Mass Res Will Return | 10 Reasons Why

The thing is the game evolved from that point when mercy had mass rez. what wasnt considered op then maybe will be now. She really is not in a horrible state and is for sure not considered a trow pick, she maybe under powered now compared to anas overall kit. But she still completes the role of a pocket healer for certain characters that benefit from her being on the team. Playing with mass rez. wont solve her problems one bit, it can only make it oppressive to play against or under powered in general. Because OW from 8 seasons ago is waaaay different from what it is now. A lack from evolving in gameplay and mechanics of a character bring never ending back and fort changes that simply dont benefit anyone…

Valk and E rez are literally Alpha Concepts.
This literally means the game essentially reverted her to Alpha Concepts that were scrapped.
Mass Rez stands a chance at countering combos like Grav-Dragon that have been dominating.
Mass Rez has even more viable counters than previous in the form of Hammond and Torb.
People who want Mass Rez back aren’t just expecting it to be the same as before, people want it with changes that benefit everyone else. Cast time and LoS are the big ones that people would like her to have and have an E ability, likely one that increases her skill floor, to squish some complaints that she is no skill because she will have an ability of skill.

I already explained here, about the issues of Valkyrie and E Rez.

  1. It’s 1st of April.

how about this,
Primary mouse click - Pistol shot
Secondary mouse click - Healing staff
E - Damage boost
Shift - Guardian Angel with no ally lockon requirement
Q - Quick single ally rez

The people that complain are majority low ranked players that dont understand how the game works 10% and they say mercy is no skill. Every character requires some skill in different aspects of the game. Mercy dosent require any mechanical skill, but there is a big difference in play if you compare a bronze mercy to a master mercy player. If you are going to compare what other heroes can do to counter mass rez. and not WHAT can enable it to work, we have a big problem alrdy. Depending on your team comp, wont really make us understand value of mass rez. You have a hero that has insane mobility and can get to places other heroes cant fast enough. Using rez. for just two people that have ults or are close to getting them is alrdy a HUGE advantage for the team. Because this game is based logically on something called tempo.I use my ult good, I get value, mercy poops her mass rez. ohhh the team is back despite getting outplayed, with two game breaking ults that swing the tempo in their favor, which is definitely the case if the opp. team dosent have mercy with mass rez. and you do. Comparing McCree to Mercy isnt going to help matters at all XD. Because they play and function on a different lvl from each other, one is a pocket healer one is a single target dps. They make a function together but cant be compared to each other because they dont even fill the same role. If you want to compare mercy, compare her to other supports individually and her role in a team comp. ,where is she most effective. Saying someone cant find good balance is your opinion on the matter I have full faith in the devs that when they want to address her again they will do a good job without reverting her. If you like stale bread thats your thing I want the game to keep evolving, and not get heroes reverted to the same state that devs and players wanted to avoid.

I have not explicitly stated that I am here to advocate for Mass Rez, but I can see where they are coming from because it comes from a time where statistics back up that Mercy held a healthier position in the game without dominating the other supports.

I have taken a stance against Valkyrie and E Rez, which again have just proven to literally been a huge failure of a rework. The comparison I used still works, just with life instead of death.

Here is something about Valkyrie with a slight reference to E Rez on its issues.

At this stage I would rather resurrect and valkyrie get scrapped completely, just to have her be as fun and engaging as she was to play when she had Mass Rez. To show my skills without being undermined by my own ultimate and being able to feel the burst of adrenaline when doing something good for my team and knowing that it all came from quick thinking under pressure and making the right calls.

And I think it is a fair complaint from Mercy’s to not want to have their skills that they have learned undermined by their own kit. I think it is fair for them to want their bit of challenge back. I think it is fair for them to want their character to be fun and engaging because it people can claim something was “unfun” to play against, even though what ultimate is fun to play against, then they can damn well demand for their character to be fun to play. It should be fun to play but BALANCED to play against.


IMO earthshatter is fun ult to play with and against but it is bugged to the core. This does not mean everyone will share this opinion one bit. Valk gives you something very important, that is line of sight, in valk you have much better vision of the point and everything else, information you can give to your teammates is valuable on its own. They care about one hero and one hero only, this game does not evolve around one hero thats not how multiplayer games work at least MOBA style games, if McCree was changed ( if its even needed ) I would be fine with it, because the game needs to evolve to be fresh so the people will continue to play it. Mercy mains think she isnt played because she is trash tier. My answer to them is thats not the case if you look at it from a different perspective. 80% of people that played healers in my games wore more inclined to play ana over mercy, now that ana is good they can actually do it, without the need for mercy and it had more to do with ana being underpowered than mercy being overpowered at some point in time, was the 10 hp healing nerf really needed to keep her from constantly overtaking the support slot ? We might never know… whatever effect mass rez. had on the game before might not have the same effect now, since the game changed from that point a long time ago.

Before Mass Rez was removed, it was buffed to have invulnerability after Ana was nerfed into oblivion and after Lucio was nerfed. The Ana nerf killed Triple Tank. Then Dive Meta became prominent with Zen and Lucio, then Lucio got his Aura Nerf and with Mercy getting invulnerability, it left room in the Dive Meta for her.
After that came her rework to make her more engaging and make her better for Pro-Play.

Only when Ana and Lucio were nerfed and she was buffed with an overpowered feature did she start to become relevant in higher tiers.

She also had an SR bug that allowed players to climb on low win rates.

At lower ranks, she was not nearly as oppressive as people claimed her to be. Players are starting to realize this and have fonder memories of Mass Rez Mercy than they do of the Moth we have now. Pro-Players and Overwatch News outlets are starting to cover her issues and starting to go back on everything they had claimed about Mass Rez Mercy, realizing now after she had been so overpowered for them and a must pick and now having gotten so many nerfs that it has devastated her for the role she is intended to fill, that perhaps Mass Rez wasn’t a problem.

Why should Mercy have the advantage over the other supports at gaining intel without help and on top of that, Mercy’s were already very observant of what was going on around them, just like the other supports. We didn’t need to hover above the fight with an ult that takes over what we want to actively do which pretty much disengages us from the fight below. Supports have some of the greatest awareness in the game and are generally pretty observant of when it comes to what they need to do. Mercy brings nothing in regards to utility or defensive ults to the table which means with her weak healing she cannot fill a main healer spot and filling an off support slot means losing team saving defensive ults and powerful utility.


She provides some utility in the form of rez. and damage boost. Why not buff her damage boost or something like that ? They have aspects of her kit to look into. I find her ultimate very useful in a lot of situations. It can help you escape the fight and provide chain healing, sustain. Also increasing her healing will not make her a must pick, that much is for sure. If mercy mains dont find her fun, they can always play a different hero. Taking a HUGE step back is not something the devs will likely do and I personally hope they dont. Cheers !

Damage boost feels horrible because Orisa does the same and imo having two skills identical to each other is bad.

Leave Orisa boost her teammates with Supercharge and take it off from Mercy so now devs can give her a better utility skill.

Ress one E after so many nerfs finally is balanced this is why Mercy went down after having the nerf on her healing. If current resurrect is so OP like many people still clamming why Mercy dropped so quickly in terms of picks and win rate?.

Don’t get me wrong , resurrect on E is still one of the best secondary skills in the game but for such an impactful skill there should be counter play and now its has it.

Now Mercy has only two problems ;

Bad utility (outclassed by everyone even Lucio)
Bad ultimate (Provides 0 utility to her teammates , even Moira healing Orbs are more effective that the whole concept of Valkyrie)

Valkyrie isn’t a bad concept of ultimate is just doesn’t work it should give Mercy a new set of skills because is a transformation one and no just heal 5 people at the same time for the same amount of heal.

Being a weaker moving Orisa drum isn’t fun and is a sad excuse for an ult.

GA is great, it gave her the mobility she needed to do her job. A job that she gives up pretty much all form of independence to do. This is why she has the lowest damage (including with DB) out of all the supports and why she likely deserved to be healing more over the course of a match because 60hp/s wasn’t that high but it was reliable and that is what she needed especially considering she traded damage for healing.

E rez is a crappy and yet over powered excuse of a utility. You use is before a push starts so you can use it safely and prevent people from capitalizing off a kill and pushing in. The delaying of team fights is powerful but it is dull to use. Trying to use it mid-fight is suicide and pretty much gets your team killed because her healing rate currently makes it so she can’t turn around the damage that has been done to her team during that rez. This is currently the same problem with damage boost.

Chain Healing is unhealthy for her and takes skill away from her. She is a single target healer, learning to juggle your targets and prioritizing heroes was a huge part of her skill and that takes it away from you. It falsely pads healing numbers and makes her far too easy for people who haven’t understood how to play her base kit properly. It helps you escape the fight when the point of all the changes was to make her more engaged in the fights.

Are you joking?
Moira is what you go to for main healer sustain unless you are good with Ana.
Moira does 80hp/s on her M1 and it can hit multiple people. Moira’s base healing is more effective than Mercy’s ultimate at that point.
Lucio’s Amp It Up on multiple people is nearly as good as Valk, it is only a few numbers off.
Moira and Mercy have ults intended for similar purposes, they are currently tempo ults. Only difference is in regard to damage in which Moira gets direct damage and truly controls who might die in that situation but also has much better control of who lives because;
Moira Coal = 140hps + 70dps, on multiple targets, used during no ult team fights
Mercy Valk = 50hps + 30% DB, people die as much as normal just all at once because you are trying to sustain through no ult team fights
Why use Mercy, why Moira can do it better, all match?

Everyone does everything better than her now. No one else can Rez, but Rez is a pain to use any time that isn’t before a push, because any other time is unsafe and will result in death unless the enemy team is that tunnel-visioned they ignore Mercy and that doesn’t happen as much anymore. Why bring a team mate back when it is safer, easier and more successful to just keep them alive with all the other supports and all of their combinations.

Mercy does not have a place in their combinations anymore, unless there is Pharah, Widow or Hanzo involved and even then you could still be better off with the other supports. She is a pocket now. A pocket would fill an off support slot. Who usually fills off support slots? Zen and Lucio. What do they have? TRANSCENDENCE AND SOUND BARRIER, these defensive ults can SAVE FROM ULTIMATES. There are very few situations now, especially with how situational and risky it is to use rez any time after the poke battles that it is a better choice to have then the defensive ultimates. If you return her healing she can go back to main healer keeping the off support slot for the defensive ults, she can do her job well and still have time to use rez but that returns her to must pick status solely because Rez on E is too powerful of a utility even if it does feel garbage to use and will still be situational, but with her correct healing rate she would have time to Rez someone behind a wall for mid-fight or W/E and have time to heal her team afterwards of boost them.

E Rez is over powered and feels bad to use.
Valkyrie takes the control of skill away from the player and doesn’t even feel like an ultimate of use and forces a level of disengagement from the fight.

Many Mercy Mains ARE playing other supports and the ones who aren’t are dropping her win rate immensely which only adds to the cause that Mercy is in a bad spot. Mercy’s pick rate went from 100% in GM to 0.66% in GM. It’s one thing for a mechanically easier character to have a low pick in high tiers, but to literally go from must pick status to practically nothing, it shows how well the balance for Mercy is in that regard.

Mercy with Mass Rez shows a healthier state of the game. And yes the game has changed but considering there has been no time in the life of the Mercy Rework/Alpha Revert that it has had a healthy place in the game, it is time for a change. People advocate for Mass Rez because even if it isn’t right for the game, it was still more fun and engaging (when used from not behind a wall like people like to do) then where we are now and the ability itself comes from a time and place where Mercy was in a healthy position, she had a suitable pick rate at multiple levels and was not insanely oppressive. She taught enemies to stop throwing their ults out and actually understand ult economy and once that was the case, it also should have taught them the basics of class based games, which is prioritize the healers in most situations.


If you need to drop her base kit that had never been a problem, to try and balance an E Ability, then it is clearly to powerful in that position.

Dropping her healing has given her no time to damage boost or E Rez and if she tries, people usually die for it because she can’t salvage the situation because her healing is too low.

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OH OH. I forgot to mention something with Dirty Bomb.

If you remember what I listed with all the Revive mechanics above.
I forgot to mention healing.

Sparks - Small Healing Pack, usually takes a few to fully heal people, she is fast but has weaker weapons
Guardian - No healing at all because she has a shield to block from aerial attacks, strong weapons, not sure on speed
Aura - Aoe healing station, can be destroyed, decent weapons and fast but can’t heal on the fly because healing station is stationary.
Phoenix - Has a self-revive, has an Aoe charge up heal that comes off of him in a burst, decent guns, medium speed
Sawbones - Has a large healing pack but stronger weapons, slowest of the medics.


~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Na this

looks not so healthy.
Its good that its gone.
And now just never ever add it again.

Adding a simple LoS fix to the ability = This is a no longer an issue.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Wasent the rez after the rework LoS based?
Did not worked that well…

Hoooly this thread is so delusional. I’m actually saving this OP and I’m going to use it in the future to aide in coaching to show exactly how it looks to get things so horribly wrong that you list out a bunch of reasons and manage to get the justifications and results of them totally askew, almost as if you are coming from a completely biased perspective with no understanding of how the game functions at all

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I disagree, I think along with the cast time, and shorter radius, it worked too well. But please, explain how LoS “didn’t work that well” in your opinion? :blush:

Oh, you mean you are just giving an opinion and you disagree? That’s fine, great! Thanks for sharing your feelings in this thread! I would advise you to be a little more constructive in the future in your response. This is a discussion about Mercy, not about which threads you find are or aren’t “delusional” or to insult others. Let’s keep it classy, and thanks for your cooperation! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Well you just added cast time too it …
My point was on just LoS fixes…

So… Yahh …

And LoS is not working without cast time dou to the fact you need to kill her in the right moment befor she presses q and that window is to short to be balanced.
And even when you klill her befor she rezz she still has her ult.
It woud be unfair in both ways.
A cast time of 0.75 sec and a loos of the ult after she got killed midtime is an okayisch way to do it.