“Spam” HA Well. If anyone’s wondering it’s my actual opinion.
I said it once, and once is all i need.
and here it is:
Doesn’t have to be your opinion… Or even anyone else’s… But it’s mine.
“Spam” HA Well. If anyone’s wondering it’s my actual opinion.
I said it once, and once is all i need.
and here it is:
Doesn’t have to be your opinion… Or even anyone else’s… But it’s mine.
How do you know that, is there a reliable source that has stated or proved that?
The fact that the data didn’t change signicantly at all since the patch? Also, the fact that they have the data of every public profile. Even if more people have private profiles, the sample size would still be massive.
Yeah, I’m all in for reverting Mercy. It’s just that mods don’t particularly like hashtags.
So there is no reliable source then. The fact that the data didn’t change doesn’t prove anything, it could go either way, in fact there have been many changes lately to the game, and I could argue that the data not changing shows a lack of sample size, not the other way around. As long as we don’t have a reliable source or proof of that, we don’t really know how reliable the data is, not long ago it was stated that the amount of people that used private profiles was huge, and even if that number has decreased it’s still a significant number that screws with the data.
It is still reliable. Like I said, they record every profile that is public. Even if more people have private profiles, the sample size would still be massive. Here, someone else explains it better:
No it isn’t, specially when the numbers are so close. A few thousand players could increase or decrease the percentages significantly. As long as we don’t have the complete numbers we don’t know for sure, the numbers could change drastically or nothing at all. For example, it’s like polling half the population of something, if you happen to get most of the people that support one thing, then your results will show that, when in reality, in the other half, there were a lot of people that supported the other so it balances it out, or it might not, but we don’t know because it’s incomplete data.
Expecting the data to be perfect is extremely unrealistic. Sample sizes exist simply because such a thing in most practical scenarios is impossible. Since we’re clearly not going to be agreeing with each other any time soon, let’s just agree to disagree.
Yes of course I agree with that, and it was this way even before private profiles but less so and more reliable. My argument was and still is that post private profiles, the data is even more unreliable because the sample size is way WAY smaller so it doesn’t reflect with confidence what the reality of the situation is. Whatever we get from those numbers is just a very vague approximation.
Yeah that’s fine, it usually comes down to that anyways ha!. Different people have different opinions.
So you’re arguing that a single character, Mercy, should be driving overall battle strategy. Thank you for supporting why we should never bring back that ult.
The hide and res is a myth created by some players. Good Mercy will try to pull out a 2-3 men res in the heat of the fight to change the curse of the fight (now that is impactful). 5 Men res was really rare, but convenient if the enemy team forgot to kill Mercy in their " false team wipe" because a team wipe is a 6 men kil. Letting team die? what? as a Mercy player I neved let my team die… they need healing you know. Again, good Mercys would never do that. It’s funny how people say “let team die” when is the enemy team who kills the “entire” team but Mercy. Not being in the fight? how did Mercy at that time charged her ultimate? Hidding? I don’t think so.
There’s a lot of ultimates that would undone any enemy team effort (Zen, Lucio, Brig, not mentioning agressive ultimates also like a nicely used Mei’s Blizzard).
Are you a Mercy player? Valkyrie is the less powerful ultimate in the game. You cannot overheal any dmg, is not game changing, not rewarding. It’s all fine it got nerfs, it needed to, but It cannot be so lackluster. Devs did a mess with Valkyrie 1.0.
Nobody asked for that, Mercy or non Mercy player never wanted that. That’s what Blizzard did.
Again, are you a Mercy player? or what is your skill rating? the only places Mercy can be slightly impactful is in bronz to silver, maybe gold.
The only reason you should be going Mercy is if you have a Pharah or Pirateship comp. Mercy is an off healer now, only 50hps like when the game was first launched. Do you know devs buff her to 60hps becasue she was too weak because of that?
Post author never said that.
It’s ok to nerf a hero because it’s overpowered. What is not right is to make a hero completely useless in every situation. You cannot go Zen-Mercy, Lucio-Mercy, Brig Mercy, that is a throw. It’s wrong because every hero should be viable in any composition.
Doesn’t mean it can’t happen.
Do you even played the first version of Mercy. When the game was launched, the only viable supports were Zen and Lucio, Mercy was a throw pick, do your research. Then the devs decided to buff Mercy with invunerability while ulting. That is what made Mass Ress a problem in every way. In the current state of the game it wouldn’t.
A new Mass Res should have counter play, no invulnerability. Which is easy nowadays. Many many counters.
Nobody ever said Mass Rez can’t/won’t come back.
There’s a lot of things happening in the heat of the fight, cc, stuns, debuffs, buffs, hacks, darts etc… Res becomes unimpactful because you are so exposed at those moments you are not alwyas allowed to rez a teammate with ult or simply your tank because it would be too risky. Not only that, as you have to stop healing in order to res, in that time other teammate is going to get killed (in a team fight), so there’s no point of ressing 1 ally. And if you die during res your team is doomed, they’re 5. Not no mention the recent nerf on HPS made res even weaker since there’s no compensation for the time you stopped healing, it’s too low. You should see this is a problem playing any kind of hero, support, dps or tank.
What are you trying to say here? how it raises her skill level? You don’t even gain fire/ult charge.
100% Agreed. Her win rate in bronz in 48%. The lowest of all supports. Buffs, tweaks, revert, whatever is needed for her. If you happen to play her, you should see this problems. If you have game sense, you should understand all the reason why she is in a very bad place.
Respect and good vibes.
Mercy was one of the only heroes responsible in the past for regulating poor ult economy with mass res, so naturally, she would still be seen in that way. That is kind of the trade off for being a pure healer with no decent offensive abilities compared to the other supports.
Am I saying that Mercy should be “driving overall battle strategy?” Nope. I never said such a thing. Should there be heroes that check reckless usage of ults? I think so.
Mercy’s mass res had the largest impact within this sphere, but other support heroes have done it to a lesser extent as well. Transcendence, Sound Barrier, and now Nano boost, all will help soften the blow of a team wipe - but regardless, they don’t stop them completely.
If more support heroes had ults that had the ability to reverse the habit of “whatever teams using more ults at once, steamrolls a push,” I’d be all for it. Mercy is merely the best example of a hero who had the potential to actually stop the “Ultimate creep” that this current meta is suffering from, and so, that is the example I’ve used.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
You gave 10 reasons why you would bring it back, Blizzard has two: they hated it, and pros hated it and it’s their game.
Welcome to world competitive multiplayer game balancing.
This has yet to be confirmed.
As someone who played during that period I can confirm that was not a myth. There were numerous games where I would lose because Mercy would refuse to pop resurrect and get our tanks back because they were waiting for the McCree or whatever to die. This is also notable if you watch streams from this period.
Not the same. None of these characters undo picks. If you kill a person, they stay dead, the ultimate charge you put into it wasn’t wasted. The closest thing you can call a waste is Zen using Transcendence and negating a Hanzo dragon, but even then you still have means to actually bypass it. The element of counterplay is important to note here.
I have played over 50 hours on Mercy (regretably). If you honestly think that it’s the worst ultimate in the game you have not seen McCree, or how buggy and inconsistent shatter is. The purpose of Valkyrie is not to stop all picks from happening over the course of 15 seconds, it’s to provide AoE healing or damage boost. You can use it to further support your team or provide the damage that will allow you to break a choke.
I didn’t say anyone asked for it.
Mercy is not nearly the same level that characters like Ana were for months. Nobody will call a Mercy a throw pick at any ELO because she’s middle of the road. Just because she doesn’t dominate the metagame does not make her a bad pick.
Mercy is still a main healer, she just cannot heal alone the way she used to be able to. This is a fine tradeoff considering she has benefits that most healers in the game cannot provide alone. These benefits include healing through barriers (only otherwise available to Zenyatta), healing out of LoS for a period of time (also Zenyatta, to a lesser extent Moira), healing without resources (everyone except Ana and Moira), a mobility escape option (everyone but Ana and Zenyatta), and most important, a damage boost you can use at any time. I’m aware that the devs increased and then later decreased her HPS, and I disagree with how much they reduced it by. I think it should be increased to bring her more in line with Moira.
Mercy is not completely useless, at all. I have yet to see anyone ever complain about a Mercy pick, whether its in streams I watch or in my or my friends games. She’s a reliable pick who trades efficiency for consistency. It’s closer to what Ana provided during the Moth meta, where you make a trade (in this case healing potential and anti-heal debuff) for healing consistency and resurrection.
I didn’t say Mercy was overpowered. I said the ability didn’t have a counter. The reason why Zen and Lucio was so good at the time was due to how effective rushing the enemy was at that time. Just because something is not meta does not make it not frustrating.
If you’re playing with another healer then you plenty of time to get the resurrect off. Additionally, there are plenty of times to get safe picks, for example, fellow snipers tend to die in your own backline so it is relatively easy to resurrect them as opposed to your Genji or Tracer, who tends to die out in the field. There’s also time to get resurrection when your own team does CC. It’s important that there be counterplay to most abilities in the game, or at least a drawback that comes while using it.
It raises her skill level because the Mercy can no longer fly in, get resurrect, and fly away. Mercy now has to find an opportunity, or have the team make one for her. Using your abilities in tandem is important to the core gameplay of Overwatch, whether it be Nade+Amp, Halt+Hook, etc. You don’t need to gain a resource for everything you do, otherwise snipers would gain ult charge for not standing in the middle of the teamfight.
Oh my lord. Here, from a fellow support main:
https: //blizzardwatch. com/2018/10/03/mercy-isnt-primary-overwatch-healer-meant-thats-problem/
Done, bye .
Numerous people have pointed out the glaring issues with that article–including the odd fixation on Moira who is arguably in a worse place than Mercy on the ladder.
I am a support main pal, and I already made my statement on her HPS. You just chose to ignore it. Glad to see you can’t make your own points and have to refer to an article to dodge my arguments.
I have a genuine question. But what if they do revert her, apply said fixes to Mass Rez and they do just that? Put her in F Tier? Then what is Blizzard to do? I understand the impactfulness and Engagement of Mass Rez but my curiosity lies within when does working on Mercy end? That we can leave her be for months and months at a time or a few years?
I’m not english speaker. I read your reply. I gave you an article I thought will explain better her current state.
Respect and good vibes.