[Main Thread] Overwatch 2 crashes after a couple of minutes

I am back with somewhat good news. I managed to make anticheat stop crashing (so far testing with the new account script, maybe it will also fix on my own - will update post).

Byfron Hyperion checks not only launched apps but also drivers! Drivers can be not only for hardware, but some for doing code at low level. Which means that even if the app isnt loaded, but driver is, Byfron will still be tripping.

I used driverview to see what’s running and uninstalled some apps and drivers that could potentially trip the bugger. Sadly I cant tell what exactly was the problem but what I had - noxplayer (VM of sorts), one app for digital signature and other.

Word of caution! I can not recommend this method as you can easily break your windows by messing with wrong drivers - BSOD and unrecoverable loops of death.

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Today I format my Windows, make a clean installation and reinstall Overwatch 2. Run with a fresh Windows user and the game is still crashing after a while. I’m struggling with this issue for an entire week, already tried absolutely everything that everyone suggested here and now I’m just uninstalling the game because Blizzard’s support for this is just crap.

if u find a way tell me

Well here is the fix: Byfron causes Crashes for many users

is this a perma fix or just temp?

also when you change it manually what do I change EDID to?

Creating a new windows user also changes your SID, and considering that the game will crash again on that newly created windows user as soon as you restart it, I am pretty sure that you’d have to change your SID every time before you want to play the game which is a massive waste of time and can’t be considered a solution to this issue.

You can change your SID in your Registry with a simple batch script in 1 second before starting overwatch so idk why you are talking about a “massive waste of time” here.

creating a new user just fixes the crash as a side effect, changing your SID is the actual fix.
There is no other fix than that, all we can do otherwise is waiting for Byfron to fix their bugs.

Any specific SID program you reccomend?

You can search on YouTube for

“Change Security Identifier (sid) on Windows 10 | Change SID windows 10 Without Sysprep | Change SID”

I just had this problem come up again. I switched from windows edu to windows home and that fixed it for a while but now it started to happen again.

I am gonna try this SID change and let everyone know

I use a debloated version (v1709) with the microsoft store removed and a few other things. OW2 will crash after 30-90 seconds after launching the game.

OW1 didn’t have this issue on the same OS.


Didnt work for me, same problem.

Just tried this fix game still crashes after few mins unfortunately.

The SID change fix worked for me!

Big Thanks to Baseult

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Should i try the process again and see if it works the second SID change?

what program did you use to change the SID or did you manually do it

What kind of garbage anti cheat would crash your entire pc though? I mean, it wouldn’t surprise me. It just seems stupid as hell.

Well, Byfron does :slight_smile:

I have tried EVERYTHING I could. I scouted through the internet and nothing works. This goofy ahh anti-cheat is causing way too many issues. I just wanted to play this game.

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