Lifeguard skins - "blizz knows what theyre doing" - kiriko

37 and 40 so its even worse xD

Its all probably nonsense at the end of the day, but I think it would be more accurate to say, she grew up with them, rather than they grew up together. Only other way to rationalize it would be if both brothers were profoundly socially underdeveloped because of their backgrounds killing their childhood (moreso in the case of Hanzo since Genji was the slacker in the arcade) but thats a stretch.

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Okay, cool - I’m 240lbs and 6’1. I’ve been deathly skinny, which is why that Kiri skin makes me uncomfortable, if we’re gonna make it about ourselves. I was barely pushing 100lbs 4 years ago.

So don’t go off at me about body shaming, Ms. Social Justice Warrior. I’m saying Kiri looks unhealthy simply as a fact - She looks no different than I did, barring gender differences, fictional or not.

Mei Honey Dew outfit is sexier than that.

I’ve notice people in certain country really see children in anything young


Given how their fired the story mode devs I think it’s safe to say they are now making things up as they go along.

It’s funny when a 20 something sees another 20 something as child. So glad I grew up in the 90s.


Oh and yes they know what they are doing!!!

Just look at that Hog skin!!! :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:

Take my money Blizz!!!

That just sounds like your age showing. She’s in her 20s. People like college girls. This doesn’t seem to be a particular stretch just because she doesn’t fit into some weird fetish trope.

My sister and I are almost 40 and people still think we’re high school/college students

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I had some dude offer to boost me in comp in exchange for nudes a few years ago (I posted screenshots of it back then lol!). He seemed quite perturbed when I told him I was in my early 40’s. He said my Discord profile picture made me look like I was in my 20’s! lmao noooooo not for a long long time buddy.

No, he did not get nudes, I mean wtf who does that anyway have some self respect.

Our generation aged really well, I guess.

It probably helps a lot that I avoided the sun like a vampire and still do lol. I’ve seen some of those girls who used to tan with the playboy bunny stickers on their pelvis, they are not all looking so good :stuck_out_tongue: was one of the most popular heroes until the timeskip. I’ll let you come to your own conclusions on that one.