[Main Thread] Console LC-208

Still can’t connect since the Oct 7th maintenance. My wife’s account gets in fine, but mine is still getting the LC-208 error. Ps4, Ps5, or PC, none of them work. Tried all the fixes. I just want to be able to play with my wife! This game holds a lot of memories for us and the halloween event is her favorite.

Its the same for me except I’m on Xbox. I dont want to express anger at this point I just want it fixed for everyone’s sake

I got it fixed!! I’m like 90% sure this issue is caused by the account merging process. I merged my account in OW1 but was still asked to merge it in OW2. Similar to someone else on this thread, I was prompted to merge with my Nintendo Switch account that I no longer used. Out of fear that I would lose my Xbox data, I disconnected the Nintendo in Battlenet. Today, I reconnected the account and got in without even restarting. I restarted the game to confirm that it wasn’t by chance and played one game as well:)))

Hopefully this helps others!


Mine still isn’t working. Nothing to do with account merging for me. They’ve corrupted my account and are blocking me from accessing servers thier side. I’m 100% certain.

This is just beyond a joke now. I know no one from blizzard is even paying attention to this error. Or even looking at the forums. They really don’t care.

1 game since launch and never seen the main menu, my unlocks or anything on my main account since then.



Just to update today is day 16 for my son’s STILL NOT BEING ABLE TO PLAY OW2 I’ve been busy working, so I haven’t been able to harass Blizzard as much as I was… but don’t you worry Blizz! This weekend since it’s 2x weekend will be a FULL WEEKEND stream of LC-208 screen, as well as I’ve reached out to kotaku, ign, pcgamer, and other places about this!


Still LC-208 for me today. Staying strong, but am sadge.

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Having the same issue. PS5 and PS4 versions, tried everything. Big Sad :frowning:

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Adding myself to the same issue. Can’t log in.
• Xbox Series X: I keep getting Error LC-208
• PC: I get the “Unexpected Server Error Occurred” message when I try to login.

Some notes that may help -
• I have no login issues with any other Blizzard games tied to this account on any platform.
• My Xbox account email is different than my battlenet email
• If I try to manually enter my email/pass at login failure (PC) the authenticator request doesn’t work.
• I was able to log in fine the first week Overwatch was released, but not recently.
• I tried disconnecting and reconnecting my xbox account, but it didn’t help in any way.

I have been disconnected so many times now. I am permanently banned for the rest ofbthe season. This is absolutely ridiculous.

Lc208 since launch for me. Went from my favorite game to the worst game of all time

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I still have this issue and support won’t even respond… beyond frustrating

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I jsut got the same thing, I was in a middle of a ranked game and I lost man. So unfair

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My Account still has this error. No fix on the horizon…

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Yeah… I’ve managed 2 matches since game release. Support is ignoring me… just going to uninstall. At this point I have zero faith it will be fixed.


same issue for me here the past 3 days been being disconnected from comp games only with the errors LC208/LC206 i have highspeed stable internet connection, restarted router and modem, unlinked and linked my PSN account, and waited for numerous suspensions i am very much liking the game however i want to advance and am only interested in ranked so getting suspension after suspension because of this network errors on their side is so counterproductive im trying to devote time to the game and get better but the system hinders me.


They have updated the maintenance schedule thing that says it’s being worked on but mine is still dead. Nearly 3 weeks now.

Is this real? 2022, triple A company and a game that’s broke for 3 weeks post launch?

OMG I fixed it. I got on and linked every single account I own and something worked. Google, Facebook, Twitch, Apple, Xbox. Everything. So now Blizzard can sell my number and information to any website they want, but I can finally play now. I’d sell my body and soul at this point to play.

Overwatch has been one of my most played games, but at this point I can’t even play a single game without a disconnect. No other game has this problem on my xbox, so why? I’ve tried everything with no luck. I’m even starting to get penalties because of these disconnects, and I’m almost to the point of uninstalling for good. I just want to play the game.

I tried the same thing and nothing happened. I’m so lost at this point

Finally got my stuff! All my skins, gold weapons, etc. Only took what feels like a month. I sincerely hope everyone here gets theirs fixed soon!