Make The Game 1-1-2-2

Ima just get straight to the point and list why this should happen IMO.
1-1-2-2 Would be: Main Tank, Off tank, 2 dps, 2 supports.


  1. 100% Chance of Getting a Main Tank Player
    Simply put when you get two off tank mains you’re at an automatic disadvantage if they have a main tank player. And this seems to happen to me more games than not. On my main account my win rate on my main genuinely dropped from 60% to 40% yesterday all because I managed to get ONE rein player the entire day.

  2. Better balancing for main tanks to come out of it
    If they made it 1-1-2-2 main tanks would simply get balanced out a lot better. Sigma and Orisa would be made into actual tanks with their shields getting buffed without having to worry about double shield becoming the meta again. Since they physically won’t be able to play with each other and will only be able to play with an off tank.

  3. Actual Variety Among Tanks
    If this were to happen. Blizzard would need to balance out the main tanks better, thus creating a situation where it’s not just “pick rein or lose” but you can actually still pick another main tank and it will be viable. As of right now, for the past 2 years it’s really been pick rein and zarya or lose. The only time this wasn’t really the case was for double shield. And that lasted maybe a season or 2. With all the other main tanks being balanced out to actually be able to shield without needing a 2nd one, the game will just feel much better.

I can only really think of one con and I don’t even know if it actually will happen if this were to be added.

Longer Queue Times
I genuinely don’t think this would affect queue times as you’re essentially just splitting up the tank queue times. Main tank queue times would be anything around a second to 15 seconds realistically. Off tank queues would be 30 seconds to 2 minutes. They will still most likely be “< 2 mins” though. Maybe it does for tanks. But I would much rather wait a bit longer in a tank queue if it means I’m not going to get paired with another off tank and immediately be at a disadvantage before the game even starts.




Way to provide actual feedback and any reason why not! :neutral_face:


Except NONE of you accept the fact that Hammond is main tank despite pros and the people who literally made the hero saying otherwise. You will all still complain when a hammond is played


I’m sorry but um. Where in any of this post did I say hammond is not a main tank, and that I dislike people who play him…

huh?? you think this WOULDN’T affect queue times? It would take so much longer to find a game considering right now not a lot of people like playing the Tank role, but splitting it between 2 separate categories would make it increasingly harder to find those that want to off tank or main tank.

and by this logic they would need to implement off support roles.

There aren’t nearly enough heroes in this game for something like this. In another 3 years when we have a more evenly split number of heroes between roles? (hopefully) maybe.


I second this. No more Hog-D.Va feed show.


Highly disagree. I have yet to get people who do two off healers in a game… I get double off tank mains in quite literally 85% of my games.

You’re defining main tank as Rein strictly because he has a shield.

I didn’t say it was JUST rein. I said I lose cause I hadn’t gotten rein because rein literally dominates the tank lineup. Which leads into PRO Numero 2 of

Main tanks would be. Ball, Winston, Sigma, Orisa, And Rein.

my points of shields were about not letting double shield be meta and orisa and sigma could actually be able to solo shield.

Because he has an instantly deployable shield with 1600 HP that is literally the ONLY reason he’s been meta for 2 years

You want the meta to be one way for the rest of this games life span and I strongly disagree with it. Rein/Zarya will be the ONLY viable pick if you get what you want.


Yes… I understand that. I never said that wasn’t the case with him. I’m literally agreeing he’s been meta for too long.

Are you just not reading what I’m saying???

I’m literally saying if they do this. They would need to buff ORISA and SIGMA to be able to solo shield. This would make them objectively stronger and actually be able to go up against a Rein / Zarya comp.

That’s literally what they are now…

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And you will fix nothing.

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Actual feedback? Never heard of that. /s

When ever I try to give even slight feedback people just bash their hate on me regardless of what I say. Better just say small word of opinion than something which people get offended in 2020. Cause this is what forums have come to.

But what ever. This your idea which others been flooding the forums with aswell, aint gonna work even if we had enough characters in the game to begin with.
I dont understand why you anti-222’s cant accept that it’s not going away.

No one likes playing main tank


Okay so you ignore my points about how it will literally fix it. Cool.

I mean… I’m not one of those people. I want to have an intelligent conversation about it and actually debate on it.

I’m not anti 2-2-2 it’s literally still 2-2-2 but with main tanks and off tanks split up. Which if you read my pros will actually help a lot with the current state of tanks.

Again read the pros. If they do it and buff orisa sigma like they will have to, then it will be more variety and not just rein. I see people playing sigma winston and ball all the time. They literally just refuse to play rein because he’s boring and been meta for too long.

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No more double shield, YES PLEASE. No more throwing tanks :D?

Something like 1-1-2-2 definitely needs to happen. Role queue has been flawed from the start. It was supposed to guarantee a solid team comp, but it can’t do that without guaranteeing a main tank.

It seems likely to me that they’ll change to 1-3-2 for Overwatch 2, in order to address queue times. That’s why I’m hoping for something like this or this, so that we don’t lose the 2-2-2 playstyle in the process.

Also, I’ve been a staunch advocate of keeping Ball in main tank for a while (because he is a main tank), but I recently reconsidered a bit, because I think everyone would continue to complain about not having a shield. People complain about Ball/Hog now, and that would still be allowed in 1-1-2-2. Ball’s best team comp in OWL was 1-3-2 dive, but his best comp in 2-2-2 has always been with another main tank (usually Orisa, sometimes Winston). So I think most people will be more satisfied if he’s in off tank, and all the main tanks have shields. What do you think?


So instead of waiting for just 2 tanks, we’d have to wait for a main and off tank…
We have enough matchmaking filters as is. The community can’t afford to spread itself even thinner. On top of that, a class of just 3 characters? Wth lol…

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First, I was like “No, wtf!” but I read your argumentation and damn, it would really solve soooo many problems. :o
But I don’t think this will get through as people are already very frustrated about the queue times and anything that could make them even just a slight bit worse will upset the majority of the playerbase a lot (just look at Echo and how there was criticism that Echo was another DPS hero and thus resulted in more DPS players).
Personally, solely because of your argumentation, I would vote for a 1-1-2-2 concept. So: good job!