Lifeweaver is so incredibly weak

Lifeweaver is great when paired with Ranged Heroes, especially against close range enemies because he is able to create distance between your team and the enemy by using Pull or Platform.

In a time when Widowmaker is causing a stampede to the forums, especially in low end play, thorns are a very effective form of cover fire

heā€™s actually not that bad, imo heā€™s at least better then Mercy. At least pull saved some1 while mercy is forced to let that person die and then go for a rez that has a 50/50 chance of actually working. Heā€™s gimmicky for sure, but the way u can completely shut down pulse bomb, orisa ult, grav, and a lot of solo ults on ur teammates cant be understated. Itā€™s just very hard to actually learn those tricks and pull them off right when u need to.

LW has improved dramatically. The main issue is that there is nothing enough to distinguish him as a hero you would want to use.

Arguably, his main draw to many people is being able to course correct aggressive allies against their wills with pull. No one is going to go into a game and say, ā€œGuys CP to LW for platform or treeā€

Also sigma ult with both platform and tree.
And the ability to put out a solid object that blocks players and los is pretty underrated imo. Depends on man though.

He is good if you go in with that as plan to begin with. Duo with a tank/dps and enable some really aggressive plays. Rein charges that would normally be inting becomes good. DF can go aggro with both punch and slam, something that is normally reserved for when he has ult. Hanzo taking an angle that is normally an all in play, force out a dive that is then punished etc.

yesss shutting down a sigma ult is massive, iā€™ve actually never been able to pull it off but in gm, sigs usually can only ult 2 ppl (one being the poor tank), so i just pull the other person and pump heals into the tank lol

People underrate lifeweaver due to the stigma behind him and the ridiculousness of other heroes in his role (as well as people not knowing how to play him en masse). Heā€™s fine. Needs a couple of tweaks, but heā€™s perfectly viable. Should be asking this about, like, Illari lol

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Lifeweaver does feel kind of weak. Kind of seems like you have to make frequent high value plays with platform and grip just to provide roughly equal value to the more meta supports.

Its not that he is weak and rather useless. He does not synergizes with any hero and does not counter any hero making him never a great pick for any situation.


Some players like to grief their teammates, and lw has an ability that can be used to do so

Grip and petal is really powerful, the issue is not getting is weak , the issue is whenever a hero with team dependent ability comes , us ow community will not use them and make the hero weak and whine for them to swap.

Like having a LW to watch for you when you do a aggressive flank is so powerful or I could dragon from one place then have him pull me to another place to storm and finish the runners.
Even sym tp works that way.

Also petal is great especially for ranged heroes.

Literally played around a team with his petal.

The only issue is communication both the party wanting to use LW stuff and LW needs to be insync.
Or LW needs to tell his intention and people need to atleast first listen and see if it works before asking swaps, instead it gets toxic or silent.
Otherwise itā€™s a waste and he looks mid.

He counters Orisa, Reinhardt, and Zarya. He synergizes with Ashe, Widow depending on who you ask, and Ana. Iā€™m just throwing out a few examples, mind

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Depends on what you are calling weak about the character. His heals are meh but pull and platform are incredible and always come in handy, self healing and mobility AND almost auto aim healing primary. His ult charges quickly and while itā€™s not a life saver like Zens, itā€™s still amazing. Even if you donā€™t heal that much it takes pressure off your teammates. I like his thorns too, they are fun to shoot.

Iā€™ve been playing him a lot more recently and itā€™s a good break from Ana or Zen.
I do think he has to be paired with an actual healer like Moira or Mercy in order to not get team killed due to lack of heals

You are not throwing anything out. If you think that grabbing out one person out of grav or shatter or orisas ult in general is ā€œcountering themā€, then you dont pay attention. Widow and Ashe both profit much more from something like a Mercy much more than from weaver.

Because thereā€™s no way to buff LW without making him overtuned. The character basically plays himself. Thereā€™s no skill expression in his kit. If you buff him so that he could compete with someone like Ana in value, you would use him every game over her, because his value is free and consistent, whereas Anaā€™s value is determined by her playerā€™s skill and consistency.

i dont really mind lifeweaver but when the supports go lifeweaver/mercy then i worry a little lol

still in quickplay games you never know

for lifeweaver to be the ideal pick you need 1 player having terrible positioning.

But often all have good or bad positioning so a single grip wonā€™t do much.

unless its the tank.

Pretty much. If I manage to get on his platform before it raises heā€™s usually a free kill lol

No he straight up kills themā€¦

He doesnā€™t just counter like specific abilities or anything XD he didnā€™t even mention Torb him and his turret get eviscerated.

Because heā€™s easy healing value
Some people like the point and click healing style. He just canā€™t make as many big plays