LGBT Profile Icon

You not wrong it wasn’t the best idea but like, A flag of pride gets alot of attention when it is a minor change that honestly in my opinion should not get that much attention. Either it’s added or not but something like what I have posted has actually Put forth some changes that can help improve the actual gameplay of overwatch. I get it is kinda scummy but like in all honesty I just wanted to get it out there. Sorry I know it was very lazy of me.

Also It was a bad move on my part. A simple please remove your comment would have been appreciated rather than a report to my comment. But I have deleted it.

It’s okay, don’t worry.

It’s sad that your well thought thread got no attention, but it’s already quite old.

Maybe try to re-post it?

Good Idea. I’ll try that

What happened to like 50% of the replies?

Personally I’m not LGBT but I have many friends that are. The reason I made my statement is for the reason people say political things like religion or sexuality have no place in games like this… well since they have directly added religious cosmetics I see no reason why there shouldn’t be a rainbow icon.

I think people who are against it… well it shows a lot more about them if you actively fight against having a picture of a rainbow whether it be pointless or not.

Again. It isn’t that hard.

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There were a few people who were trying to get the thread closed through inappropriate remarks and off-topic discussion – a common tactic in these parts. Instead of locking the thread, the mods deleted the offending posts. That seems like the better option, but I also know that it takes more effort to go through each post piece by piece.

Thank you, moderators. I know that this wasn’t easy.


what is going on here

a warzone in the forums leads to a warzone in the chat of a video game

Honestly speaking. I think what those people were saying were just their opinions which means nothing they say is necessarily right or wrong it’s more like a pov. I think it is quite wrong to silence or sensor these voices but rather discuss and find a better solution. As majority of the comments in these posts do not really get much attention from blizzard. Atleast that’s what I think as if it did. Some change or reference to this change would be mentioned somewhere in an update video or something.

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Anyone that speaks their opinion and it differs from OP gets false flagged for trolling. So no, you’re not allowed to take part in a discussion if you think differently but hey, the forum mods think it’s fair to silence them apparently.


It’s been that way for decades, long before the invention of social media. Back when a tweet was just a sound a bird made.

Apperently it’s a double edged sword.

I can claim the same about you and your friends, my thread got hidden the 2nd time now…

And please stop with the accusations.

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His dogtags before he came the Reaper actually state he’s an atheist in his Soldier skin. Also Soldier 76 is Catholic

I have done NOTHING but defend my point. I haven’t flagged anything. This is not a double edged sword.

And please, you wanna tell me it’s a coincidence that I’ve gotten so many messages about being flagged for trolling ever since you showed up? Don’t even try to convince me that you’re not taking part in this. I’m defending my point and being accused of trolling when really, you seem to be oh so protective over people that are LGBT. Why am I not allowed to say what’s on my mind then, huh?

EDIT: I can very well have a discussion without accusing other people of trolling bc they have a different opinion. Seems like thats not a common thing on here.

Different people have different beliefs , why do you want to impose your beliefs on someone , if someone is uncomfortable , why can’t u just back off in the first place , it’s not that hard.

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I’m not directly replying to op I just clicked the reply button at the top-

The fact that the idea of a LGBT icon creates so much argument is all the proof needed to show why there needs to be one.

LGBT is not controversial. Saying all people should be treated equal is not controversial.

Being offended by the idea of an equality symbol being added to the game means that you are a bigot end of story. Get educated or get out. Bigots do not deserve a safe space where they can feel like their views are okay or normal.


Getting special treatments for something u want to normalise and which is already normalised does seem stupid , meh , first world problems are something else

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Press X to doubt.


Zzz last I heard u guys have the same rights as anyone else

  1. That’s not enough for us to be normalised. :stuck_out_tongue: We need equal civil rights.
  2. In some states, we don’t have the same rights. Personally, as a British person I also don’t have certain protections guaranteed to maintain such equality. :yawning_face:

If it was normalised, this thread wouldn’t be required nor would it have caused such an uproar.