Why would anyone play him instead of the other supports?
I think LWs weakness is exaggerated. It’s more like he is mid.
Moira and Mercy on the other hand are hot garbage
Because I want to serve
But it is a valid question
Has the same issue as Moira really…raw value…not much else…
Very few situations where you say to yourself “what this calls for, is a LW!”
It’s funny he was supposed to “compete” with Mercy playstyle-wise, and yet he couldn’t compete cause he lacks a meaningful proactive utility.
They had to make his damage better cause it wasn’t working.
Well the simplest and most straightfoward answer is theres a zarya graving teammates, any map that has an abundance of environmental kills or high ground while you have a non dive heroes.
He is more comparable to Sym where you need your team to actively and intentionally work with you instead of simple focus fire which for most OW players is the very pinnacle of coordination.
My LW is keeping a bunch of Widows on their toes.
Keep complaining about LW, I want more buffs he doesn’t need.
In my ranks of silver/gold/plat, he is quite useful! Team mates at these ranks think they are superheroes and are gonna charge in and 1v5 the enemy team who are waiting on point. YOINK not on my watch “hero”…wait for the team.
Plus I think he is fun to play soooo…idc if he isn’t meta.
He was supposed to, yes. But the truth is that playing lifeweaver is closer to playing bap or ana than playing mercy in style.
He has no team buffs and mid burst heal as his primary, along with being unable to consistently keep up with teammates.
He is not gladiator, he has his role and good lw is pain to kill
I always felt like his play was just a step off of being really smooth.
I would make 3 changes to him most of which I feel like fit into QoL.
Slightly reduce the time to swap back and forth from healing and shooting.
Have his heal auto charge at the 100% rate all the time.
Have his ammo work more like Orisa you can still reload and you still get a full reload at 2 seconds but in the meantime your ammo is always “regrowing” when not in use.
When all supports are focused on healing, not every one of them is gonna be totally unique or stand out
Does it matter if there’s never a particular reason to pick him if picking him isn’t a bad thing? I find him super fun, so I pick him, that’s all that really matters
its not inherently wrong to like any character…if people find the hero fun thats all that matters.
but the question is an objective one…take the emotion out of the reply…its not unlike old sym…people loved her…but it didnt mean she wasnt a poor choice most of the time
But old Symm was definitely bad is the thing. Lifeweaver isn’t bad, he’s just not optimal.
He’s a support that heals, saves, and stays alive all fairly effectively and reliably. Definitely not a bad character.
It’s a question that gets exaggerated because not many people know how to ay him and he has nothing like an anti nade that just says the game for you so you actually have to think.
1 game enemy team had Torb Orisa, it was the easiest game of my life.
If you wanna lock down chokes and abuse the no fall off that’s whatever does as well as break shields.
You can pick him like mid game sometimes tho but what you usually wanna do is pick him at the start then switch off later depending on the enemy comp.
I have had to switch off Baptiste for Lifeweaver plenty of times his ult builds faster and sometimes I need lifegrip or petal if I can’t kill someone alone as Bap which with all the new health changes happens a lot.
I play him often. He is no weakling but he is average. Though it can be pretty awful to keep pumping heals to tank who don’t wait to be fully healed or who plays poorly. I wish they think of my poor fingers. However i love saving players with my petal and grip.
I been playing other supports who i normally don’t play such had Baps & Ana. When it comes to Ana i miss most of the time. Has for baps all his abilities have freaking long cd. The recent recoil changes is made for me. I wished they do the same for S76.
ill never understand why the 2 pacifist supports dont get additional strength in their kit to compensate for contributing almost 0 damage consistently.
doing damage on support is just a big part of how you win in ow2. unfortunately… youll see this be glaringly obvious when you have a weaver+mercy combo against like a juno/bap/lucio/ana type comp. the other teams supps individually will have 4000+ damage per 10, adding 8000+ damage to their team total, while mercy+weaver dont have anything in their kits to deal with going against that much damage. they have no burst healing. no mitigation. no team shielding. no team speed boost. nothing…
why are the pacifists left at a great disadvantage? its inexcusable
Lifeweaver players are government drones forced into my games for the sole purpose of contributing nothing and lowering my rank
People play LW because they want to play him. There’s never a scenario where he’s the best pick.
He just has no real utility. Petal is too situational, and the rare time grip makes a play (instead of hurting your team like it usually does) means it’s not nearly worth it compared to other hero’s abilities
Cause Lifeweavers not a passive support based on all the buffs they’ve given him, they seem to acknowledge he’s more of an incorrectly played support then anything.
Basically I don’t think there gonna turn the key for X change just simply based on people playing him wrong no matter what the majority thinks they have made this quite clear by now.
But they will buff him in such a way that it works with his actual playstyle hence why they gave him a thorn buff and took away the dash buff tho he still needs that to tbh cause of the dps passive being so strong.