What, and lose far more of the player base? oh HELLS no.
Having OQ Comp and RQ Comp together in the main screen is a good idea. But to delete the more popular mode because you don’t like it isn’t going to work WITHOUT solving the problems which RQ solves other ways.
Boring because rein has been dominating the meta for 2 years. And as I clearly stated as one of the pros. There would be much more viability going around to the other main tanks because if they do split them up, they will absolutely buff orisa and sigma to be strong enough to main tank by themselves and it won’t just be rein as the meta.
I think that you should change “Main tank” to “Shield Tank”
Hammond is technically a main tank but because of snipers, a shield is needed to stop your team being free farm to Ashe or McCree. Main tanks like hammond usually have to be put with a shield, nudging him into the off tank role
Okay sure. But I hope you just keep having fun with rein zarya being the only thing that’s going to ever happen, with sigma being only useful with another shield tank, and getting 2 off tank players 7 times in a row til you drop a rank.
Fair. But that doesn’t address the horrendous balance the tank role is in. Anyone who advocates for tanks to remain they way they are now, are actively wishing for the games death.
Splitting up can actually yield more benefits, such as Sigma and Orisa and Winston all getting super buffed to contest Rein and prevent double off tanking and the return of double shield. Therefore off tanks can be looked at as well.
Benefits to who ?
Meta slaves ? no they will just have a ‘best’ tank that they want every time from each role.
Current Tank players ? No as you are advocating chopping our choices in half.
DPS players with long queues ? No as you are suggesting to make it longer.
There are 0 pros to this horrible suggestion.
Well now you’re just objectively ignoring the obvious benefits I just listed.
The other shields can be rebuffed back to glory and maybe even better. Yes there will always be a most powerful, thats just the way it is. But it would allow the other 3 shields to be more viable and playable vs whats meta while enabling more creative comps that aren’t just double shields (which everyone hates)
Plus off tanks can queue for their role. Shields and queue for theirs with new re buffed tanks. Thats where the draw for the role will come from. But again, I respect there is a chance this could make the queue worse. But it could make it better by allowing 3 whole tanks to be rebuffed to former glory while allowing off tanks to also thrive.
I can see the pros and cons. Whereas you’re actively ignoring the benefits. I cannot civilly discuss something with someone who doesn’t have an open mind
So that is under con in that you have to buff other tanks and still there will be a best one that the ‘meta slaves’ will insist on.
Another con, adding another queue for a role that does not currently exist. Plus makes the current tank queue even smaller and then adds another tiny queue.
You spelled always wrong.
At high ranks people insist on dictating what others player. I’m glad I’m not high rank and have to deal with mouth breathing meta slaves in my matches.
I think the problem is how all the Tanks are currently balanced. I don’t think we can really rely on sub roles anymore. Really each hero needs to have a specific thing that they do, and do it well, but have all the necessary criteria to fit within a given role.
People are really insistent about main tank Hammond. Even though it’s probably only viable for about 2% of players across Comp/Quickplay. And even then he’s probably played as a main tank without a barrier less than 10% of the time by those players.
And even if it’s double or triple those numbers in reality, it’s still a really small number.
On the other hand, Hammond can do a lot of work when he doesn’t have to worry about incoming CC/Damage with a Zarya/D.va peel. Like old-school Winston/Zarya Dive.