Make Brigitte Fun Again

I wish Brigitte was a tank instead of support just so they could end this pain for the brig mains once and for all


Who said barrier tanks need to go back to their old places?

Aren’t you the one who argues that that style of tanking is unpopular?

Rein jail and all?

Getting barrier tanks and getting barriers back are not the same thing. And brig has no inherent tie to either form seeing as double barrier existed in forms without her.

Yep I agree with you about how Brig is okay in GM + but I would still want a rework.

Here is my Idea

  1. 225 hp
  2. 300 shield
  3. 1 repair pack burst heal 75 hp and flat temporary 50 armor (convert target health into armor) - 4 second cool down
  4. Shield Bash - 25 damage - no longer stuns but stop all movement abilities for 1 second (If Tracer was hit she would not be able to us blink for 1 second, but can still move and shoot). Would still keep colliding knock downs and stopping some ultimates.
  5. Inspire and Rally kept the same

QOL changes

  1. Fix Brig shield where some damage goes through shield. Extend the shield into the ground and increase the curvature slightly to let it protect against splash damage.
  2. Show inspire zone like lucio’s zone with a visible circle so people know when inspire is up.

This thread reeks of dps mains, but they’ll never make her fun again. Sad panda.

The thing is there’s a misconception that Brigs inspire healing is low…when it’s really not. You just can’t see the effect of it very well. And if she was able to brawl better then inspire would be active even more often. So you could easily reduce repair pack or get rid of it all together.


Moira is not meta for other reasons.

And it isn’t about obligation. She’s just designed to be that way by Blizzard, and I don’t see a redesign coming because some Brigitte mains miss her old play style and are willing to give up some utilities and healing for some offense power.

I argue “not dying” as the only aspect of tanking as the problem.

And I have a lot of skepticism that if they went with an 800 BarrierHp Rein, that that wouldn’t just lead to yet another DoubleBarrier meta.

Because it still would be fundamentally better than the alternative SingleBarrier meta, and not vulnerable enough at close range.

If it were up to me, you’d have a 450 or 400hp Reinhardt, with a strong barrier, and whatever attack buffs are reasonable.

I mean, they have done reverts even tho people act like they havent.

And I don’t think they only cater to the majority otherwise…brig just wouldn’t be here. Nor symm and tibb toob.

I would say the biggest thing for non reworks right now is ow 2 and the role they want for supports. So investing into any hero new or old to such a degree, doesn’t make sense. Which Jeff soft confirmed twice

Which still isn’t any supports’ issue.

I agree. Like entirely . The 800 rein made me question once again who exactly play tests these games. But, that isn’t a brig issue anymore than it is a moira issue.

If you’re arguing close range peeling, has nothing to do with preventing close range dying, then you’re wrong.

That’s literally what peeling is.

its is a small part but the biggest part of that was abilities that u can press once and your chances of dying went down to like 20 percent like orisa fortify press it once u pretty much have nano boost reduction then sigma suck if u use it correctly its pretty much a primal rage on cooldown.

Didn’t you already make this post

Yeah he did its one of the brig mains that want easy value out of their character and not want to practice to get good at it

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If you like flail and barrier playstyle as brawly frontline fighter, why not just play Rein? Jeff knows we need more Reins

I’m not. I’m arguing that brig being strong in a situation she’s meant to be strong in, doesn’t mean that the weaknesses built around that strength are stronger . They should be either more prevalent, or is socially unattainable. Which we have seen isn’t the case. Social factors play a larger role than any built in weakness.

Unless your argument is “peeling is bad” which applies to more than brig.

All supports have a close range bail out save mercy and zen.

Yet, no one is asking that ana’s literal burst heal be nerfed to 10 hp in lieu of 100.

Peel either isn’t an issue, or is. Brig herself has nothing to do with it.

I do play Reinhardt but I also like Brig. For me I just would like a rework so she is more enjoyable to play that is not a super raid boss. Plus I also enjoy playing support so a durable support ticks some boxes for me. I guess being able to heal and protect others resonates with me.

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I hate that I can be one tapped by hanzo or two tapped by McCree. Idc that much about the weaker barrier or self heals but the missing 50HP in her health pool just devastates me. I don’t want to play her at all, there is nothing fun about playing her.

I never understood why Blizzard thought it was a good idea to make her a support.

It’s not entirely Brig. I’ll give you that.

But if they removed the “Unmatrixable AntiDive” on these sources that DoubleBarrier has access to

  • ShieldBash
  • Whipshot
  • RepairPack
  • Immortality Field
  • Accretion

And then

  • Make Mei into a Tank
  • Knockbacks that aren’t delivered by Tanks/Doomfist reverted to how they were in 2018 (or that Tank knockback passive)

And maybe weaken

  • Fortify
  • Kinetic Grasp

Then that covers everything.

But still, more than 50% of that is Brig, and the other issues are pretty easy to solve.

She was created as a result of the long lasting Dive at that time to give supports more options to counter flankers. The problem was launch Brig was too strong. Well at least she is not that Brig anymore.

I don’t understand why you people don’t want the old brig back. The old brig was only a monster in GOATs which is impossible. OG brig had the same healing output as Zenyatta (check omnic meta if you don’t believe me). You get less healing the chew through, we get frontline brig that was enjoyable. Whats the problem.

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