ultimates would be getting reworked.

How about saving an ultimate for the ressed team? Surely, that isn’t hard. Besides, if you manage to kill the whole team and not kill the Mercy, you should be punished.


“We have no plans to revert Mercy”

I’m going to take that as a no. Revert as in going back to the time before the rework, mind you.

Plans can change, but honestly this is a very solid piece of information to go by and nothing suggests they would’ve changed their mind. If anything, the repeated iterations of the rework suggest they are adamant about their decision of not bringing mass resurrect back.

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I hope you know that bringing back mass Res by itself is not a revert.

Ultimates are meant to have a scaling value. You theoretically “could” get a 6k from a Tracer bomb, but that’s not the purpose of it. It’s meant for single picks. Mercy Mass res was meant to fill in the gaps left by your team. Unfortunately, due to the old design, you could theoretically get a 4-6k basically every time as long as your team died on the point, which is not hard to set up. This led to a lot of situations where Mercy simply would not use the resurrect in a situation where getting 1-2 resurrects would win the fight. This is a bad design. If there was a cap to how many people were resurrected, which would lower the range of value, that would be less of an issue.

As for saving ultimates, it’s not an issue of saving itself, it’s an issue of how much ult charge is traded for another. Even if it’s as simple as Grav + Dragon or Nano + Blade, if you mass resurrected that, you undo two entire ultimates with one action that has no real counterplay outside of killing mercy before she can even come into view. The trade is not equivalent, unlike Zen trans, which can be anti-naded or booped away.

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Firstly, there is no official purpose of Tracer’s bomb. All you did was make up a purpose. Secondly, you can’t get a 6k with mass Res. That is impossible. This goes to show how much you know about the topic at hand.

Nope. It isn’t encouraged by the ultimate like I said. It isn’t a design issue. It’s a player issue. Besides, making hero changes based on bad players is not good, at all.

This isn’t an issue. All 1-6 ultimates follow this pattern. If it was an issue, all 1-6 ultimates would get removed.

This is a common argument to which I’ll respond with, “Why didn’t you kill the Mercy with the 2 ults?”

It has counterplay. People just don’t bother to counter it.

Zen’s ultimate is more powerful than Res so that’s understandable but like I said, countering it is not an issue. Even if it is, what’s stopping them from bringing back old Mercy’s Cast time?

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You need to think about it from a design standpoint though, Tracer bomb is literally a bomb that sticks to one entity. Tracer is a flanker who isolates targets. While you “can” use it for more mass kills, say to support a Grav, the normal purpose is for single target kills.

Combining these two points into one, the ultimate does not support it, but the game itself does. The high of PoTG is a commonly cited reason among Mercy mains for mass resurrect, as well as the feeling of being “impactful.” There is impact, but not in the way that is good game design. Resurrect is easily charged up as Mercy due to her perpetually healing or boosting someone at all times. It is not hard to generate. If you compare this to something like Lucio ultimate, or Supercharger, the difference is night and day. Meanwhile, while the fact that something like a D.Va bomb or a High Noon “can” kill someone, that line of thinking is flawed. D.Va bomb is easily nullified by any shield tank or a map with walls. High Noon, Riptire, etc. all leave the characters very open to being killed. Meanwhile, Mass Resurrect can be done with no penalty because either it goes off and you get the resurrects or you die and keep it for next team fight. If the fight is near your spawn it’s even easier to pull it off since you can go out one of the other doors. Regardless of what you think of Valkyrie the reason why it is a better designed ultimate is because there’s actual counterplay to it. You can stun Mercy, actually kill her (since she isn’t invulnerable), and most importantly, the ultimate can actually fail to get value. You can completely blow every other ultimate in the game and get nothing out of it, but if you resurrect, you are always receiving value. The only other ultimates that arguably have this functionality are Lucio ult due to receiving his own shields that disappear very quickly (note he can still lose the ult due to death), Brig with her armour (that can also be stopped by killing her), and Zen, who does gain true invincibility but potentially only for himself. Every single ult in the game outside of Mass Resurrect and arguably Transcendence has a way to fail.

Where is Mercy in the team fight to kill with the ultimates if Mercy is not with the team? You can’t kill what isn’t there.

What is the actual counterplay? Mercy is invulnerable, you cannot stun her out of it when she starts. The only way you could stop it was killing or stunning her before she got into the radius, which is not easy or even feasible on certain maps, especially since it let you resurrect people out of view.

As for cast time, you’re arguing for a nerf to your own character. Cast time does not matter if you cannot die during the course of the ultimate. You would need to remove the i-frames to make mass resurrect even come close to balanced, as well as add proper LoS checks.


That’s a good way to use it. That doesn’t mean using it for mass kills isn’t its purpose as well.

What is the “The High of the POTG”? Asking because this is the first time I’ve ever heard of this.

And what exactly is stopping Blizz from increasing her charge rate? Idk, man. You keep saying bad design when these supposed bad design aspects can be fixed with number tweaks.

But just because you pull the res of, doesn’t mean it’s a success. It’s success it entirely dependant on the situation. Also, again, you keep saying bad design but these bad design aspects can be fixed with tweaks.

It’s easier to pull of but that doesn’t make a difference. It’s success is still dependant on the situation.

Because it doesn’t offer anything worth-while. It is by far the worst designed ultimate amongst the supports. It was removed 3 years ago for a reason. :confused:

You think mass Res can’t fail to get value? Well… I found the issue.

Hiding counters itself.

Considering how predictable her GA movement is, it really is feasible. You’re sounding a bit hyperbolic tbh. Also, again, unlike other ultimates, you don’t even need to use specific counters to counter the ultimate. All her ult does is reset a fight that you’ve already lost.

For balance.

What? If you have a cast time, you’re giving the opposing team a chance to counter the ultimate.

I thought you would know but I’m one of the main people that propose these changes. Invulnerability needs to go and she needs to get LoS checks.

I thought you’d see me in some Mercy threads. Specifically, this one:


I really liked Mercy 1.0. So I hope they do bring it back.


it’s not an opinion, the devs said it’s never coming back.


They’ve never said that mass Res isn’t coming back though.