Lifeweaver is so incredibly weak

When I Play against Orisa or Rein especially I just hold down the trigger.

Apply damage from a far to damage his shield before he even gets in and then apply damage when he gets in as well boom no shield.

Where in my post did I say this? Or are you just putting words in my mouth.

Zarya, Rein, and Orisa are low-mobility and low-range (in the case of the former two). You can very easily play keep-away and kite with these heroes with Lifeweaver’s entire kit lmfao, not just grip. Lifeweaver’s damage is very good into Rein’s shield, and he can deny an Orisa forcing an ally into a corner or a Rein pin. He can petal platform to force off angles on a Rein or Orisa where you can pile in damage since they can only barrier or javelin spin in one direction and they’re huge. You can petal platform Shatter pins and Tree of Life directly in the path of a charging Rein. Javelin travels slowly enough that you can bait and react-dodge it with Rejuv Dash. Orisa’s damage output is also generally very healable.

And? He still synergizes with them. He’s an excellent Widow peeler and healer since he generally doesn’t have to compromise his access to the rest of his team like Mercy and can provide high ground and off-angles. He can petal platform BOB or grip him further into the fray in addition to having the same heal benefits with Ashe as with Widow. Just because they like a pocket mercy doesn’t mean lifeweaver doesn’t synergize with them.

Maybe instead of me not paying attention, you’re not creative.


Plus not much use damage boosting a BOB who’s in the wrong area…

That’s why we have Lifegrip and petal ^_^.

Jesus… seems like there is no reason why Weaver so trash and just 99% of people are not reative enough to see, that he counters so many people and is good with people he can heal! Wow! You opend my eyes. Now I see it! The god weaver!

Lock from now on your not allowed to be sarcastic when losing an argument especially when a lot of things can be explained to you.

We’ve acknowledged a lot of people can’t play him correctly but also that he might need some tune ups.

But yes against his actual match ups it usually goes relatively smoothly tbh.

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Getting nasty with me instead of attempting to refute (when I literally said he still needs tweaks, mind you). Masterful. All I said was that he does have synergies and counters LMAOOOO

I just want the healing dash nerf reverted the dps passive is waaay to strong and that like pushed Lifeweaver right into the really really good territory for me.

Even if I do my dash and tree combo now I just freaking die like straight up die if they just add literally the slightest bit of pressure.

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Not really. His role can be fulfilled by other supports better and you focus on things, that are not your job. You will never have someone go “we need a Weaver for this!” and this is the core problem. He is not needed.

The funny thing about Weaver is that he’s a stat monster, but still isn’t great. There is clearly an issue with design. He could do with some fluidity between healing and DPSing and then maybe he could be pretty good.

I don’t see why they can’t simply make his heals act like Illari’s damage. I feel it would go a long way.

This wouldn’t like… His damage isn’t good it has nothing to do with how fluid it is…

I don’t know why people keep acting like changing this would like do anything…

His damage is good, it’s just the fact he has to sacrifice damage too much to maximize heal efficiency. 131.87 damage/second is nothing to scoff at.

Sym 2.0 was a far better hero than almost any state of current 3.0 Sym.

I kind of agree.

So far both ‘‘charging’’ projectiles are hot garbage and a mechanic that offers no real value over projectiles that dont have to be charged. There is no point on using anything that isnt their max damage versions.

In fact both charging projectiles (Sym orb and LW heal) are both inferior in numbers while being a mechanical annoyance of having to minmax durations in the middle of a fight.

I have my weapon out 75% of the time all while keeping people up and no one dying sure I can get my picks easily remember I main Baptiste and Juno I know what good Damage “Feels” like it’s good for assisting and 1v1s, being able to do something I can do already balancing healing and damage if 1 parts insufficient I don’t see how just getting to an insufficient aspect like more would be helpful.

I can use my gun as much as I want to right now with no one dying… That doesn’t mean the guns actually ya know always good.

What donyou mean his damage isn’t good? Can you explain why?

If they receive any form of healing or rotate there cool downs correctly or just straight up stop you from getting close.

For example play Lifeweaver into Mauga you will get smoked every single time and not a single damn time will you be able to kill that Mauga even with all Headshot I’ve tried.

However someone like Bap they have the damage type to where ya know you just start melting him.

Weaver it looks like your healing him actually.

It depends on the situation mind you a lot of times I’ll just be pumping in a bunnnch of damage with nothing happening.

So it’s not “Bad” it’s just nothing to where being able to access it more would actually do him any good, cause I can already access it as much as I want to and a lot of times depending on the situation it’s still insufficient.

If his damage is strong enough for the situation I’ll ya know be on Weaver anyways and I’ll just take care of my business.

Well, that’s not an issue unique to Weaver haha. DPS have it a bit better since they have the DPS passive. Many of the other supports have burst damage so they notice it less.

I mean that can be said about anyone.

You are not supposed to face tank Mauga’s damage. LW can help threaten Mauga if you have a team that know what they are doing.

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Ya see at that point just switch tho that’s honestly one of the situations I legitimately say just switch you’ll be better on someone else.

And that’s coming from me.

He is a projectile so ya know obviously certain “Rules” change compared to like instant hitscan.

Aside Ana I dont really think there is a better support pick against Mauga.

The thing is that tanks are intentionally unbalanced and hard to approach for most DPS/Supports.

That doesnt mean LW is bad or that other supports fare any better.