"Main Heal" Supports need a Nerf

If we’re talking average player so gold/plat they were basically nothing on EU and NA.

Given they were complaining on the forums, obviously that was not right.
Also Blizzard LITERALLY had to drop a tank to get queue times under control.

Obviously they were not nothing.

Or Blizzard wouldn’t have had to move to 5v5.

Anyway - the point is, you can’t balance the game for all ranks. OW1 balanced roles for high ranks, OW2 balances roles for mid.

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The forums in OW1 werent being flooded with queue time complaints. It was almost all crying about balance.

They moved to 5v5 because they needed something, anything, to justify calling OW2 a sequel.

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i think a good portion of the forums agree that supports are problematic, moreso no one can agree on how to fix it. ppl here are good at pointing out problems, not so much solutions.

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I think over the years OW has moved away from the original game design of 2016.

Damage dealer’s number are mostly relatively unchanged (or even went down in some cases) but healing definitely goes up since the introduction of Ana.

I guess the devs concludes that the gameplays needs to be artificially prolonged to hit the sweet spots for most players.


remember when I posted this?

Do you notice the arguments people are having there?
Not ONE of them was arguing that DPS queue times were not a problem.

They were pissed that I was pointing out that DPS queue times and the relative “fun” of support were related.

But not one was saying, “It’s ok, the DPS queue times are not bad at all”

Not one.

I remember what went on back then.

Why would people be asking how to fix the long DPS queue times?

Why would people be giving suggestions to reduce it?

Why would people be talking about parting money to get lower queue times?

It was a problem ok?

It wasn’t just in high ranks either.

more complaints.

Don’t tell me people were not posting about it.

Hell, remember what events lead up to priority queue?


That only really happens when you get focused fire as a squishy, and or headshot.

Which is what healing and tank defensive tools slows down quite considerably.

Like if you show me your footage, I can most likely point at some bad positioning or issues regarding getting counter picked that’s causing faster then normal deaths.

As me personally I only die maybe 5~8 times per game on a normal day.

And that’s basically every role.

With some exceptions like game that go on for way to long, or needing to play hyper aggressive to do over time.

How much you die or dont depends entirely on what heroes you play.

Ultra safe godscans dont die as often as heroes forced to be in the frontlines.

i play in masters and gm, it’s really not an issue with positioning, it’s simply how the game is rn

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So ya GM plays at a much faster and consistent rate then most of the other tiers.

If you don’t enjoy it up their I would just recommend playing casually.

As GM + is were players break the normal bounders of the game, and do things that are generally not an issue anywhere else.

soooooo, what?
the issue just doesn’t apply to me because im higher rank?
my bad i guess

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A common configuration of GOATS was Brigitte, Lucio, and Zenyatta. We didn’t necessarily need any of the “main healers” for sustain to get out of control.

The element you’re ignoring here is tank utility. Brig/Lucio/Zen didn’t provide a huge amount of healing on paper, but when you combined it with D.Va matrix, Zarya bubbles, and Rein shield it was overpowering. That’s the state we’re now in, where support sustain is made oppressing with Mauga’s self-peel and high HP pool.

it’s more like your asking for a major game overhual that will dramatically slow the game for everyone else.

And really only normalize the game for what is effectively 1% and less of the player base.

OW2 is already pretty slow TTK wise even in diamond, compared to most other shooters.

We really shouldn’t be looking to slow the pace down to something like Moba were people will cycle most cooldowns to to three times before dying.

As OW isn’t really made for that, and would require major increases to cooldowns to keep like kiri’s TP in check so she cant just leave every fight, or for moria not to be basically immortal for everyone except the top players.

That’s not really fun for most players involved unless you were like a GOATs enjoyer.

I’m just saying the game your looking for already exists, you just need to play casually to get that.


While I don’t disagree, I think this issue needs to be filed this under “Things Broken by 5v5”.

With only one tank to heal, that’s a huge drop in healing output required to keep the team up, so supports are now free to use that elsewhere, including on each other.

But healing should NOT be nerfed, because damage is now super high in order to be able to drop the raid boss solo tank. If healing were nerfed, all that damage directed at supports would pick them off real fast at every team fight. It would be a dive-fest just like at launch.

Your complaint is sound, but the fix is in the wrong place. Either decrease damage + healing together, or add a 2nd tank. Blizz can’t keep changing everything because a tank is missing.


Right after they nerf AntiHeal, Snipers, and the AntiTank from Bastion and Hanzo.

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to be fair at this current matchmaking I’d rather sit for 20 minutes than play 2 games that are somewhat 85% likely to be unenjoyable.

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I think the issue there is the game is more stompy because of 5v5.

Not much the matchmaker can do to fix it.

Make it so there aren’t as many “Throw Pick Tanks” and “Throw Pick Supports”

Or less “OMG somebody deal with that Widow, Pharah, Hanzo”.

My point is, none of those are matchmaker things.

Or the lack of catch up mechanics, in a game which has a HUGE “winners advantage”

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There is nothing worse than when you have to healbot despite the already rampant sustain and heal creep. You have no room for playmaking, it’s braindead

Either nothing dies or everything dies, it’s frustrating as a support.

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