I have no doubt they’re working hard to try and fix it. I just also have no faith that they’re close to a fix yet.
So the reason I got the lc-208 was cause when I chose to merge I thought I screwed up by merging my old ps4 account to my Xbox one ow account then I disconnected my ps4 account in the blizzard website. For a week I wondered why I kept getting 208 but today I reconnected my newest non active ps4 accoun(t “connections tab on blizzard website) restarted my Xbox and now I’m online after 9 days! Wow! Everything I had on ow1 that wasn’t there last Saturday is now there! I would’ve been able to play all week if I just connected my ps4 account on the website connections —…— wow
Could you elaborate step by step what you did to fix your LC-208 because I’m starting to think I did something similar in terms of merging accounts…
Update I think it’s gone. Idk but logging in on the Xbox here must of triggered something with my account.
i still have the error omg it’s so annoying idk what to do anymore
I don’t think there’s anything we can do other than wait and take comfort in the fact there are others with this issue so it’s not isolated to just our own accounts.
Well it’s not! This is absolutely terrible service… you guys have a 24/7 chat that is useless… you are are absolutely terrible. The joy that’s being taken away and the lack of attention to fix it is most telling. Do your job and fix this issue. It’s not us that caused it… it’s you! This should definitely be priority and have around the clock updates… No body wants to feel forgotten about and that’s how everyone feels… 9 days later and no update!!! Ridiculous!
omggg i can finally log in !!!
No meme? You’re in? Gives me hope.
yes i really am !! i’m so happy omg i’ve been waiting for almost 2 weeks
It seems like some people are slowly trickling back in. Need hopium injectors cause I haven’t been able to play since the 7th
Did you do anything between yesterday and today to try to get in or did you give up and this popped outta nowhere?
Lets hope we all get in before the halloween update
yes I had to reconnect a psn account that I disconnected from my battlenet account (i play on xbox) The psn account was an account I wasn’t using but I think that the fact that I disconnected it from the battlenet made the merge bug (idk if i explained it well?)
You explained it well but now my hope is dead cause I never had a PSN account tied to it (which seems to be the case for most who got in)
don’t worry i think that each account has its problems, I know some people who could connect without doing anything, they just had to wait so i think you only need to wait until blizzard fixes this ): but don’t lose hope!! i promise you’ll get your account back
I have a linked account between PC and PS5, and I’ve had the 208-error since the first update. Today I - again - tried to disconnect and reconnect my PSN account, and for some reason I’m now able to login on my PS5 again. I have no idea what changed besides it now being 10 days since I could login, but it might be worth to try disconnect and reconnect your PSN account again. Can’t hurt trying it again, I guess.
Doing the same philosophy with an Xbox login doesnt work. Tried disconnecting and reconnecting it and nothing has changed
Tried the same thing. No luck
After 13 days. 13 FREAKING DAYS. Overwatch finally let me in… This still doesn’t make me happy. The fact that it took me this long to get into my OG account since 2016 upsets me knowing that this issue still hasn’t been fixed for others. I hope anyone else that is still having this error prevent you from playing the game will get in very soon. I wish you guys the best. Dang I’m so mad right now