What if Mercy’s healing beam worked similar to Echo’s Focusing Beam?
So basically like this:
Healing rate is 60 hps if targeted ally has hp below 50% and once the ally’s health is above 50%, the rate instantly drops down to 50 hps
Healing rate is 50 hps if targeted ally has hp above 50%
While just increasing her base healing to flat 60 hps would be nice, I think this would at least be an idea for the devs to try out on Experimental Card. It would make Mercy more reliable at keeping tanks alive.
Not bad, but I have read from somewhere that suggested Mercy’s base healing to scale with percentage. I don’t know about the numbers, but the end result was
200 HP = 50 Hps
400 HP = 60 Hps
600 HP = 65 Hps
Give or take a few numbers. Your idea is not bad, but I think the percentage is better so that Mercy’s healing on squishy stayed the same so she didn’t became a better pocket healer but she’d be better as a main healer.
All of these ideas are cool and all but she realistically just needs a flat 60 HPS to be viable/competitive.
That or an R based heal boost ability.
However OP’s suggestion is nice. I thought it’d be cool if she had a Passive called “Critical Care” where she healed more on targets below 50% and also GA’d to them faster.
Indeed. I personally do not even mind the scale idea, but instead of based on percentage, it could be a timer, for the first 2 seconds you get a boosted heal and that heal is no longer boosted unless you heal another 2 players. That encourages Mercy to constantly top everyone off without killing her pocket style for people who like it… I guess.
Since she’s only a pocket for Echo and Ashe, and they don’t even need her to do amazing.
Moira/ Lucio or Ana/ Brig/ Lucio are the go to picks depending on ranks; so what would you do to allow Mercy to compete with them, without making her broken again?
not all Dodos feel the same, tho, even those with identical verbiage and writing styles…such as here, given I feel that Mercy needs no buffs to healing in her current state
orrrr she could have a beam like zarya or sym and more heals so you need to track someone( in options you could change it so sym beam: 60hp normal beam: 50hp)