Lucio a throw pick in comp?

Is Lucio a throw pick in competition? I usually play tank in comp and seeing him get picked just gives me a bad feeling. I can definitely feel that his heals are weaker and much less than other healers when I tank and he can’t really react to damage spikes. Why would you choose this character over say a bap?

I feel alot of Lucio players dedicate too much time to dps,booping rather than supporting and as a result my teams always suffer.

Zen is also another healer I dread to see on the team. Today I had a Lucio and a Zen together and the heals were non existent.

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Not a throw pick, but he doesn’t work in every comp and against the contrary believe, he isn’t actually a dive support. There’s better supports for supporting dives. Generally he works in rush comps where for example you speed boost Rein+Zarya+Mei+Cree into one opponent and you simultaneously hug them to death and then move onto the next target. If all of you die after getting one (1) kill, then rush comp will use Lucio to rush back into the fight before that one (1) opponent can and they’ll do the same until they win the point

If your Lucio is actively redditing all the time and they just keep dying, then they’re just kinda throwing the game, but if they’re with the team and uses speed boost more than healing, then there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just that the rest of the team should be acting accordingly to play around him which most players don’t know how to do so they keep taking endless poke damage and never doing high commitment pushes onto the opponents in a timely manner, so he fails to deliver that necessary value for the team


He’s picked like every other game at high ranks with a solid win rate

I wouldn’t argue he’s a throw pick by any means, personally.


Neither Lucio nor Zen are throw picks and arguably the utility they bring is more valuable than healing when used properly. I’ve had plenty of matches where we had no problem surviving but simply couldn’t kill anything efficiently; me swapping to Zen turned that around. On the other hand, if your team is doing decently at killing but not surviving, that’s when you’d want a strong healer.


Lucio’s value isn’t his healing. It’s speed, and beat. Play heroes that want to engage fast like Rein and he becomes more of an asset. Play comps that want to poke and shield break like double shield, and he’s a hindrance.
Same with Zen. Play rush and he’s a hindrance- play dove or double shield and he can be an asset.

That being said- yeah they’re both overshined by Bap, brig, and Ana.

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Supports aren’t supposed to be heal bots, Lucio and Zen bring utility. Lucio’s utility if not in the game would make characters like Rein almost unusable.


If you want a proper Lucio, you need one of those reddit Lucios, the ones that can do all the Lucio techs, such as crossfade, boop combos, etc…

Most support mains can’t play Lucio, he is totally a different class of his own.

I would comfortable say most reddit Lucios are in Diamond to Master tier.


Lucio is the second worst support in the game right now, picking him with any tank other than Rein is dumb.


He is not a throw pick but you will get flame for pick him over other supports.

He is a lot of fun

I feel like people who call him a "throw pick " are those players who confuse the words healer and support .


I really dislike when they pick him for 1st point defense on Hanamura/Volskaya.
Idk… I’ve just always lost the point quick when it’s Lucio on 1st point. Maybe I’m just unlucky and had a lot of bad experiences lol.

Anyone who calls him a throw pick thinks hes meant to be played as a heal bot in the backline which is why by their standards he underperforms compared to the other healers. Putting this into perspective, you should discard their hardstuck opinion.


as someone who plays a lot of lucio, it’s definitely not the best point for his utility. it’s okay for wall riding i suppose. but you can’t really make use of his utility to the fullest.

it’s different with anubis and volskaya (at least on offense) because there is better pathing.

still if we have a rein zarya/dva, i’ll normally play lucio with it. unless we have a mercy. then i’ll bap or ana


i play him fairly regularly in gm.
the issue you have is that you didnt run a main healer, which outside of the very niche (in ranked) brig zen, is kinda never really a good idea.


Not at all! I am a GM Lucio player and will answer your questions:
He is a great Support Character in all ranks, but gets more value the more teammates that coordinate with him.

That’s his purpose though, to Deal damage, disrupt and deny ults, kill Supports and DPS, especially Snipers. He is NOT a healbot and playing him as such is outright throwing.

My Lucio stats in Comp:

Heals vs Damage + Speed:
Notice the amount of Damage I do compared to Healing, they are VERY close. I spend most of my time in matches dealing damage while on speed mode, when we already are ontop of the enemy team I will switch to heals to get ult a bit faster.

Staying with team vs Reddit Lucio-ing
I usually stay with my team in the start of the game to Speed and heal them, but the moment I notice there is no immediate threats to my team like a Dive comp that threatens my Ana or there is a high priority target like a Widow/Ashe that I can dive alone, I go for it. Same goes if they have a PharMercy which means their main heals is usually alone.

For the most of the match I do stay on Speed and challenge enemy DPS and Supports to provide value for my team by distracting and killing them. My favorite tanks to fight are Ball and Hog, easy to dodge their attacks and farm ult from them.


Not really, he is a great support. What rank are you basing this on?

I play him in most comps here in GM just fine, unless it is a poke only comp or with Pharmercy

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He works just fine on these maps here in GM, haven’t experienced much trouble. Is especially good at denying highground from enemies

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Okay, so I main Lucio and Bap. I only have about 150hrs in comp across all roles, but have hit 2800 in that short amount of time, so I’d like to think I have a bit of knowledge to share. Def not the most, but I do have 1300hrs in the game.

Lucio is absolutely a throw pick in any comp that doesn’t have a Reinhardt. His greatest asset is his speed boost, and frankly no tanks need it except Rein. He has bad chemistry with every support except Bap and Ana (Moira is just a trash hero).

So maybe you could make the argument you’re really good at the hero and can actually get picks and stay alive with him. Fair enough.

But if you don’t have a Bap or Ana, your team is getting punished and likely getting support diffed.

If you’re serious about climbing the best parameters for Lucio are as follows:

#1. Do I have a Reinhardt to speed boost around (not heal bot)?

#2. Do I have a Bap/Ana (and reluctantly if in the metal ranks, Moira) as a main support to pair with, who can carry heals, so I can hardlock green ring and speed around my Rein?

If the answer to the above two is “Yes”, play Lucio. You’re not throwing with those teammates. Maybe you are with the way you play, but as far as theory and team hero chemistry, it’s solid.

If the answer is you do have a Rein, but no Bap/Ana/Moira, just switch. Your whole team is getting punished and support diffed.

If you don’t have a Rein, but you have a Bap/Ana/Moira, then why play Lucio? Is it a strong map for him like Busan or Illios? There’s better off supports to play in other comps.

Why continue throwing on Lucio when you could just switch heroes?

Learn Mercy or Zen or how about you learn Ana or Bap, who are hands down the best supports (and some of the best heroes) in the game.

There’s only 3 reasons people won’t switch of a “throw pick”.

#1. They are genuinely throwing

#.2 They are too prideful

#3. They can’t play anything else without feeding.

9/10 it’s #3. It’s a consistent problem in the OW community. Mercy players in Rein comps. Lucio players in Dive comps. Moira players in any comp (I kid, but for real, she’s trash).

Take some time to learn another hero, so when someone complains “You’re throwing” you can be a team player and switch.

It’s literally the only reason I learned Bap. I’ve climbed far more with Bap than I ever did with Lucio, though I still play him. But initially I was a Lucio 1-trick, and got alot of hate for it.

It wasn’t until I started playing a ton of tank did I understand why. That’s when I really started dumping time into Bap, who frankly is one of the top 5 heroes in the game IMO.

I don’t know what rank you are in, but it looks like you play on Xbox, so probably different meta and gameplay.

Though Lucio is DEFINITELY not a throw pick in any comp UNLESS you are playing Poke, where he just provides absolutely no value.

I can easily play as Lucio here in GM with all comps except Poke and still provide great amount of value by going Reddit Lucio if my team doesn’t need me.

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The support role is mainly is based off what your tanks and dps are. If you are running a comp that is stationary then yeah you are doing nothing on lucio.