[Main Thread] Console LC-208

Having the same constant LC-208 error after the Halloween update on my PS4… This is so annoying especially when there’s no acknowledgement from Blizzard that this is a known issue.


Hello. On PS5 after the Halloween update I was able to log in but every time I tried to do the event in Arcade, it disconnected me. After 5 times this happened, I got the error LC-208. I followed all the advice Battle.net gave to solve the problem but nothing has changed.
I also uninstalled the game and re-downloaded but the error persists.
Yet I have a friend who has managed to enter from a PC. I just don’t understand.

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Over 3 weeks now with only playing 1 game in launch. Can’t access the main menu, can’t access the limited time events. And they aren’t going to fix it.

I am not going to move on from this, I will be on this forum, on this thread until it it’s sorted. I have seen the maintenance update saying LC-208 is being worked on but I don’t believe it.

Don’t underestimate my pettiness Blizzard. I’ll be here. Waiting.

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I’m having same issue. Was working fine until new update. Now not working on Xbox or switch. I’ve tried all proposed fixes by support page with nothing working


someone fix it in xbox?

My girlfriend just logged in the game and she plays on PC. So the problem is on console. Why? I don’t know. I just read a post about a 3.39 patch, but my console doesn’t find it. That’s very annoying. Blizzard, fix the problem please.

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At this point I just feel like they’re ignoring us

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Still having the LC-208 issue, can login on one account but not my main account, tweeted at blizzard customer support but no response or update - https://twitter.com/teh_webbo/status/1585199411478822912?s=46&t=JKqeE1a0EQQkGQCfSy7gsA



I posted this in the other thread on the issue, but same problem for me. Working fine up until the Halloween patch then queuing issues for ~20mins followed by immediate LC-208 upon trying to enter a game. Tried to login on my Switch and same issue, had my brother try my account on his PS5 and same thing although his own account works. Followed the Blizzard guide and disconnected all links on the account and then relinked and still not working.

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Same error, cannot play on my ps5. Fantastic event actiblizz :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Still can’t get in on ps4 either.

Same here on xbox absolute joke still happening to me don’t know how to resolve

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I’ve had this issue right as the patch came out, its driving me nuts cause I’ve done everything multiple times. im on ps5 so im pretty sure reading all of these that its a ps4/ ps5 and xbox thing. i have no clue why this is just a console thing but i guess us console players don’t buy enough 20 dollar skins so we don’t get to play the game


It’s terrible isn’t it as a player that came from overwatch 1 it’s a joke they need to fix this seens as in my opinion they’ve screwed is one to many time with the whole loot box thing and launch day bug

Haven’t been able to log in since the Halloween event update, keep get stuck with the same message, LC-208. Driving me insane, i just want to play

Terrible support too haven’t even helped resolve the issue for anyone

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Got this reply in the other thread, wanted to share it here:


yeah that’s what other people have been saying but not everyone has a PC to log into the game on.

Moderator Note: This thread was used to track a separate issue that has since been resolved. If you are experiencing this error, please check the forum’s main page for known issues. If you do not see an issue that matches your problem, create a new thread to report it.