Losing the motivation

Pretty sure my PEAK 3.7 on Damage is higher than his not that it matters


Welp…. looks like you’ve put your foot in your mouth again :joy::joy:

If you were truly a Masters player you would be able to maintain a Masters rank across the course of a season.

As you’re struggling to maintain Diamond…. I think the chicken is in the pot with this one :yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face:


I did maintain Master actually across few Seasons maybe don’t make assumptions…

:pouting_cat: :crazy_face:

And yet…. you’re not now…. Sooooooo….

Seems suspicious….


Because I stopped caring and didnt try + bad pc…


Which is currently at 3100? Very Surprising…


Thank you now back to the topic… VFT3HZ


That was my first solo game after a while…


There you are shield botting high noon again… Oh but you’re a “peak” masters player… I forgot… You know not to shield bot high noon… Don’t you? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Edit: You know… In scrims… (since you claim to have scrimmed) we run Dive on Numbani… There’s a pretty good reason for that. And generally a good monkey player is always valuable on that map.

But again… You;re a “peak” masters player… You’re supposed to know all of this…

You finished the first round with over a minute left on the clock… FAR from unwinnable.

Yeah… IDK man… I know you don’t care what I say, and thats fine because its mutual but… HARD CORE MTD… You had a teammate playing Sigma, you could have been much more productive on Orisa/Ball/Hog…


Another one , NO chance





It’s only unwinnable when you play like a bot and ignoring Calculus suggestions.


Your mistakes are what determine your rank. VOD reviews are a way to get someone who has the experience to look at your gameplay and tell you what you are lacking in order to get to the next rank. Regardless of how twisted peoples views are because of how people treat each other on the forums, VOD reviews are genuine. I’m sure there are people out there who do it for their ego, and I do not like calculus’s abbrasiveness on here. But VOD reviews are the best way to correct your mistakes that you don’t know that you are making.

It is not a requirement to be higher ranked than the player you are VOD reviewing, but, it’s usually better. I hope you don’t dismiss VOD reviews because of peoples egos on the forums….

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  • he has presented no evidence that he does have actual higher level experience or demonstrated any proficiency
  • he starts off the “review” by telling me I’m “lying”
  • he then says you can’t run Reinhardt on Junkertown. We can dismiss the remainder of his “review” on that basis alone.
  • If Super can run Rein on JT at pro level, it means Rein can be run at lower levels where meta-constraints are even less significant.

I’m not trying to justify what Calculus was doing in this thread, I’m saying the overarching concept of VOD reviews. I’m just saying I hope you don’t take away what’s going on in the forums and apply that to VOD reviews everywhere.

I agree with Calculus on how the game works in general, I do not agree with the way Calculus treats people on the forums


I agree with you on that. VOD reviews can definitely be a valuable tool… I’ve done one myself for another forum user. Note how I try to also highlight the “good”. Rather than pretend that every single move they did was a mistake because it would make me look knowledgeable. I also acknowledge that his team made bigger misplays than him and he wasn’t the reason he lost


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Awesome, that’s all I was hoping for.

Which is important and I didn’t give it credit. Reinforcing good play is another part of VOD reviews, VOD reviews need to be about not just fixing mistakes, but also developing your fundamentals.

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Nah. The bottom just dropped out of competitive.

So many high plats now in gold (the ones who play more than 5 games a season).

A large chunk of the average players simply left. Shifting everyone down.

Short answer: chill. Overwatch isn’t all about climbing to get to the top. Just play it casually. Ditch competitive. Just have fun playing a cool, unique game. That’s what I did.


People don’t seem to realize that the ladder isn’t directly intended to be climbed. Its based around showing where you (as an individual) stand against the rest of the player base.

If only more people would take this approach.


The way the comp penalizes ppl for grouping is a major problem in terms of making the game fun. Not saying grouping should give you an auto advantage, but everyone knows if you win one game the next game you’re going to get monkey slammed.

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Felt like I was watching Bronze play, this isn’t worthy of any other rank.