Hi, dear Blizzard! It was the 21th day since the launch of the game, LC-208 always with me, i can`t play from Xbox or PC, thx Blizzard, thx for your competence! How long to wait? Day, two, week, month, year?
Failure of the year, Blizzard!!!
I can confirm that the problem is still happening.
Could any staff member respond to this topic? Or will we continue to be ignored as if nothing is happening?
This happened to me last night in comp. I couldn’t log back into the game. Blizz please fix this error.
I’m still suffering from this issue on PC and my console… now I’ve missed out on events and it’s getting VERY frustrating that they cannot seem to fix this
I unlinked everything (Apple-Google-Xbox-Nintendo-PlayStation-twitch) and the game happened to just update and… I’m in! Not sure which one fixed it but…
Unfortunately seems like they are going with the radio silence tactic unfortunately. I can only hope they’ll fix everyone’s soon. I wasn’t receiving any responses from support, then all of a sudden I was able to log in. No “heads up” no nothing Fingers crossed. I’ll keep my voice loud for all of you. Blizzard has to FIX this so EVERYONE can play.
Ive been unable to get in for 2 weeks now but i disconected and reconnected all my accounts and now i can play and i still have my save data.
Oct. 25th 2022. I just encountered this problem. The game just had the halloween update and brought bastion back, I also just connected my twitch; now I get the error code. I’ve done most of the suggestions blizzard gave, but the whole disconnecting and re-connecting my psn account but it says if I disconnect my account it’ll take 365 days before I cam reconnect my account.
Has anyone figured out how to fix this or am I screwed?
I’m on ps5
21 days since the game released and I still can’t login.
2 weeks since my support ticket last received a response.
Blizzard clearly don’t know what the LC-208 error is or how to fix it. It’s beyond laughable at this point.
You can disconnect and reconnect the same account as often as you want, you have to wait 365 days to connect a different account.
Yeah Blizzard is horrible
Experiencing and LC208 error for the first time on my Xbox since launch. Just started after the Halloween update. Have my accounts merged and was totally fine until most recent update
Back to LC208… I managed to play 5 comp matches after halloween update totally fine, and in the last one the server went 600ms latency and kicked me, can’t log in at all… awful… why can’t they just not release more ‘bug fixes’
I’ve disconnected and reconnected and it doesn’t fix the issue.
I literally have a day and a half long ban from comp rn because of LC-208 error code and what is just so frustrating is that it wouldn’t matter if they DID NOT REMOVE THE REJOIN OPTION
Same here i was playing fine on my main acc then when I updated the game it kicked me out and the worst part is I just made a alt acc and you guessed it works
I think it may be something to do with account merging ive been trying for hours to get in on my main which ive had since 2016 and that account was merged and then i tried to log on with the same console on another account which was a free to play player and it works straight away
we need answers from the dev or something. this is a joke alrdy.
Had 3gb update n now all i get is a LC-208 error code, deleted the game n redownloaded it still didnt work
Looks like the issue is back after the Halloween update on October 26th
Why can I log in from my second account, but my main account that I’ve been using since 2017 keeps getting the LC-208 error. I’m really hoping my account was wiped.