What the hell indeed. More like what the hell. Tanks only keep playing these 3 heroes in my comp games…
… is that not… still… 2 tanks?
Thank you
What the hell indeed. More like what the hell. Tanks only keep playing these 3 heroes in my comp games…
… is that not… still… 2 tanks?
Thank you
You’re dividing the current tank players into 2 groups.
Unless you expect the current tank playerbase to be a exact 50/50 split, yes. Queue times will increase.
Main tanks queues will be really low. Off tank queues honestly wouldn’t be that long seeing that off tanks are still tanks and tank queues as is, are short. You’re taking a short queue and making it shorter across two groups. Also my idea is that if they balance out the main tanks more to actually be able to main tank then more people would play it knowing rein isn’t the only viable option.
Sure. But I want the other two roles to get filtered. No double sniper, no double off healer.
What makes him a main tank in your opinion?
Blissfully ignorant on whether there’s more off or main tank players.
i don’t like wrecking ball as a maintank, he doesn’t face tank for you and just rolls around in the backline, him paired with rein isn’t bad
What? I KNOW there’s more off tank players. I’m saying if there’s less main tank players the queues for it will be seconds long. And the off tank queues STILL won’t be anymore than 2 minutes.
yeah and they could buff maintanks up if there was no double shield. So more people would play them.
Exactly. It will drive away from Rein Zarya and actually bring viability to all the other main tanks.
So you can play something other than rein zarya and not be at an automatic disadvantage.
No, they would have a increase. Since the off tank would wait for a main tank. There’s more off tanks. I find the main tanks BORING, or have issues with a mechanic I never liked. Ball’s cable and its physics is crap. Winston’s shield falls straight down. Ignoring all forward momentum.
Well ball would be more off tank let’s be honest. And the winston shield thing could just be a part of the buffs that all the other main tanks would receive to actually compete with rein and be viable.
He feels really good as a main tank if you play a hero who doesn’t need a shield, like Pharah, Echo, Tracer, Sombra. etc. He slams into their team and you swoop in and blow up whoever he hits. He makes a lot of space for those heroes. But yeah, a lot of other heroes benefit greatly from having a shield, and he just doesn’t cut it for them.
Honestly I think barriers are hurting the game in generally, I’m starting to see why Jeff said he isn’t sure if barriers have a place in this game or not. Its VERY noticable if a team has one and another doesn’t. The game requires them, but no one wants to play heroes with them.
It would be interesting if OW2 makes barriers abilities only.
Yeah, this would cause a MASSIVE increase in queue times.
Sorry, but, it is DOA because of it.
To what role?
All of them, except main tank.
Look at it this way, every game which you would have people wanting to play 2 off tanks for, where either you run 2 off tanks, or one relents and goes main tank, is a game which CAN’T be used anymore to clear people out of the queues.
You slow down the game to one game per person who really wants to main tank, and we just don’t have enough of them.
I think there ARE solutions, but, mostly, you have to make it so there isn’t a hard requirement for you to have a main tank.
ROFL !!!
Yes because splitting the tanks into two queues (and who decides what tanks go in which role ? ) is not going to affect the queue times … wait yes it will as their will be very few that will queue for ‘main tank’ as the ones that most call ‘main tank’ are boring as a broken table leg.
If your goal is to force Blizzard to further break up the player base and greatly increase DPS queues then good on you for succeeding in making a suggestion that will do that.
Oh and why not come up with an original idea on how to help the DPS queue times ?
cons: more restrictive queue. delete role queue altogether, do not expand on it