Lifeguard skins - "blizz knows what theyre doing" - kiriko


I don’t see her as a kid. I see her as a freak.
Her arms has weirdly proportioned muscles and her legs are freakishly large. Her design is really weird imo.

But she will get a schoolgirl skin to please her simps, I’m calling it.

Might be just you.

Her cringe voice lines were enough to turn me off from the character even though her kit is super fun.

To me her skin is more cute than sexy.

But any skin that ain’t free is a HELL NAW from me.

And objectively speaking I think the best looking lifeguard skin is Lifeweaver, no Diddy.


kinda weird of you, honestly. i do not see her as a kid one bit, she is an adult female. yikes.


Japanese maid skin first please.

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You would also need to take in the demographic thing as well.

Japanese is no stranger to sexualize any characters under 18.

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No they are all 400 year old vampires or something similar.

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also with the male disparity is weird to even call kiriko sexual. their topless chests barely covered with life jackets, where are their tops? tank tops, swim tops, shirts? where are their poofy waist coats to cover their behinds? they’re fully exposed feet and legs, junkrat is the only sensible one. i could understand these kind of comments about kiriko if the females had the same skimpy outfits as the males

It’s just a Baywatch thing, they don’t wear any of that, they just carry a floatation device for the most part. Everything else is just forced on to fit or maintain the original hero silhouette as much as possible.

I don’t really see her as “sexy.” She’s more like an “attractive stickbug,” I suppose, but I think people are just meming when they say, “Blizz knew what they were doing.”

There’s no way people are being serious about her lifeguard skin… At least, I’d hope not. :skull::rofl:

For me to be like, “Oh yeah, they definitely knew what they were doing when they made this,” she’d have to be in a bikini with her feet out… If they designed the skin like that, then there’s no way they weren’t out to catch some eyes. LOL


there’s several instances of waist attire that is only present for female skins actively ruining the silhouette to put it there, like widow and ashe. it’s also really inconsistent ruling considering they just made a mythic that makes ashe look like moira.

I haven’t seen the skin yet but Kiriko always came off as a immature college kid to me (college kids are generally adults). And it’s always been an off vibe because they also want me to see her as a as a peer of Hanzo. So, it’s always felt like they just have an aversion to depicting middle aged women.


the hakama got turned into floaty flaps with a bunch of utilities in her waist band to give it a reason for existing, no more exposing than tatsumaki skin. the top is just a fitted tank top. the hair is cuter and the fox hachigane got turned into a beach visor.


Kiriko gives off college girl vibes


Not going to lie, LifeGuarder is the sexiest skin. Kiriko does indeed just look like a kid doing her summer job.

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it looks like a very tame outfit even compared to mercy’s

idk if it’s even supposed to be sexy.

I think when you give it the baywatch treatment you are very clearly selling one thing in particular….which is partly why so many are saying the blizz knowing part


They clearly don’t know what they are doing, or they weren’t doing anything to begin with. If they were, then the footwear on this skin would be exposing her feet in some capacity.

It’s a damned shame it doesn’t though…


Petite women =/= kid


she is older than she looks i think? maybe she ages slower and is actually in her mid or early 30s like how she trained with the shimada brothers when she was a kid… well she is suppose to be around their age i think?