What if you could buy shorter DPS queue times with cash?

or maybe even credits? or CPs?

and 70% goes to the heal/tank and 30% goes to blizzard?

might get some backlash, but I’d be okay with it

just goes to show that a proper LFG is the correct answer

No pls no no no no no

You call me a trash widow, but I clicked on your head :wink:



Yay pay to get a game and then pay once more if you want to actully play it. Oh the sweet smell of money

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Like a line skip pass at amusement park


you could actually make money playing Overwatch. maybe blizz credit for WoW?

The post about queue times preached match quality, and this post decimated it with “pay to play” nonsense.

no you could play a couple of healer/tank matches, save up your credits and use them on a quick DPS queue.

If a wait time could be shorter, it would be. Period.

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if cash shortens DPS queue times and healing and tanking earns cash, then it’s a zero sum system

Eh, just open a loot box, and it queues you for whichever role it selects.

Problem solved, problem staying solved.

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what did you mean by this?

What post?

I forgot my adjective. The dev post.

A priority queue? I know EA tried this with it’s premium passes for its Battlefield series for a while. Such a queue could solve a number of problems, especially if they offered such a service with real money alongside ingame credits. The serious playerbase would be more interested in paying money for shorter lines and as a result, would end up playing more often than those that merely wish to troll. Clearly match quality would improve with such players playing more often.

Heck, the extra money the dev team makes from this would even result in higher quality development! There would be more maps, more heroes, better balancing, more cosmetics and animations more often. We would hear of improved worker conditions, higher wages, bonuses, vacation options, and maybe even a new private jet for the CEO. This would be a real win-win for everyone!

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then you’re arguing a point that wasn’t made and just calling my idea nonsensical

The problem is it would increase the time for people who don’t pay even further than it already is (which is already too high). Making the game essentially a pay to play (when you already paid to buy the game in the first place) for certain characters.


Sorry you feel this way. I’ll rephrase.

Because the devs are attempting to create the closest, most competitive matches possible in the shortest amount of time (based on a developer forum post), I believe a pay to play faster system may hinder the overall goal of the developers regarding role queue.


let’s discuss the cash for fast DPS queue under the free to play model. Would you be willing to give it a try?

Count me in for that

I’d pay $10/mo or something like that for a fast pass dps queue

I’m more of a pay for one fast queue.

like if you get a lootbox for playing Tank, that lootbox should come straight out of the pocket of the DPS. They’d have to figure out the exact amount. Like it’s 12 cents for a quick DPS queue.

Would never happen, Blizzard isn’t EA…