Lifeguard skins - "blizz knows what theyre doing" - kiriko

Mercy is hot while kiri is cute shes nt really a kid shes a young adult as 21 is out of the teen era


I’ve never got the vibe that Kiriko was a kid. That’s a little weird.


they probably get that because she looks super young as japanese people look younger than they actually are

Should we tell them?

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not upset…just confused

maybe its the pam anderson treatment that theyre giving her here, which is overtly “look at this!”…which seems off for the character

again, maybe its just me

Lifeweaver is for all

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I dont know man, “the character” Kiriko is pretty “look at this!”. She literally wants to be looked at ie “wait till you see me on my bike”

The skin is insanely normal, and frankly wouldnt even turn heads on someone IRL.

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If hog is sexy enough for a swimsuit so is kiriko, no?

Not just you, Kiriko looks like a little kid to me too. At best, she looks anime “cute” on some of the skins but not “sexy” like widowmaker. I don’t really understand these “waifu” stuff either. Heck, I don’t even understand why some guys adore Hatsune Miku either. But maybe that’s where these types of fanbase are coming from.


no offense to hogs imposing physique…but i dont think theyre playing the same card with him :sweat_smile:

i think its a very different type of “look at this!” in that case

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I refuse to believe she’s 21, she looks younger than Iliari who, it we’re not counting Orisa (as she’s a robot), is the youngest hero at 18.

Plus, she really needs to eat a bagel, or something; Kiri does not look healthy. I feel like so much as a flick on the shoulder would break every bone in her arm.


oh, she is very much healthy, I can tell you that :smirk:


Shes old enough to wear that

Kiriko is literally 21 y/o, how is she a kid?? She can literally wear whatever she wants lmao, why does everything have to even be sexualized in this game??

For me personally i just get the tomboy vibe from her, nothing about her vibe screams sexy to me.


Yes and thats something I find extremely common in general when it comes to any entertainment product coming out (or based on) Japan and South Korea lol. Whether its animation, game development, or pop music bands. The characters and personas all look under 18.

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I mean, I know they gave her the “official” age of 21, but I just can’t buy into that what with the connection she supposedly has to the Shimadas.

So I guess I have a bit of a perception bias in seeing her as something like a 28 year old who acts like a kid and as such the new skin didn’t even phase me in the same regard as you, OP.

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yo, that’s information you keep to yourself, hidden forever.

get help.


Kiriko is 21 (which I still don’t believe if she was supposedly “childhood friends” with the Shimadas… she should at least be late 20s early/mid 30s by that logic…) She’s not a kid, but she is young. She’s a tomboy if anything.

Illari is the youngest Overwatch hero at 18. You should see her as a kid. Or does the PTSD and standoffish mood hide it well. :stuck_out_tongue:


Every skin is pg. I have yet to see any sexy skin.

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The reason I have to put its a joke at the end of jokes is for people like you. (actually I know you are joking here also so this sentence is also not serious).