Lifeguard skins - "blizz knows what theyre doing" - kiriko

i mean, most of the people who find kiri attractive probably fall into the weeb, anime waifu type crowd (as you said, blizzard knows EXACTLY what theyre doing) and i don’t have nearly enough time to explain how most of those characters are already designed to cater to very very questionable tastes. we all remember back when Jeff said the schoolgirl dva skin was gonna ‘break the internet’ right?


Maybe its the extra sun she gets lol.

Tied with Hog tbh.

Which is ironic because those two could actually save you with life grip and hook.

Mercy would just wait for you to drown so she can use rez when you wash on shore.

Kiriko would either teleport to you and drown too or throw suzu at you and have you phase to the bottom of the ocean faster.

Lucio and Junkrat wouldn’t help either but that’s another can of worms.

That only applies to the severe case of underages, like elementary underages.

Highschool girls are just regular highschool girls.

Lucio speedboost the sharks to finish the job faster.


Just look at some of the more deranged D.Va fans.

You most likely would die from infection soon after, since you would be pulled with rusty hook stuck in your flesh out of water.

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Yes. Though I couldn’t tell you why because I genuinely don’t understand what it is about her that the male gaze finds appealing. But if you have ever seen the “forbidden side” of the OW fandom, you would see A lot, and I mean A LOT of Kiriko. They love her over there.

I’ll never understand the popularity among these lifeguard skins.

It’s just a gimmick and meant to be silly. The only maps it works on it Paraiso, first point, literallt by attacker spawn, and Curcuit Royal, last point.

For me, they’re not cool or interesting. I love skins that show off the heros in their offtime during hobbies or casual wear. It shows off more of the characters’ personalities rather then “here’s a funny skin!” Which just doesn’t fit well with my tastes.

“Whoops my songs sent the sharks into a feeding frenzy.” :man_shrugging: “Can’t stop won’t stop.”

Depends how quickly you get treated, but at least you are on land.

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This reminds me of the times when ppl were losing their minds when dva gets a “sexy” (and I use that term very loosely) skin.

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I agree. that smoldie tho

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… Kiriko is in her 20s.

Body shaming is so passe.

FYI some people just can’t gain weight. Same way some people just can’t lose weight.

My boyfriend is 5’ 11" and 120 lbs. He’s in perfect health, he’s just skinny. Nothing we do, nothing he does puts any weight on him. We have tried. I have tried. I’ve snuck butter in all his food (he knew I was going to), we’ve tried protein shakes, we’ve tried supplements, he’s tried lifting, he’s tried being lazy. The scale does not move up or down.

Conversely, I weigh 202 lbs and am 5’ 6" and can’t lose any more weight. It refuses to come off. I’m active and eat healthy, and I’ve dropped 150 lbs (seriously), but now I am stuck at 202 and chances are I will be stuck here forever.

I don’t care that Kiri is a video game character—don’t body shame. And especially don’t body shame Kiriko in a game where Widowmaker and her broken spine exist.


Kiriko’s Asian. And Asian is well known for looking young.

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You mean her schoolgirl skin?

I don’t remember but I guess that counts too.

I mean, plenty of people love to ‘chase’ that type of physique, tbf.

But yeah, definitely meant to be meme.

I refuse to believe she’s 21 because she, Genji and Hanzo grew up together so she must at least be 30 and even that’s pushing it imo.

We are not the same.

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I wish they weren’t cowards and gave roadhog a speedo. :sob: Other than that I kinda physically cringed, rolled my eyes when kiriko was the first thing to see. It’s an okay outfit its kinda meh when you look at it long enough. Lover her hair though really brings out her tomboy side of her. I truly believe she’s just there for a certain type of people with amount of attention she gets and the whole she’s 21 :nerd_face: debacle (Like she can still be older and act cute and young).

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Kinda. They trained with her mother. She was just kinda there as a toddler. It makes a lot of the in game interactions make very little sense but they long ago said the interactions in-game aren’t always canon. Not that they’ve developed the story at all of course lol so canon is… probably abandoned at this point xD

Nah they explicitly stated that they grew up and trained together, as in similar age but both the brothers are middle aged, I think like 35 and 38.

In-game lines used to be lore relevant, but yeah, now they’re much less than sadly. That said, there are sometimes some decent ones such as those involving Lifeweaver.