Lucio a throw pick in comp?

You’re assuming every player is as skilled as you.

That’s ridiculous. He’s absolutely a throw pick in the wrong comps at lower ranks.

I said in my post I’m high plat, but the reality is, if you want to climb, learn another hero to round out your skill-set.

So when you wind up in games with a Mercy 1-trick, you can be the difference maker and carry heals.

And why are you punishing teammates with Lucio play, in Dive, Double Shield, Hog/Ball?

Why not play Brig or Zen if you’re playing off-support? Unless of course, you can’t, which brings us full circle to the original post.

My bad I didn’t mean to flex, but I genuinely forgot how hard Lucio is to play I have just played him for so long that it has become somewhat natural for me. I should have stated that Lucio needs very high skill to be able to pull off Reddit Lucio plays so he can be justified to be played in any comp.

I used to be Low Gold Support and improved a bit to High Plat, but then I had climbed with Lucio from somewhere around 3000 SR to 3900 with 81% Winrate if I recall correctly.

That is completely true.

I have had these type of games before where I have a Mercy/Zen 1 Trick or we have a Pharah that needs a Mercy (which I can’t play) so I usually go Ana or Bap for main heals.

I am not sure I am really punishing my teammates by picking Lucio, often if they ask me to go Brig/Zen/Mercy, I explain to them that I can’t play these heroes, the vast majority of times people are completely fine with that and have no issue with me going Lucio as long as we have a Main Healer.

I don’t completely one trick Lucio, he is by far my VERY best Support, but I do change if I am getting countered or we need specific supports

EDIT: I do not play Lucio in Double Shield, all other comps yeah


Fair! Thanks for a really solid response btw!

Yeah I one tricked him as well until I realized I was gonna keep getting Mercy/Moira 1-Tricks in gold, and if I wanted to genuinely climb, I needed to learn someone to carry heals.

Like you, I also play alot of Bap, and Ana situationally (ie, with Monkey/Ball/DVA or any Dive based comp).

Lucio is still my favorite support to play, but console players can’t aim so you get a ton of Mercy/Moira players. And I really do try and be a team player and flex to Bap/Ana when applicable.

Even with everything I said, I do have a friend who mains Hog who I will speed boost around and it’s pretty strong. I also have a friend who is a Genji main who I’ll pocket and speed boost around, but that’s mostly QP and Arcade nonsense.

So while there’s definitely more to speed boost than a Reinhardt, I think most of the community would benefit from learning a Brig/Bap/Zen to flex to for those non-Lucio comps.

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Same goes to you! Thank you for that =]

That really hurts to hear! I am not a huge fan of having to switch to other Supports since none of them are anywhere close to as fun and versatile as Lucio =[

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I will say Bap is pretty great. Has more comp flexibility and carry potential.

But console is plagued with Mercy and Moira players. Makes like really tough for off supports and tanks alike.

Probably why Roadhog has consistently been a top tier pick for metas on end at literally every rank on Xbox…

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I never pick either of them. Zen and Lucio both have horrible heal rates and 90% of the time people really do be DPSing with them. Zens a sniper and Lucio is just a speedy burst gun it seems.

Not to mention if one of the healers tilts its always the reddit Lucio that gets in MC and throws a coniption fit.

You know Healing is not everything? Zen and Lucio are utility Heroes, they make up for their lack of heals with great abilities and ultimates. They should never be used for healbotting.

Also dealing DMG is a thing supports are allowed to.

Reddit Lucio-ing is an actual and valid thing


Healing isn’t 100% of the job as a support no. But when you completely abandon your team in the hopes of glorious kills, you’re just playing for yourself. Healing isnt everything, but if you’re not healing at all you might as well play DPS. Majority of reddit Lucios I see just get picked off quickly and leave their team and second support vulnerable, while also leaving their second support as the only healer, aka FORCING THEM TO HEALBOT. WHat is the point of DPSing the healer you play to the extent that the other support has to healbot the whole game, ergo ruining the fun for them and putting more stress on them? Its just slimy.

And if you really, really want to be able to be a useful support, I would much rather have a Moira, who can damage from a distance, has good mobility, and can heal from various places and various angles while doing so. I would much rather have Ana, who can heal/damage at a distance and has some of the best healing specs in the game, can sleep enemies mid ult, and throw nades for splash damage and healing. I would much rather have Brig, who can stun, shield, and throw armor. I’d rather have Baptiste who has Immortality field, a good gun for damage and quick fire, and healing nades.

So no, you really don’t have to healbot. But theres a big difference between throwing out extra damage to support your team, and playing healer just so you can DPS the entire match.

If I see healers like Lucio not healing the team the entire game and just running for kills, I report. It’s called throwing. If you wanna DPS then DPS. but the whole point of support is to support your frigging team.

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only under two circumstances:
*getting countered
*trying to be dps (rather than healing)

Careful dude…. You’re gonna start making too much sense. People don’t like that kind of thing around here.


Well neither of those can duel enemy DPS, Snipers and Supports as easily as Lucio.

While I am only Mid Diamond, I still play Reddit Lucio style pretty well and do make an impact in mine matches

So I do believe Abdullah9000 when he says that Reddit Lucio is viable, since he is playing him at a way higher SR.

Idk what rank you are yourself since your profile is private, but it looks like you just do not understand how to synergize with a Reddit Lucio

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moira is the single worst support in the game currently. like to the point where if i have one in my games I still take main heal.


That’s because the majority of people play her because “LOL easy” and do not actually understand the game sense you need to play her properly. Same with the amount of terrible junkrats I see. Most people just use her to DPS as well and it’s extremely irritating.

Depends on your rank. Moira has always been a solid if not meta pick in low ranks.

no, she is an objectively bad hero. its nothing to do with the players. the hero is weak.

i mean bastion is probably broken in bronze, but that doesn’t make him good though.

So what makes a hero good? Good in OWL? Good in GM? Good in diamond? Only high skill ceiling and high skill floor heroes?

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Tell that to higher rank players who roll teams using her and carry their teams. Just because Y O U don’t like a hero doesn’t make them bad.

I absolutely loathe Hamster, Hanzo, and Symmetra but it doesn’t make them useless.

no character is a throw pick

players throw, not characters…and a player can throw just as easily with one character as any another


not at all

the decision on whether a character is weak, strong, or anything inbetween is a subjective one, given that there is no one measuring stick one can hold up to all heroes equally

it is a judgement, and ergo is subjective…not objective in any way, shape, or form

this is an opinion stated as if it were fact

it remains an opinion…and further, one that not all players agree with

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Lucio can definitely be a useful pick but he requires communication and understanding of team composition to be remotely effective, and those qualities are pretty much unheard of below master.