Making Mercy universally viable- a rework

Yeah, and that’s because Zarya is ridiculously overpowered. But that’s a discussion for another day.

This hero would be obscenely good, better than Mercy 2.0 on the PTR.

Then up cooldowns?

Except for grenade. Which does two things and affects multiple people. Mercy has no grenade. This still makes her choice dependent.

I’ll be blunt. Both of these abilities here are better than either of Ana’s abilities. They’re both huge, hero-defining skills.

The halo is just a Zarya bubble, but on top of Mercy’s old overpowered healing rate. That’s way too good for a secondary ability.

The repent thing is bonkers. People aren’t going to use it for self-defense. They’re going to run up to the front and tag the enemy main tank with it, almost surely getting the tank killed.

You know there are numerous heroes who rely on threat to stay alive, right? The repent thing will get them killed and render them totally useless. It would be the most hated ability in the game. It would make shield bash look like nothing.


I don’t see how. Ana can counter healing entirely on cooldown while buffing her own team… She can theoretically buff and debuff both.
This doesn’t provide harsh debuffs and doesn’t give hard cc. It’s all passive. And still solo target. Tbh I was reluctant to let her hold charges in her ult for this reason… I guess only one bubble can be active? That’s fine.

I don’t see how.

Strong healing beam
Solo target support
Low dmg

I think it’s very much mercy.

She doesn’t need to be universally viable though. This mentality of making all of the heroes universally viable instead of letting some heroes be niche is making balancing a nightmare methinks.

This makes helicopter gunship PTR Mercy 2.0 look balanced by comparison. Zarya bubble on a support? 5 second disarm on 8 second cooldown? A better gun during ult? The old OP healing value that made other supports obsolete, while maintaining GA completely? 120 hps during ultimate?

Completely ludicrous.

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Blizzard said they want heroes to be less niche. Reworks are being made with the intent of removing niche.
I see no reason for niche to exist.

Mercy 2.0 really spoiled people, huh.

Your “idea” is just as broken as the fresh rework was. We should NEVER go back to that.


Mercy doesn’t need to be reworked. I think she shouldn’t be. Right now Mercy is under-powered if you do an analysis of all her stats & compare them to the other supports. Mercy has a very small niche right now where she is only ok to use if your team has an OP damage source (Bastion, Junkrat on PTR, etc.), you absolutely NEED to have her mobility for whatever reason, or your team is running 4 or 5 DPS. They just need to buff Mercy to be in some-what of a middle ground for what her Rez was before & after they nerfed it & her healing output being at a middle ground, which would be 55 hp/s. Mercy is too weak right now to work outside of her niches, & even in them, she is not that good.

Except for the cleanse and buff to the caster… Just one bubble too

Versus a full stun like brig mccree or hog or doom or death potential with cc like Lucio… or total immobility on 12 from anywhere on the map

She has that now…I just lower the skill floor for it. No infinite ammo, no speed increase…

It did not. She was buffed when ana was released. Ana kept her healing. Valk adds healing value. I removed it significantly. Additionally, other supports have been buffed since.

She has 150 hps plus her own permanent regency now total. I removed chain beams and her self regen…she heals less in valk now …

Mercy needs to be reworkee if she is to be universally viable which is the goal of current game design. No hero is to be niche outside of how they give value.

Mccree is to be equally viable to widow. Soldier to mccree. The difference is not in output but how they are used. The player is what makes their niche . Like in chess, a bishop isn’t better or worse than a rook.

Explain where and how or else don’t bother

Good subsection of Mercy mains who think Mercy being strong enough to be the defacto healer in every situation is normal. Repent is a way better version of hack with zero cast time on top of it and an 8 second cooldown.

Like what?

Mercy is already pretty much universally viable. I think what we need to fear is what are they going to do to Ana to make her universally viable. She is in a much much worse state than mercy if that is going to be their goal.

Hack takes away movement, healing , shielding , even if you’re in a zarya bubble while emped

You can still move heal and shield with repent.

I think ana is more universally viable than mercy. Ana s recent nano buff made her almost perfect imo. I just still think her ultimate charge should begin sooner once she casts out nano

She sounds like a busted must pick since she’ll just function as zarya who can heal also an ability that makes enemies not attack on an 8 second cooldown in what situation wouldn’t you use mercy also not to mention it dumpsters moira and maybe ana

These are awful ideas just saying

Also don’t forget that at 50 hps she almost as much as moira which that is all she has besides damage

Universal viable would spell disaster again, have we not learned it yet after all these years? A hero needs strength and weaknesses.

Zarya has two bubbles that cleanse and buff her and she has high dmg with a large health pool

Mercy has one bubble that only protects and doesn’t cleanse

So… Up the Cooldown? 10 seconds seems reasonable.

Moira is…another issue but ana still has
Burst healing
Anti nade
Sleep dart

That all seems great tbh

She doesn’t have burst heal, still doesn’t cleanse or debuff the enemy, still low dmg… Nothing changed in her base play.

Universally viable isn’t the same as a universal hero. Mercy is not ana. She is not offering anything the other heroes do including zen who still has a dmg buff for his team
This mercy does not