Lucio a throw pick in comp?

no high ranked players play her in their own rank dude.
she has the lowest pickrate of all supports. in fact, there are only 5 heroes in the game that have a lower picrkate than her if we are to believe overbuff.

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personally, id say being viable without requiring a full team to play around you from diamond up would make a hero good.
there are very few heros i would call bad, but moira is one of them.

if moira works in low ranks then its bcause the players arent good enough to deal with it. literally any other support would get the same result.

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Again, these distinctions are somewhat arbitrary. Especially for diamond I would argue that every hero is still viable in solo queue. Even Bastion and Moira one tricks have been found albeit scarcely in T500.

But I guess that depends on our definition of “viable”. For me that would be the ability to climb with said hero without being a smurf. But if by viable you mean meta then that is another story.

Moira requires less mechanical skill than other supports such as Lucio or Ana. She also isn’t as team reliant as a hero like Mercy. At the same time providing both high damage and healing output. I think that makes her abusable in Bronze and even up to Plat for that matter in varying degrees. And by abusable I mean for any player of that rank to pick up. I am not talking about Bronze to GM streamers who are able to abuse any hero in low ranks.

Jeff has stated that they balance the game around Master+ which I think is another odd thing to say since even Master, GM, and pro play I would argue have slightly (or sometimes not so slightly) different metas.

But it shows that the game will never be balanced in Bronze the same way it is in GM and thus there are always going to be different metas for different ranks. The only time you have a busted hero like Brig 1.0 is when that hero is abusable in every rank. And the only time a hero is truly “bad” in my opinion is when they are a throw pick in every rank.

People need to stop acting like they need 2 main healers. If you have something like Ana Moira your Moira will get Coalescence slower and Ana will get nano a LOT slower. Your DPS will get less heals on flanks and will have to work harder to get kills. That’s without getting started on defensive ults or antisynergies like damage orb and sleep dart.


It’s a lower rank problem. People just face tank damage, don’t use cover, healthpacks or anything just stand out in the open and yell at the healers to keep them alive.

They also don’t know how to use speedboost at all. Like it might as well be a solo speed boost for Lucio because everyone else is just going to kind of waffle in place at the choke. Speedboost the purple rein back so he can avoid death? Nope he’s just gonna keep on swinging yolo.

Most people know you cannot healbot your way out of gold/plat and you need to do more, but if a support is aggressive in lower ranks it’s seen as throwing
even if you distract/kill their Ana while your team somehow
loses the team fight :laughing:


My rule for playing Lucio in ranked is to only do it when we have Rein AND the DPS are both likely to run in with us (Junk, Reaper, Mei etc). And even then I’ll be seeing what happens and I may switch. I got burned too many times with speeding in and either being by myself or it’s just me and Rein vs 6. So more commonly I’ll play Mercy to boost DPS, or Brig if she is strong against multiple enemy picks (not uncommon), or Zen if we have a Ball and flankers.

Ofc this is all assuming that we already have the other healer on Ana, Bap or at worst Moira.

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Well, reddit dps lucio is not throwing if they actually good and get kills or distract enemy team. The problem is, many of them dont have that skill, and usually just feed constantly and die first every fight.


Just curious, how do you think one learns how to be a “reddit Lucio” if not a process of try/fail until they learn limits, improve mechanics


Well, they need to be less aggressive first

Exactly! High Risk, High reward!

As a GM Lucio (though currently High Masters cause I can’t play because of my constant Packet Loss, which is around 30%), I will quickly explain why Reddit Lucio is a valuable tactic to learn as well as what impact it can have in your matches.

You have probably experienced these matches where there is an enemy Sniper such as Widow, COMPLETELY dominating your team, the usual way to counter her is to pick 1-2 dive tanks or have a widow of your own (both are not so great or guranteed succeed options on certain maps and modes, because the first means you sacrifice a good tankline while the other leaves the odds up to the better widow).

If you as Lucio take care of this Widow you are freeing your tanks and DPS to focus on fighting the enemy which puts the odds GREATLY in your favor. You don’t to outright kill the widow/DPS/Supports, distracting them and keeping them on their toes is already TON of value.
A distracted player is a player that can’t help their team, wether it is healing their team or Damaging yours.

You can try and eliminate key targets such as Zen saving trance for your genji’s nanoblade. So you either force him to waste it to survive or die while saving it. VALUE CITY!

Taking highground as Lucio is something you can easily do with good movement and aim. On certain maps YOU can win the fight by booping enemies into your team, like on Dorado Attack First Point, by going from top of your spawn to the top left of the walls to reach the enemies in the top left highground to push them off.

To improve at the Reddit Lucio playstyle I suggest the following:

  • Practice your 1v1/duelling mechanics (wallriding and aim), by going into FFA matches, this helps a lot to improve your Lucio mechanics as well as make you comfortable enough to 1v1 enemies in actual matches and go for Reddit Lucio plays!

  • Do Reddit Plays in Casual before trying it in Comp to practice in a relatively stressfree environment to get used to it

  • Practice optimal hit comboes and boop angles to maximize your damage and one shot potential.

  • The main tank you should ever “focus” on hunting down and Damaging is Hog, since he is a HUGE targets with no defensive abilities, meaning you can farm Beat off of him relatively easily and safely. Whenever you see him looking to use hook, position yourself so you can quickly jump ontop of him and boop him into the air the moment he hooks a teammate, this will easily save your teammate’s life!

I will edit this post later when I have time with more useful tips and might even make it a thread for itself

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And yet you are struggling in open queue diamond which is why you asked for a VOD review


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It is good if you have rein, cause lĂșcio enables rein with speed. If there is no rein in the team you dont want to have lĂșcio, except if you are playing ilios or Lijian tower and lĂșcio is getting value with enviorment kills

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All depends on the skill of the Lucio, if he can provide more value as Lucio than any other healer, he is more than welcome to stay Lucio. I have pretty much played Lucio in every type of composition in GM. Barely anybody rages to me about it since they know Lucio is my best support.

I have even played as a Lucio + Mercy in comp with YAZAN, the top Pharah player, on my team, he was pretty happy with me beating for his’ barrage.
I would say the worst composition for Lucio is Poke/double shield with Sigma and Orisa since the only thing you can do for your team, is to speed them into position.

Lets say you climbed GM playing lĂșcio and your ana is a plat level, then what you are saying is true and thats why people hate otp. Either way you throwing and your team has tĂŽ adjust around your pick or tryharder because they have a lĂșcio with no need

My best heroes are in the following order and skill level:

Lucio (GM) → Ana (Masters) → Baptiste (Diamond)

I usually flex into Ana or Bap when we Lucio just doesn’t work at all.

It really isn’t, I provide value by killing and distracing enemy DPS and Supports, if it doesn’t work, then I switch.

It is like mercy otp who wants tĂŽ play with a lĂșcio supp, they shouldnt. “O, but i will healbot and keep everyone alive and if that doeesnt work i swap”, just swap already. Mercy value comes off demage boost and if you are healing the entire game you are better off playing aomething else instead. Same gols for lĂșcio, if your speed is not bringing value tĂŽ the team comp, play something else. “O , but my ana is not GM level” well thats a pitty

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Since it is working and makes me play climb in Top 500, why should I stop? You don’t have to be great at all heroes in a role to climb, 1-2 is enough. I flex between Lucio and Ana as needed.

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why is there a plat in a gm game?
if the ana is of a plat level on that hero then they either shouldn’t be in the rank they are in or more commonly, shouldn’t be playing that hero.


Greatly explained homie! My best Support character is Lucio which I can play at GM level, my Ana and Baptiste are around Diamond/Masters which is why I almost always instalock Lucio and then if REALLY needed, I will switch.

But apparently INeedPeeling knows better about my games than I do xD

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its the same with tanks and dps too. not many people play both main and off tank, even in low gm. simply because there are different skillsets. you cant reasonably learn both to the same level so you focus on one.
not many people play hitscans and doom to the same level.
as a lucio, you should have a couple other off healers to fall back on but its not really surprising to anyone if you wouldn’t be a great ana. the only expectation is brig to me, she plays completely different to any other support which is why a lot of people seem to either one trick her to great effect or barely get the job done with her.