Lifeguard skins - "blizz knows what theyre doing" - kiriko

ok this is going to be a touchy subject i guess…but after seeing all these comments on here and elsewhere about blizz knowing exactly what theyre doing with these lifeguard skins, i found myself wondering “is kiriko considered sexy?”

cause clearly theyre playing off the whole sexy/swimsuit/hot thing (even the dudes)

shes not widow whos the obvious femme fatale, or even mercy who they picked for the whole pam anderson baywatch thing last year…and theyre clearly not going the hog route where its just humerous (ok someone might find that hot)

i see kiriko and all i see is a kid…just me?


Kiriko’s a kid to me too, which makes the whole baywatch thing really weird.
But if i had to name her something, she’d be cute.

Not the adult cute like mercy, but like a puppy dog cute. It’s adorable, you adopt it. Then realize it’s not house trained and likes to chew on everything.


I see a kid also which makes me want the skin more (This is a joke please don’t ban me for this) but in all seriousness legal loli in anime is a thing for a reason.

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I can’t speak on Kiriko, but looking at Lifeweaver’s skin yes they absolutely know what they’re doing


Ya I will need that skin and I am straight as hell.


I’m just sad that i’ve heard lifeweaver isn’t in the pass. I love those tattoos. He’d be my one reason to get the pass, but maybe he’ll be available next year…

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Ya the pass is meh (for me) but I want the prisms so I will probably still get it. (I am on the fence still though as is the prisms alone enough for me to get it. 80 is like 70$ worth and if saved from this pass I can immediately buy the next mythic) Though the next mythic is likely to be a tank mythic which i won’t want so I probably will wait till next season now that I think about it.

Though I didn’t get Moira mythic which means I could save for that when it enters shop.

Maybe the next season has a nice mythic weapon for support?
And it is 80 prisms for 10$/1k coins…

Where? Even as a boomer I think those skins are disguisingly tame. There are far more inappropriate things in this game than a hot skin.

Kiriko is apparently 21

True there is that possibility now also. (Which though a little annoying if you save prisms from each pass you should be able to get all your main roles mythics) Just the people that want everything will be a little pissed lol.

Lore or not, the discussion was about how she comes accross to people.
If i didn’t know that every human in this roster is over 18, i’d guess her age as 15.


have you watched an anime? Everyone looks like they are 15 (and sometimes they even are)

Clearly not just you based on responses, but I’m actually surprised because she doesn’t come across as a kid to me. I see her as a cute 20 something.

That said, they know exactly what they’re doing. Look at the Roadhog skin.


I always preferred the animes with older folks in them. (Wolf’s rain, tiger and bunny etc)
But yes i have.
And i think it’s a problem that women are potrayed as younger looking than they should be. (Ow is also guilty of this)

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Kiri is built like danny smoke. Her proportions in that skin scare me :sob:

Blizzard is finally realizing my babygirl pushes skins so they need to give him more… I won!


I watch plenty of anime…I think the same question prob applies in plenty off places there too

I don’t think she’s ever had the “sexy” aesthetic before, or at least they’ve never really played into her attractiveness…so it’s weird for them to go that route here is what I’m getting at

Like if they gave Moira a lifeguard skin I think many people would prob think “huh?”…I’m getting same reaction to her here

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Considering this is the overwatch community, I wouldn’t be surprised if some ‘people’ find that as part of her appeal


Kiriko’s swim suit, for a 21yo, is extremely tame imo, extremely lol

So if the issue is simply that she’s showing skin, then maybe those people just need some sunlight lol


I think it is kind of weird to see kiriko as a kid, she comes across as early 20s to me.


Post makes genuinely no sense to me. Kiriko is the exact same apparent age as Widow and Mercy, or any of the other female cast asides from Ana.

And in lore we’re supposed to believe she was only a few years younger than Hanzo and Genji since they were all kids together.

This is legit just cartoon gaming moment and searching for a reason to be upset.

The skin isnt even that hot, in terms of sexualization this is so tame Im genuinely not convinced they were trying to in the first place