Make Mercy's Base Healing Beam Like Echo's Focusing Beam?

IMHO scaled healing should be how her healing should be.

She doesnt have any real support like others do outside dmg boost and then she can’t heal or do anything at same time.

shes either heal some1 to stop em dying
support them by boosting their dmg and risk someone dying.

mercy has consistent healing as her thing. letting it scale off target health is the best way to help her.

be it a flat target health % or even a target max health efefct (example tanks get 60 hp/s but dps would get 50 hp/s)

shes 1 of 2 healers (other is zen) who have no 2nd way to heal outside of ult.

shes 1 of 2 healers who can’t use her support AND heal together (other being moira due to not having real support)

atm mercy just has her consistent healing and her mobility. and mobility isnt unique to her so her thing is consistency…consistent at being below average is bad overall.

that sucks cause pocketing a Pharah or Echo would be near impossible since you hit them once and they would just insta heal back to full. Having Increased heals like that is bad. Instead a flat hps is better.

I’ve been thinking about this too, she simply cannot heal enough on tanks compared to other healers, plain and simple. She can heal everything else just fine

that would be super op

So either get a Widow or Ashe to one shot the Echo or Pharah (Although why is a Mercy pocketing an Echo? Echo is a flanker type hero not like Pharah at all) or shoot the Mercy instead.

not even remotely true.

I have fixed it for you.

Honestly I don’t mind Mercy being an off-healer with lower healing, I just want her to have a defensive ultimate if the devs are going to keep her this way. They could allow her damage beam to provide a speed boost too.

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Anyone who thinks 60 HPS would make her a must pick has a very giant lack of understanding of this games history and balance and past metas :clown_face: multiple pros have said she needs it, do you think pros want her to be a must pick?

This thread is also good at explaining:

Anyways she’s probs getting a buff next week from what Jeff just said in his interview so :smiley:

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I’d just prefer they remove the blaster and give her staff some form of defensive power to defend herself.

At least ‘bad’ Moira that rather do DPS still do some ‘accidental’ healing when they spam their ult and it hits team mates, not to mention the usual behavior of spamming left click when panicked also benefited the team with healing.

But when ‘bad’ Mercy swaps to her blaster and refuse to switch to her staff? Yea, that’s absolute zero healing.