I have yet to ever win a game with orisa on my team. I have yet to win with two off tanks and the enemy team is running rein zarya. Dive is hot garbage right now and any team can easily wipe the floor with them.
There’s plenty of buffs the other tanks can get that will make rein less of a must pick option and you can actually use any of the other comps and win.
Well, I highly doubt that’s true. If it is, then I’m starting to think then maybe the problem is you. With effectively less protection against enemy damage, you have to change up your playstyle even a little bit. I see too many dps or healers playing like they’ve still got that 1600hp barrier in front of them when they don’t but I guess this isn’t the point.
Not gonna deny that it’s not the greatest
buf it works fantastically as a counter comp depending on the enemy’s dps comp. Genji one tricks be gone.
This is my fear though… (Ignore what my profile says I cant connect ps4 to my OW account.) I’m primarily a tank/healer player who has dipped their toes in mid masters on both. I just simply don’t think that the other tanks need to be buffed. First off, powercreep is no bueno. Second, small nerfs to rein and maybe like some neutral change to zarya to make her synergy with rien less effective would be the right course of action. The other tanks (maybe with the exception of orisa shes a bit of a mess rn) would surely find their place.
For me personally, I dont like playing against rien and zarya almost every game. However, I’m willing to wait for the tanks they’ll release in OW 2 before any major changes are made.
As something that could be a neutral change for zarya, they could play around with the health to charge ratio as well as the size of the bubbles. I’m making this up on the spot so dont kill me. Maybe zarya’s personal bubble could be increased in size, last longer and have like 400hp. Her projected would be nerfed to have maybe 100 hp and give less charge. This probably wont work as well as I’m imagining but maybe she could tank a little better for those who are behind her while keeping a nerfed version of her get out of jail free card.
I really like this idea, and I’ve preached it on several posts that it relates to. One question… can we get this for both healer and tank? I really feel like healers are in a good spot now, but they could be better. I could honestly see changes to the tank and support ecosystem converting people to play tank and support. Tanking right now is boring, because everyone needs a Rein… but what if they didn’t. I could see queue times evening out a bit if the dev team made tanking and supporting more engaging than blindly picking the same heroes over and over again.
Well no it’s just orisa fails as a main tank without a sigma to support. She doesn’t protect anything on her team because her shield can get 4 shot by a roadhog alone. It’s effectively useless and without a 2nd shield, she doesn’t work.
True. But how many genji players you see nowadays?
D.va and Orisa definitely need buffs. Roadhog no because he can partner up with orisa and that’s really why he’s “not good” rn because his main tank pair is hot garbage. Sigma would could get a buff of higher hp health and no cooldown to putting his shield back out so he will be better for main tank.
I’m not sure what you see on pc but on PS4, quite a bit. Its scary.
True, but as an orisa player there are ways to get around these short comings. Unfortunately these shortcomings arent things we had to deal with before but its doable. Halt and fortify are still really strong abilities that both work wonders against roadhogs. I’m not saying that doesnt nees a buff, she does. It’s just that in the right hands she can be pretty effective. As for 1-1-2-2, theres plenty of ways to shift power in orisas kit to properly balance her without forcing a main tank role.
Again, I dont really hate this idea but I feel like we should wait to see what OW 2 has In store for new heroes and possible balance changes before resorting to something like this.
True. I think honestly if they add an off tank that pairs well with sigma. Then it shouldn’t be a problem to do 1-1-2-2. Every main tank and off tank will have their pair. And all will be viable.
No. I don’t like main tank period. Not at launch, not today. Again, the way they are made is the problem. I want complexity while I can attack. I hate Ball’s physics. Reinhardt defends or attacks, not both. Winston has a auto aim gun, and a shield that DOES NOT use proper physics. Orisa is 50% Zarya rip off, 50% easy to hit. Sigma has delays on everything he does. I have problems with all the main tanks.
I’m not advocating that the tanks be like hog, no. I want shielding. But I want them as abilities. Like Zarya. They work in a pinch, defend their team, than go away.
If I could redesign Reinhardt. His shield would be a deploy-able. Activates it. Takes it off his arm and slams it into the ground. He than can fight and use his abilities. His weapon would be throw-able and act like Kratos’ axe. Charge would be changed so that it can be used also in reverse, as a defense.
The problem is playing shield tank is incredibly boring for 90 % of players. Very few people actually enjoy it. And off-tanking is similar to dps-ing, so quite a lot of people wanna play a durable dps with shorter Q time.
On the other hand, getting double barrier is just as bad as 2 feeding off tanks. But splitting ques even more doesnt seem like a very good idea either. Besides, line between main tank and off tank is blurred (Ball doesn’t have a barrier but developers claim he is a main tank). So these roles better be named “shield tanks” and “bruisers”/“brawlers”.
Not a good sign when OP is making over a third of the replies…cos in my experience, threads where the OP of those threads is making up a technical majority of the posts are the ones that don’t end well…I should know, a good majority of forum vacations have been the aforementioned types of threads.
Do you guys really want to have 15min offtank and support queues and 30 min DPS queues?
What this game really needs is a guild/clanbased system and a matchmaker that reward 6 stacking instead of punishing it.
That wouldn’t necessarily have to happen. Let’s say they split the heroes that are currently labeled “Tank” into proper tanks and utility-dps/off-tanks. Several Damage heroes could easily be move into the new role utility-dps/off-tank role, effectively expanding the size of the Tank roster.
They also wouldn’t necessarily need to add a new queue. They could just limit comps to 1-1-2-2 and require the two players who queued for tanks/off-tanks (the 1-1) to argue about who plays what. Which is the exact same situation we have now, but without the benefits to barrier balance and whatnot.
Of course, that seems kludgey, but the fact that the queue system doesn’t match up with game play is the real cause of the problem there. It’s at least no worse than what we have now.
There are aren’t enough tanks. And sometimes you need to help the dps out on DPS with an off tank. And sometimes you need to shields because the other team DPS are too good. So it will be a no for me. Repost this when we get 10 more tanks.
Not really. Two main heals and two off heals can actually be viable. Two off tanks just doesn’t work unless the enemy tanks are that horrible at doing rein zarya.