[Main Thread] Account information missing

I’m going through my purchase history on PSN right now and taking screenshots of everything, in case they want proof. Makes me sick to my stomach seeing how much I’ve spent that is just gone now.

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Feels bad man I know it’s bad when their like your save data is their but I’m like where though it’s different between saying it and doing it

Anyone who is unable to merge accounts. Play the game till comp unlocks, then close and reopen the game. Worked for me.

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They just identified the issue yesterday, it’s not gonna be solved in hours.


I still need help my account still hasn’t got it’s skins back and I would like an answer to as why this is, it’s beyond a joke

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Its not gone bro, all gonna come back slowly. Yesterday i aint had sh*t but now im in queue to get it all back. Im 33 000 rn

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I can’t even press the account merge button


Reidar did you have to play and unlock comp before the merge would work

Nope. I played like 20 games. Sometimes when i logged in i didnt see the merge button, maybe just restart it a few times or reinstall overwatch. I had to do it like 6 times if something didn’t work. But all is slowly gettin fixed at least on ps4


I think it’s beyond dumb though they should’ve kept overwatch 1 along side this then had this as a beta to help transfer stuff over if this was one of the issues

Okay thanks I’ll give it a try

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My merge button says merge complete. But i still have nothing from my old account not even the data. Im not really sure what to do

I just want my 60,000 cosmetic credits back as that’ll just help me be able to get most of the skins back anyways :pensive: it’s tilting

I had this too it said complete after I had finished it

You need to complete the queue that is with numbers, the queue that telling you how many people is ahead of you

Third update to give some perspective on my experience.

Day1: was prompted to merge after finally getting in and do the QR code thing. Did all that. Get in but blanked account. Clicking merge account made a sound but no action. Still played a few games.

Day2: played 15 games or so and account merge option disappeared. Logged out and back in again on recommendation from forum post but no change other than new title screen. Started another game and was prompted to OK migration. Did so and it says to relog yet again. Did so and was put in migration queue at 150k. Went to bed.

Day3: logged in. Check migration queue and its blank and says to relog. Do so. Now migration queue says i am 250k and i have lost even the progress I made yesterday, (back to lvl 1 with nothing unlocked).

Keep in mind, logging in takes 30 minutes or more depending on how many server errors i get as the login queue takes forever.


Anybody got any experience with the account being merged yet the account is wiped?


My whole account got wiped even after i linked my xbox account to my battle net. Im also unable to select the account merge option on the home screen. Ive been playing the game for years and it would be sad to see all my time go to waste like this. Blizzard please fix this.


Same here played the game 5-6 years and yet this used to get messages because I was gold border yet I’d rather have the messages compared to having nothing at all…

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You will want to read the whole Update thread - but the key part to take away is you have not actually lost anything.

Problems with Account Merge (Missing Player Items/Data)

Tl;dr: You have not lost any items or progress, though some players are logging in and seeing some/all elements missing from their collection.

In all cases, no player data has been wiped or lost. We have a client-side fix for this that cannot be deployed until next week, so we are exploring server-side fixes and will provide updates as more information becomes available.

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