With Torbjorn’s rework on the horizon. I’ve been doing a bit of thinking in terms of how his ultimate would function against the supports. Most namely, Valkyrie.
Looking into it, it seems that due to her having seemingly a sky-box, spectator mode camera for an ultimate, area denial ults like Hammond’s mine field and Torb’s Molten Core will have little to no affect against her.
This means that effectively, area denial ults have little to no counterplay against a Valkyrie Mercy, since of course, she would simply be able to float right over them.
On that note… Wouldn’t this kind of defeat the purpose of an ultimate meant to deny heroes of an area? It seems pretty counter-intuitive to call an ultimate “area denial” when some heroes aren’t exactly denied of that area.
On the other hand, Mercy’s previous ultimate Mass res, would not only be way easier to counter by these new ultimates, but also would allow direct counter play to them. A Torb or a Hammond can punish a bad Mercy’s Team res with such long lasting ults that would last long enough to kill enemy resurrections, and it would further encourage proper ult economy - waiting until the best time to use the ult, rather than just blow your load of ults and hoping that the side with a bigger combo wins.
In my opinion, this is overall healthier for the game as well. Teams no longer can depend on everyone having ult and “just getting on point” with them. Matches aren’t as straightforward and linear, since even Mercy mains would have to know when to use their Mass Res without being countered, and Torb and Hammond mains would have to know when to save them to secure the objective without any potential stalling. I would even guess that this would help boost Torb and Hammond pickrates as well, which are among the LOWEST of all the heroes.
Both sides check each other as well, which would solve the whole “no counterplay” argument. The need for “aiming at the unkillable Mercy” during Valkyrie would also be less of an issue, since she no longer has 12 seconds of not being engaged in the fight anymore. She would now have to be present in the fight and engaged when she wants to make her big play, and she would also need to be skillful enough to do it without her ult being shutdown.
But that’s just my thoughts. With these new area denial uls becoming a thing, what do you think about it?
Do you think that these area denial ults will struggle to take out Valking Mercies? Maybe you feel that Valkyrie is in fact more balanced than Mass res against a molten core? What do you think about the idea that a Team res may be completely shut down by a Mine Field or Molten Core ultimate? Post your thoughts below and thanks for reading.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.