Make The Game 1-1-2-2

I think the best solution is for the OP to always queue as tank and play the main tank. That will make sure there are more main tanks in the game.

Literally playing main tank would be hell though,

you are limited to 4 characters, if they pick someone like reaper or another tank buster, you basically are guaranteed to counter them

plus buffing main tanks would make certain combos like rein zarya even more broken

I donā€™t think this would work well because of the ambiguity of tanks like Sigma and Hammond. I say Sigma is an off-tank and Hammond main, but it depends on who you ask.

What if Blizz says the opposite? Sigma canā€™t really function well as a main tank and Ball is certainly bad as an off tank, especially over Zarya or Dva. They would go all the way down to the bottom of the pickrate due to being forced into a role they donā€™t belong in

I see where theyā€™re coming from. If youā€™re a purist on this issue, then itā€™s really difficult to accept Wrecking Ball being called a bruiser. Heā€™s one of the only tanks, along with Reinhardt, that never acts as an off tank. Like I said before, even if you pair him with Orisa or Winston, they end up playing more like off tanks for him.

At the same time, I can see why you wouldnā€™t want to go through this massive overhaul, and then still get Ball/Hog every game.

Iā€™m pretty neutral on that point now. Whichever way Wrecking Ball goes, Iā€™ll still be happy to see this implemented.

Well, my guess is if they did go in this direction. They put Hammond as an offtank anyways.

But give him some of the benefits he got with Zarya/Dva with pairings, included in his equipment.

For instance, make it so heā€™s CC immune when his barrier is up.

Like all the full benefits as if his own barrier was a really beefy Zarya bubble.

Wrecking Ballā€™s shield was puzzling to me when it first came out. I thought it was supposed to be a barrier, like a Winston bubble, but shrunk down to fit Ball perfectly. If that was the case, then itā€™d grant CC immunity, and itā€™d protect him from one-shots like D.vaā€™s ultimate. You wouldnā€™t be able to hack through it either.

Imagine if it was actually like that, though. Itā€™d be hell trying to take him down. Heā€™s hard enough to kill as it is! Even now, I find Ball to be an incredibly polarizing hero, in the same vein as Pharah, who forces you to bring out heavy damage and CC to deal with him. If your teamā€™s DPS are Soldier and Genji, for example, he can seem nigh unkillable.

I agree with this feature but we need more tank heroes first. Splitting tank pool into shield tank / non-shield tank solves a lot of issues. No more double barrier, no more double offtank ā€œi just want fast dpsā€ pairs.

Add at least 1-2 more of each type of tank and yes, down.

This allows every shield tank to hold their own. Sigma and Orisa would be allowed to have significantly stronger barriers.

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So if they did 1-1-2-2 how long would it be before people started asking 1-1-2-1-1? Somethings players have to work out on their own. I know it is frustrating for people, but they made team chat a feature for a reason. They expect people to work as a team in a team game, and that means talking to your team. Some games are still lost on hero select screen just move on to the next game and hope it works out. Or pick up playing tank yourself and become a ā€œmainā€ tank main.

This idea actually sounds pretty cool but even with pre-disposed guidance and selection the line between ā€˜main tankā€™ and ā€˜off tankā€™ still seems very vague and smudged. Blizzard would have to intentionally rework tanks into ā€˜mainā€™ or ā€˜offā€™ categories. If thereā€™s argument about how a hero is main or off tank now, there will be even more once theyā€™re actually put into roles like that.

However I really do like the idea even if I donā€™t ever see Blizzard acting on it.

Youā€™d think they could just scale his survival down, such that his overall survival is similar to what he has now.

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Sure iā€™ll do that If i wanna take a quick nap zZzzZzZzz

You donā€™t buff rein. I said that you buff the other main tanks so rein isnā€™t the only viable option.

But then what do you do if they pick reaper

Do you just sit down and cry until your team of bots does something?

Why not go all the way:
1 main tank, 1 off tank, 1 hitscan, 1 Projectile, 1 main support, 1 off support.

You counter them with dpsā€¦ like you do now?

Whst if you are the tank i mean

Atleast now you can go roadhog to hook him or zarya to farm him for charge

But if you are stuck with rein oriss sigma and winston, which 75% of your picks are absolutely terrible and the other is subpar

Do you justā€¦die? That would be unbeliveably frustrating

Less creativity and more forced comps. As much as I want to like the idea, the amount of tanks this game has is just not enough for something like this. Also, it would be weird to only have tanks affected by something like this. People just need to learn to adapt to playing with a rein/sigma on their team. Itā€™s really not that hard.

Iā€™m not gonna keep repeating myself.

The off tank picks those heroes then. (also sigma isnā€™t a bad counter to reaper)

People donā€™t play thatā€¦ they play hog and ball or hog and zarya. And weā€™re left with zero shield or a main tank.

*without rien or sigma my bad

Edit: and orisa I guess

The game becomes practically unwinnable if they have rein zarya and youā€™re stuck with 2 off tanks.

Iā€™m not gonna pretend that we have the same personal experiences but for me that is just flat out wrong. We still have dive and its different variants as well as hog/orisa and other creative tank comps that Iā€™ve won with plenty of times before. Also, wouldnt adding this make the problem even worse? Rein/Zarya would go from being played almost every game to literally every game? Even if balance changes come their way, I cant imagine rein/zarya losing their near perfect synergy. It could even risk the both of them being nerfed to the point where one isnā€™t playable without the other.