Lots of balance changes now on PTR

What do you guys think? How will this change the meta if it goes live as it is?

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The two biggest changes are Sigma’s barrier nerf (cooldown after recalling it) and Lucio’s speed buff. If anything, these are what will shift the meta.

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Well I for one don’t play the “meta”. I find it boring and that’s not why I bought the game.

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Why is it just so hard to buff genji, like i don get it. who in the right mind will tell me genji is balance.

Why do they continue to buff/nerf the most boring part of DVa’s kit? Does Hog really need a buff? Baptiste one is great, Sigma Moira and DF seems pretty good. Orisa’s is meh. Lucio’s is interesting. Sym sentry nerf is weird because I found them useless most of the time.

These are my thoughts.

Well I mean Defense Matrix is one of the main reasons D.Va is ever played. Without DM, she is basically a Roadhog without a hook or self heal, but who can fly a little bit sometimes.
I do agree that they need to stop the nerf/buff/nerf/buff cycle on DM, they should look into other ways to change her.

On his own, I would say no. There are no developer comments on that so I am guessing they did it to maybe give him a bit more shield break capacity? Idk.
The other points I agree with you.

Sure. I guess I just miss old bully DVa, never got the hang of playing the DM DVa (or that is to say I get bored and just revert to my old style).

Oh yeah, the old old D.va, when she was actually quite deadly, fun times. These days she gets eaten alive by pretty much anything.

Genji is countered by every hero in the game. I honestly feel bad for the cyborg ninja.


20 characters…

i like sigma changes, now he is more balanced, and are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than senseless damage nerfs

These are some really good changes.

Digging the bunker nerfs and dive buffs for sure and nerfs to that stupid button masher that is Doomfist.

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Nooooooo wtf why? That is so unnecessary

Yeah I really hope this is enough to change things up a bit.

I don’t understand. What’s unnecessary?

Monkey gonna be hopping about.

4K sym ult health though. Will that do anything there? I mean I’ve never seen it break at 5k, doubt it will at 4K either.

Doomfist is dead with that RP nerf. You can’t reliably use it for mobility anymore.

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I think these are fair nerfs to Doomfist but why mass nerf Sym?

I don’t know if he’s dead but I definitely agree that the RP nerf is too much.
I think they should have started with only the shield buff and see how that goes.

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Wait, why is DF getting shield and movement nerfs but Hamtaro isn’t?