A better Mercy rework idea- Kid Icarus inspired

Hanzo mains do quite well, its simply 100% range after 0.5 seconds then the extra dmg is charged at 1 second.

Hanzo was designed to wield a bow.
This goes against Mercy’s core character values and the design of her being mechanically easier.
This seems like something for another support but also, this steps on Ana’s toes in a way.
And anything that keeps Valkyrie is awful. Valkyrie undermines all the skills a Mercy has developed.

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… I think the guy’s name is Cupid. Ikarus was the idiot who made wings out of wax and flew too close to the sun.
Anyways, the winged bow and arrow guy is Cupid.
(It’s funny how fitting the Ikarus - Mercy comparison is though. They are both useless.)

He didn’t make the wings out of wax. His father Daedalus made wings out of wax to escape the Labyrinth but the idiot, Icarus didn’t listen to his father telling him not fly near the sun.

Im not too sure where you would get the idea Mercy is pacifist,
she has a gun and able to amplify damage.
Unless it was just assumptions?

Valk is not 100% awful if you utilize it properly.
In the case of Valk she can have sights in places that would either take too long or be dangerous.
You most likely think Valk is bad because she has very little kit to pair it with.

Mercy’s Voice Lines, Character and Map Interactions

"Must violence always be the solution? "
“Regrettable, but necessary.”
"I choose not to seek revenge. "
“How barbaric.”

Mercy: Ana. I don’t approve of what you’ve done with my biotic technology.
Ana: I’m sorry you feel that way, but it suits my purposes now.

Mercy: Describing your work as unethical would be a kindness.
Moira: But the true question is whether or not you can deny my discoveries… No, I didn’t think so.

Watchpoint Gibraltar: Overwatch was shut down for a reason. Maybe it’s best it stay that way.

Not to mention that Mercy was said to have disproved of how Torbjorn repurposed her technology she designed for good into a weapon for Ana.

She even says sorry when she gets kills.

She is designed to be peaceful. A pacifist. She doesn’t like all the death in the world, it is why she went into the medical and medical science professions, to heal those who have been hurt, to save lives. Not to take them unless it is absolutely necessary. It is why she believes that maybe it is better that Overwatch is shut down, because they caused as much harm as they did good and she doesn’t believe that is worth it.

And on the matter of Valkyrie;
Removes her weaknesses:

  • Reliant on team for mobility > Flies everywhere in Valk
  • Single Target Healer had to learn prioritization and juggling beams > Chain Beams does that for you
  • Needs to be fairly close to the fight and at risk > Literally increases her range so she can be as far from the fight as possible.

Removes skill:

  • Chain beams takes away the need to know how to play her base kit properly
  • Learning GA management and positioning, don’t need it as much so don’t worry just use valk
  • Learning to understand ult economies better and when enemies might use them, yeah don’t worry about that because you can’t do anything anyway to be honest
  • E Rez literally holds so much power to hold off push before it starts that using it from safety causes it to be over powered anyway which causes the base kit to be nerfed

Everything I can already do normally, Valkyrie just takes away from me. How is that more engaging? How is this fun? How is this good and healthy for the game?


Its hard to get the reasons behind those quotes without a full story behind them.
(your only listening to part of a bigger conversation)

Imma borrow this

That can be said for most hero ults, Soldier:“oh im not hitting my targets i might aswell use my ult instead of learning how to aim”

You wont always have Valk.

This is something all players should have and develop.

In most cases the push would have already started if someone is dead, if they were picked off by a sniper then reviving them would be too risky.

Ults are suppose to make things easier, Tacvisor, Dva bomb, sound barrier etc.
Your complaints are mostly Mercy’s low skill ceiling being reduced by her Ult.
Unless you can find some kind of added kit to mercy that dose not harm others and increases her skill ceiling by your own assumptions id like to hear it.

Something new is needed to make mercy a higher skill hero,
Her current kit is simple to use and made simpler when using her ult.

An aimed debuff that gets you on the right track to learning the aim mechanics of a sleep dart that does something like a small damage reduction or lowers firing speed.
Something that directly impacts the enemy without dealing damage.
She therefore becomes active in the fight and people stop feeling like unless she pulls out her pistol, she isn’t doing something to fight them.

I changed how it looked a bit (no actual words just the bullets) if you want to use this instead

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Sombra or zen would be a better pick and i dont feel that a single side arm ability would do much to improve mercy.

This is not Mercy. This would upset a huge part of the community because you made Mercy a completely different character. Also why are her heals so low ? She’s supposed to be a main healer. Her staff also doesn’t make any sense with this build. I don’t know, it kinda kills her entire identity and changes her drastically and doesn’t make any sense to me. I think it’d be a cool concept idea for a future hero, but no where would it make any sense for Mercy.

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Guess what?
Mercy is still Mercy and the community dosent even like that.
Go big or go to where sym was before her rework.

Her arrows will reach full range and heal charge @ 0.5 seconds,
which would equal to 60 HPS.

If you were to hold the arrow for 0.5 seconds longer you would reach 100% damage charge.

Her staff makes sence because it works in close range within a grouped up team or a brawl where accuracy is difficult for a long range hero.

Mercy will always be a guadian to hero’s and thats her identity.

The community is upset because they lowered skill, her potential for big plays/impact, and she’s unfun. People even think giving her chain beams is stripping her identity because she’s supposed to be a solo target healer. There are ways to fix her without turning her into a completely different hero. Her identity is a solo target healer and medic, she’s also pacifistic. She’s a doctor, not an archer like Hanzo. She has a gun literally only to defend herself which is why its only a pistol. Her staff wouldn’t make sense if she was an archer because it would look extremely awkward and playing that way would be extremely awkward. Also, changing her entire playing style would be ridiculous. Every rework Blizz has done still holds the basic play style and skill sets of that hero even if some abilities change.


She never had skill potential only a OP ult

We need a healer with two modes like this! This is a good idea, I just don’t think Blizzard would do this for Mercy.

This is why we support the idea’s/changes to make things happen.

If the community is so quick to complain about a hero change why are they not as quick to reply with a better suggestion?

Her skill consisted of juggling beams and priority healing/damage boosts. It also goes along with positioning also. Valk negates both of those. Mass Rez meant before invul you had to have amazing game sense and ult economy/tracking ults for rez to even be effective. Mass rez only became OP due to invul as it lacked counter play. The OG rework and before the big nerf patches, was also OP. But OG Mercy with reg Mass rez was very underpowered. If you’re going to suggest changes to Mercy you should know her skill sets, identity, and history.


This is a lot of judgement based skill sets but im referring the mechanical skill,
not just observing the situation.

Mercy would still have her staff. The bow would be optional so you could still play her the way you want to.

Her mechanical skill is her mobility and her pistol. Mercy isn’t supposed to be mechanically demanded. Even after Sym’s rework they kept in mind that she is supposed to be a less mechanically demanding hero. I don’t mind adding a little bit more, but upping her mechanical kill to being a sniper is way too far.

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