Malavento is underestimated

NGL, it’s because Blizz really aren’t going to give out new maps because it’s meant for 5 v 5.

Why design 6 v 6 maps anymore when OW2 is going to change that massively? Why bother making another 6 v 6 maps, only to redesign it for 5 v 5? 2 CP maps? They’re taking it out completely, might as well put resource into other things.

FFA is the only few modes that they can add without causing too much problem and selfish of me to say it, but I like more FFA to be added since I play those mode primarily.

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The king of spooky? Must be some kind of a ghost because he’s never around :thinking:

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I like this map.
The real issue is that there’s not any lore in it. It’s so empty.

But wish all workshop haters in this thread a new ffa map in 2022

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Blizz fanboys defending everything here lol.

FFA map is hardly content. Look what other games get.

Criticizing them doesnt make one unreasonable


I definitely agree with you here Nay-… err, LunaLove

Criticizing developers of a video game isn’t part of the criteria for being unreasonable. Being unreasonable is what makes someone unreasonable :+1:

Yeah, because they had a chance to also release a new game mode/map for summer event, and years to release other modes apart from Lucio Ball/Junkenstien for specific events.

People critizied Team Fortress 2 for no new “content” meanwhile they did a ton of content for aboutt 8-9 years before the community took over, We had the same summer games event and halloween event (this year was the 6th time we played lucio ball, and soon to be 6th time junkenstein) and everyone complains about Lucio ball for the past 3+ years now and the queue times are long for it too

And you know Team Fortress 2 still gets some updates and their dev team you can count them on your left hand

I’d rather them work on making the events everyone looks forward to more fun, most find them a disappointment now, the biggest excitement we had was archives but that has also turned to dust since the announcement of OW2

All we look forward to now in new events are skins. I miss all the hype of people getting excited about archives and wondering what they’ll do next ;(

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You dont have to be passiv aggressiv to people who do have a different opinion than you.

Dont act as if people who dont agree with you are dumb, too.

Change your behavior.

I literally said I agree with you :upside_down_face:

Has the TF2 economy really gone to this? I remember when a key was like 2.33 ref smh.

yeah, I used to be a Team Fortress 2 unusual trader, they stopped putting new metal sinks in so keys slowly raised in metal price over the years, back in like 2016 it was around 16 ref I think for a key and now it’s over 60.

The funny thing is… cosmetics still cost like 1 ref, some even lower lol so you could just buy 1 key, trade it for the ref and get ton of non-unusual outfits for all your classes lol


Leave her alone, she’s unreasonable.

She clearly complain over any content and expect people to not like it the way she doesn’t.

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I had to look it up lol, I quit day trading when they were 2.77

And here I was actually excited for the map… why are people so hard on FFA players?

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Holy cow, you’re negative about literally all new content, aren’t you?


She is,

I have to yet find a thread where she says something positive

Not a ton as of for a day last year.

All 500 people on the planet into Workshop get a new toy. Huzzah :sleepy:

That villa in front of the church is so fun to fight in if you have vertical mobility/a knockback. I was messing with people as Echo by jumping down from the top, waiting for people to follow me, then flying back up.

Also this map is Lucio main paradise right next to Chateau. Three small healthpacks are near cliff zones lol.

The map is a lot more grounded and close quarters than most maps, could be useful.

If it is pointless content that I can’t get any use of, why woudl I be positive about?

Ppl these days.